Lawsuits against ultra-processed foods
The category of ultra-processed foods, most prominently defined by the Nova classification, has come under increased scrutiny in recent months, with many critics arguing that, at least by definition, “ultra-processed” does not necessarily lead to poor health. The house suggests.
However, research studies have shown that there are many causes of poor health, including a high prevalence of type 2 diabetes, a high prevalence of high blood pressure and musculoskeletal problems, and an increase in the number of people living with obesity. is linked to food (53% were obese in 2019). The EU was obese).
Chris van Tulleken, a doctor and author, and Henry Dimbleby, former non-executive director of the UK government's Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and author of the department's National Policy, discuss the importance of food and I believe there is a link to poor health. Food strategy (ignored that) is a food industry driven by commercial incentives to produce ultra-processed foods, which are said to be designed to promote excessive food consumption and cause poor health. .
“We have evidence that there is a single category of diet that causes harm, and that is America's industrialized diet produced by multinational food corporations,” he told the House of Lords Foods in London yesterday.・Mr. Van Tureken suggested this at the Diet and Obesity Committee.
What is ultra-processed food?
“If a food product is wrapped in plastic and contains at least one ingredient you wouldn't find in your home kitchen, it's probably ultra-processed,” van Tureken says. “If you're reading an ingredient list, you're probably looking at an ultra-processed food.
Consumer misconceptions about “ultra-processed foods”
according to Researcher Jenny Chapman, it is a mistake to use the phrase “ultra-processed” as a synonym for nutrition. Her research suggested that this mistake has led to a general negative attitude towards the category, and a reluctance to consume plant-based meat in particular.
She argued that “ultra-processed foods” are not a nutrition category and were never intended to be. Carlos Monteiro, the designer of the Nova classification, the most widely disseminated framework for identifying levels of food processing, cited changes in the social structure of his native Brazil, such as people not spending enough time in the kitchen. He was concerned about this and blamed the problem on “factory foods.” Chapman argued that ultra-processed foods are a “sociopolitical category” rather than a nutritional category.
Previous research has shown that what is classified as “ultra-processed” in the Nova classification; often coincides with consumer instinctsWhat is “super processing”?
It's not necessarily about individual ingredients, he stressed, but “a way to describe dietary patterns.” And the evidence applies to categories, dietary patterns, rather than individual products. ”
Both speakers emphasized that this dietary pattern is not by definition high in sugar, salt, fat, or calories. However, ultra-processed foods are usually high in at least one of these, due to commercial incentives for food produced on an industrial scale to force people to continue eating them. they say.
Van Tureken also suggested that ultra-processed foods could be made without many of these less healthy ingredients. For example, replacing sugar with non-nutritive sweeteners or replacing fat with starch. However, he suggested this would not suit the “profit motive” of food companies.
However, research suggests that even when fat, salt and sugar are subtracted, the difference in health outcomes between ultra-processed and non-ultra-processed foods remains “statistically significant.”
For example, Professor van Tureken said that although it cannot be proven that emulsifiers cause cancer or cardiovascular disease, the evidence is strong enough that if emulsifiers were a drug, they would not be eligible for phase 3 human trials. He suggested that it would not reach the level of Approximately 33% of drugs advance to Phase 3.
He emphasized that the main characteristic of ultra-processed foods, and the root of the problems they cause, is the commercial incentive to create foods that people can't stop eating. Dimbleby and Van Tureken say the food is designed to make consumers want as much of it as possible, increasing consumption and, in turn, profits for companies. In short, it is driven by the profit motive.
Van Tureken said the manufacturer intentionally processed the food to make people eat more of it, and is on record. “This is no secret, because the purpose of food is to make money for food companies.”
Misuse of the term “ultra-processed foods”
according to recent white papers According to the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), many of the proposed definitions of ultra-processed foods, such as those provided by the Nova classification, are miscategorical.
According to the white paper, “processed food” refers to the way the food is made, not the composition of the food. In other words, just because food is produced on an industrial scale does not mean it is nutritionally inferior.
According to the white paper, Nova's classification gives higher scores to some foods made industrially than those made in home kitchens, even though the processes are similar, only on a different scale. It is said that
Mr Dimbleby argued that the term 'ultra-processed' was more effective than 'junk food' because it emphasized the commercial benefits inherent in the category.
“This is not a little bit of joy. This is a huge industry messing with you. I think the reason it sticks out is… because basically all of the money, or the money that's being made… “Because a lot of money is being made by things that are harmful to you, and I think that's why this is such a useful definition,” he said.
However, Dimbleby said individual members of the food industry, even those at the top such as CEOs, cannot change the nutritional composition of food on their own if it affects the bottom line. “Unilateral action is almost impossible. If you did that, you would be fired as CEO.”
“Companies have no control over their own business models and are obligated to institutional investors,” van Tureken added. This, they suggested, is why government regulation is important.
Health content is relational, not definitional.
During the session, Van Taleken and Dimbleby emphasized that “ultra-processed foods” are often useful indicators of poor health; This correlation doesn't always occur, so to claim that the category has no value is taking it too literally.
For example, last year the British Nutrition Foundation criticized a study linking ultra-processed foods to poor health, saying the link was not causation. “There is no clear evidence of a causal relationship between processing itself and health,” the group said.
Mr Dimbleby criticized this assessment as “very literal” and said: “They are very literal in claiming that if you look closely, most of the food is bad for you. Well, some may not.'' ”
He gave the example of black bread. Although sliced brown bread is classified as an ultra-processed product, it is rich in dietary fiber, which Dimbleby says is one of the most important nutrients we don't get enough of. I am. It may not be good for someone who is deficient in dietary fiber to decide to stop eating brown bread, but for Dimbleby, this means taking a critical attitude towards ultra-processed foods. There was not enough discussion. He predicted that sliced brown bread would make up about 3% of foods classified as ultra-processed.
Conversely, many foods that are not officially “ultra-processed” are extremely unhealthy, even though they contain only domestically produced ingredients. “Do you think soft, salty, sugary, high-calorie (supermarket) lasagna is completely harmless because it doesn't technically fall into the ultra-processed category? Absolutely not.” Van Tulleken emphasized.
He said sausages contain trace amounts of certain ultra-processed ingredients, and removing them won't “magically make them healthier.”
The reason there is a “loophole” in the definition of ultra-processed is that since the category was invented, manufacturers have managed to produce “clean-label products that are cleverly designed to encourage overconsumption,” he said. suggested.
Proposed solution
Mr Dimbleby, who has a background in government policy, proposed several solutions to combat ultra-processed foods.
First, he laid out three major goals.
- Limit commercial incentives for food companies.
- Focus on helping people in poverty eat well.
- Create structural mechanisms to ensure continued progress across governments.
He also proposed several separate policies to the British government.
- A total ban on advertising of ultra-processed foods to break commercial incentives.
- Black octagon for UPF compatible products. These black octagons act as warning labels, limiting products that can make health claims. These products will not be allowed to be sold in schools, hospitals or prisons, Van Tureken added.
- A reform tax on salt and sugar is a possibility (although he acknowledged this would be politically difficult in the midst of a cost of living crisis).
- Universal free school meals, or at least for everyone on Universal Credit (Britain's welfare payment).
- Provide fruit and vegetable vouchers to people living in poverty.
- Introducing legal targets for health impacts, for which governments must report.
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