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Strength training is essential for women's muscle health.But protein is also important: shots

Strength training is essential for women's muscle health.But protein is also important: shots


This tuna, chickpea, and parmesan salad bowl is packed with protein, which is essential for building muscle.

Alison Aubrey/NPR



Alison Aubrey/NPR

This tuna, chickpea, and parmesan salad bowl is packed with protein, which is essential for building muscle.

Alison Aubrey/NPR

If you've ever seen a loved one take a bad fall, like my mom did a few months ago, you know the importance of strength.

Muscle mass peaks in your 30s and then begins a long, slow decline.Also called muscle loss sarcopeniaaffects more than 45% of older Americansespecially women.

“As a country, we lack muscle,” he says. richard joseph, a doctor who values ​​health.that's the key culprit Declining physical strength.

As physical strength decreases, the risk of falling increases. top cause of death Due to injury in the elderly. The Bureau of Women's Health recently Sarcopenia awareness campaign To heighten the problem.

The good news: No matter your age, you can take steps to maximize your potential. Resistance training is important, but so is eating enough protein.

If you're not getting enough protein, you're “missing half the equation,” says nutrition and exercise scientist. rachel pojednick Researcher in lifestyle medicine at Stanford University. However, millions of older women in the United States Don't take enough Research shows that it is a protein.

Protein is very important because it is found in all of our cells, including muscle cells, and our bodies constantly recycle protein. There is a steady demand for new supplies, and protein-rich foods provide the amino acids that are the building blocks of new proteins that our bodies need.

As you age, the goal is to get protein from food at a faster rate than your body can break it down. Adding resistance training can help maintain muscle mass, Pojedonic says.

So, how much is enough?of Recommended intake You need a minimum of 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. This is approximately 0.36 grams of protein multiplied by your body weight in pounds. That means a person weighing 150 pounds should consume at least 54 grams of protein per day.

However, many experts say a higher amount is optimal. As you get older, you need to increase your protein intake. You may also benefit even more if you exercise frequently to build new muscle.

sports medicine expert For those actively training, it is recommended to consume up to 1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight each day. This is about 115 grams for a person weighing 150 pounds.

Most young people tend to consume the recommended amount of protein. But later in life, 2019 survey It was found that about 30% of men in their 50s and 60s are deficient, and almost half of women over 50 are deficient.

So, as part of my Healthy aging project, I decided to increase my protein intake. I was advised to aim for 90 grams of protein a day, which I found difficult at first. So I asked experts to share key foods and strategies for incorporating more protein into your diet. Here are some ideas:

Here is an example of a high protein breakfast. Estimates are from food labels; This protein guide From Kaiser Permanente.

Alison Aubrey/Katie Hayes Luke/NPR



Alison Aubrey/Katie Hayes Luke/NPR

Here is an example of a high protein breakfast. Estimates are from food labels; This protein guide From Kaiser Permanente.

Alison Aubrey/Katie Hayes Luke/NPR

1. Increase the amount of Greek yogurt in the morning

At about 17 grams per 3/4 cup, Greek yogurt is an excellent source of protein. You can eat it as is, add sweet or savory toppings, or add it to smoothies. “It's rich in casein protein, which is extremely versatile and slow to digest, so it keeps you full while also promoting muscle protein synthesis, the process of building muscle mass,” says Pojedonic.

2. Eggs are an easy way to get protein on the go

Boiled eggs are a great choice, as a large egg contains 6 grams of protein. Hard-boil 12 eggs and store them in the fridge so they're ready to go. And whether you like scrambled eggs or poached eggs, eating eggs in the morning or as a mid-morning snack will get you there in time for lunch.The US Dietary Guidelines say: one egg a day Healthy people are not at increased risk of heart disease, but some adults may need to limit eggs due to cholesterol concerns.

