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Ban SUV advertises to meet UK climate goals


Ads in sports utility vehicles that emit more greenhouse gases than other cars should be banned so that the UK can meet its climate goals, the report said.

According to the International Energy Agency, a significant increase in the number of SUVs in the UK and around the world has made the second largest contribution to global emissions growth since 2010.

The size, weight and drag of an SUV consumes more fuel and emits more carbon dioxide than a regular vehicle. But according to a report from the New Weather Institute’s think tank and climate charity, manufacturers are advertising millions of vehicles and increasing their share in the UK auto market.

In the UK last year, more than 150,000 new cars exceeded 4.8 meters, which would not fit into a standard parking space.

What is SUV The SUV, also known as the Chelsea Tractor, stands for a sport utility vehicle. There are no strict and quick rules about which vehicles are eligible for SUVS, but the general theme is that they incorporate the design elements of off-road vehicles.

How popular are they? In 2010, around 200,000 SUVs were registered in the UK. Almost 1 million people were registered in 2019. Today, about 40% of annual car sales in the UK are SUVs, less than 20% compared to 10 years ago.

What environmental issues do you encounter? Increasing size, weight and drag result in higher fuel consumption and CO2 emissions than regular cars. Between 2010 and 2018, SUVs double their global market share from 17% to 39%, sending annual emissions to over 700 megatons of CO2. According to the IEA, SUVs have been the second largest contributor to global CO2 emissions growth since 2010 after the power sector.

The IEA said that if consumers continue to have an appetite for SUVs, they will offset the cost of about 150 million electric vehicles by 2040 by adding about 2 million barrels a day to global oil demand.

What is another problem with SUVs? They are especially dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists. Last year in Berlin, there was a demand that SUV drivers should be banned in the city center after killing four pedestrians.

Drivers are also at risk. Partly because the height is more likely to roll the vehicle, there is an 11% chance of dying in an accident than a driver driving a regular car.

So why is it so popular? Automakers are driving SUV sales to maximize profits, the campaign group says. According to analysts, Ford profits most from the sale of large SUVs and pickup trucks, and loses or loses money from the sale of smaller models.

All major car brands are driving rapid sales growth in the SUV range, which is happening all over the world. Data signals that urge ads include obviously increased demand for SUV models, such as attracting children, promoting or moving home.

SUVs account for more than 40% of new cars sold in the UK, while full electric vehicles account for less than 2%. Globally, there are SUVs over 200m in 2010, which increased by 35m in 2010, accounting for 60% of automobile vehicles worldwide since 2010.

The Upselling Smoke report found that the worldwide trend of sharply increasing sales of larger, more polluted SUVs is jeopardizing climate targets.

Cigarette-style advertising bans are required for vehicles with an average emissions above 160 gCO2/km and over 4.8 meters in length. The report is one-third of the dirtiest cars sold in the UK, the report said.

SUV graphics

Andrew Simms, co-director of the New Weather Institute, said: We ended smoking ads when we understood the dangers that smoking had to public health.

Now that we know about human health and climate damage from car pollution, stopping advertising is aggravating the problem. In a world where pandemics are prone, people need clean air and more space between cities and city streets. He said advertising that promotes the largest and worst SUVs has the effect of upselling pollution.

According to the report, the money spent on advertising by 1.2 billion automakers in the UK last year is increasingly focused on driving SUVs for $35.5 billion (267 billion) worldwide. For two years from September 2016 to 2018, Ford allocated 85% of advertising spending to the latter after US advertising spending between cars and SUV/pickup trucks shrank to around 50/50.

This report shows the similarities between smoking and SUVs. Tobacco harms consumers, and tobacco companies benefit from the way they capture the most loyal customers. SUVs are sold to protect the driver. [but] Physical size, weight and pollution levels create a more dangerous and toxic urban environment for both drivers and pedestrians.

The UK targets net zero emissions by 2050.

After Brexit was designed to closely match EU cars, the government’s plan for CO2 emission standards for new cars in the UK would allow manufacturers to reduce CO2/km by 37.5% by 2030.

Advertising bans will allow manufacturers to focus advertising costs on more fuel-efficient cars, researchers said. Photo: AP

However, the report says the increase in SUV sales is jeopardizing climate targets.

The UK government’s plans to reach net zero emissions rely on British drivers to quickly switch from clean conversions of electric vehicles to buying traditional gasoline and diesel vehicles.

Now it started to happen, but there is a problem. SUV purchases are shifting faster, and as a result, the average carbon emissions of new cars sold in the UK have increased over the past four years without decreasing.

According to the report, ending ads for high-carbon cars can eliminate drivers that increase market share. In addition, the measure says manufacturers should focus on advertising costs on smaller, more fuel-efficient cars and advanced models in fully electric versions.

The UK Energy Research Center said meeting the UK’s climate commitment means that immediate action is needed to respond to the rapid increase in sales of large vehicles.

Possible’s campaign, Robbie Gillett, said: Millions of us are trying to address the climate crisis by reducing our carbon footprint, but billions of pounds of auto and advertising are literally overly polluted. I am actively marketing. British street.

Misleading advertisements promise us freedom and escape, but the reality of urban road conditions destroys climate goals by increasing carbon emissions from traffic jams, poisonous air pollution and road transport. You can create a space to think freely and a space to breathe from the advertising pressures of large pollutants.

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