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Jeffrey Epstein has been connected with some of the richest and most powerful men in the world. One of these men is current US President Donald Trump. Sources say Trump was a close friend of the former Wall Street investor who ran a sex trafficking ring and died of apparent suicide while awaiting trial in New York.

There is overwhelming evidence that Jeffrey Epstein ran a sex trafficking pyramid scheme involving underage girls. According to the survivors, Epstein and his girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell, forced them to sleep with politicians, celebrities, lawyers and members of the royal family.

The connection between a sex trafficker like Jeffrey Epstein and America’s most powerful man raises some alarms. How did they meet? Were they still in contact? Here’s everything we know about the friendship between Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump.

When Donald met Jeffrey

According to an interview with Cosmopolitan in 2002, Donald Trump said that he and Jeffrey Epstein were great friends who had known each other for fifteen years. This puts their first meeting in the late 1980s. By this time, Epstein had just started his own investment firm and was making connections with CEOs like Leslie Wexner.

In the late 1980s, Donald Trump was a real estate mogul in New York City, where Jeffrey Epstein lived. It is possible that both are at the same party. They would have had a mutual interest in meeting: Trump to have a financier and Epstein to secure another wealthy client for his investment firm.

palm beach

New York wasn’t the only place Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump spent time together. They both owned mansions in Palm Beach, Florida. Trump owns Mar-a-Lago, his private golf course where he spends a lot of time on vacation. The Epsteins mansion, which was a hub for his sex trafficking operation, was close to Mar-a-Lago.

Jeffrey Epstein bought his mansion in 1990. Donald Trump bought Mar-a-Lago in 1985, turning it into a private resort ten years later. While Epstein and Trump both lived in Palm Beach, Mar-a-Lago hosted the infamous Calendar Girl Club where Epstein and Trump both attended.

Friends with benefits

According to one of Donald Trump’s aides, Trump was friends with Jeffrey Epstein and hung out with him a lot because he was rich. The enormous wealth that Epstein and Trump achieved kept them in an island social circle. They were two rich men invested in a very small pond.

According to sources, Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein are both winger at parties. They had been close to each other for years and, according to some sources, Epstein was the one to introduce Trump to his current wife, Melania. Then a bidding war in 2004 would have upset their friendship.

From real estate brothers to real estate rivals

In 2004, a mansion called Maison De Lamitie, which ironically translates to House of Friendship, went up for sale in Palm Beach. Being a lucrative property, real estate baron Donald Trump and investor Jeffrey Epstein had their eyes on the price.

The bidding war has started. This almost ended their friendship, each accusing the other of not having enough money. Donald Trump even banned Jeffrey Epstein from Mar-a-Lago. The ban was due to Epstein being inappropriate with an underage guest girl.

The friendship was well over in 2008 after Jeffrey Epstein was convicted of soliciting a prostitute and soliciting a minor. Donald Trump now denies that he and Epstein were ever friends. According to a 2018 interview with Miami attorney Bradley Edwards, a prosecutor in the Epstein case, Trump was more than willing to discuss the details with him about Epstein.

Padding the cabinet

Despite the falling out, Donald Trump named two notable ties to Jeffrey Epstein in his cabinet after his inauguration. The first was Alex Acosta, the US lawyer tasked with negotiating a ridiculously lenient plea deal with Jeffrey Epstein in 2008. Trump appointed him Secretary of Labor in 2017.

The plea deal Acosta brokered with Jeffrey Epstein reduced the multiple charges Epstein faced to two. The life sentence that may have accompanied the charges became one year with a lenient detention deal. The deal sparked a public uproar after Epsteins’ arrest in 2019. Afterwards, Acosta resigned with the blessing of Donald Trump.

Donald Trump also appointed current US Attorney General William Barr, whose father hired Jeffrey Epstein to teach at Dalton School. Despite the link, Barr refused to withdraw from the investigation. It is not known whether Trump knew Acosta or Barr due to his previous connection to Epstein.

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