3. Power up your smoothie with powdered protein

If you have a blender and some fruits and vegetables on hand, you're all set. “We have a huge smoothie game in our house,” Joseph says. “I love smoothies, and my kids love smoothies,” he says, adding that you can easily add extra protein by mixing in a spoonful of protein powder. Whey protein powder, where the whey and curds are separated during the cheese-making process, contains all the essential amino acids our bodies need and is another great option for getting high protein on the go. .I like to buy a big bag of frozen berries and add them to my smoothies. spirulina, protein-rich algae. Also, if your bananas or vegetables are overripe, add more so they don't go to waste.

The Parmesan cheese on this tuna and chickpea salad is surprisingly high in protein.

Alison Aubrey/Katie Hayes Luke/NPR



Alison Aubrey/Katie Hayes Luke/NPR

The Parmesan cheese on this tuna and chickpea salad is surprisingly high in protein.

Alison Aubrey/Katie Hayes Luke/NPR

4. Add tuna to salad

Fish is a chock block rich in protein. One serving of cod is about 40 grams, and both salmon and tuna are about 30 grams. Rachel Podjednic also says that fish is a good source of unsaturated rather than saturated fat, which can be beneficial for your heart health. One of his super easy options is to put a can of pureed tuna on top of the vegetables and add some fruit and nuts for crunch. And voila, I met my protein goal!

5. Sprinkle nuts and seeds on your protein.

Nuts and seeds tend to be about the same or even better in the protein category. legumes, So try sprinkling it on salads and rice bowls, says Pojedonic. Both hemp seeds and pumpkin seeds contain about 8 grams per 1/4 cup, and can be added to yogurt, oatmeal, salads, bowls, and more for a healthy “crunch,” he says. Pumpkin seeds are also rich in magnesium, which is beneficial for heart health.

6. Add a protein punch with a little meat

Meat is the largest source of protein and contains approximately 7 grams of protein per ounce, and many nutritionists say to aim for lean cuts of meat, such as chicken breast or lean ground turkey. However, as many people are looking to lose weight, there are many plant-based alternatives.a new research A paper published this month in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that adequate protein intake during midlife, especially plant-based protein, can: pretty high odds Aiming for healthy aging.

This high-protein dinner includes eggplant stuffed with black beans.

Alison Aubrey/Katie Hayes Luke/NPR



Alison Aubrey/Katie Hayes Luke/NPR

This high-protein dinner includes eggplant stuffed with black beans.

Alison Aubrey/Katie Hayes Luke/NPR

7. Delicious ways to eat tofu and beans

Lentils and chickpeas are two of my favorite plant-based protein sources and are delicious on their own or in curries and soups. You can also cook it in a pot and store it in the fridge to add to salads. Tofu and edamame are also available at most supermarkets at reasonable prices. A lesser-known option is tempeh (soy-based), which has about 18 to 20 grams of protein per serving. This is a trick to prevent tofu from becoming mushy. Tofu cubes are sprinkled with a little cornstarch and fried in a pan to give them a crispy exterior. Then add a sauce, such as peanut sauce or pesto.

8. Don't overlook high-protein grains

I love the nutty flavor, Chewy texture of farro, ancient grains It attracted many fans. It's easy to prepare, just add the grains to boiling water and simmer. A few cups will be enough for several meals. With twice the protein, it's “a great replacement for rice,” Pojedonic says. Farro is also rich in dietary fiber. Quinoa is also a good option, containing about 8 grams of protein per cup.

9. Don't forget your vegetables

Vegetables aren't the main source of protein, but they can add a few grams. For example, 1 cup of broccoli contains about 2.6 grams. Green and colorful vegetables are also full of beneficial vitamins, micronutrients, and antioxidant compounds that are good for your health. Eating salad every day is clearer memory, too. So keep a bowl of chopped veggies on hand to snack on or mix into salads, stews, and soups.

I'd love to hear or see how you incorporate protein into your diet. You can share your tips and photos using the form below.Or contact us here [email protected]

This article was edited by Jane Greenhalgh and Carmel Wroth




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