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Nigel Farage runs for parliament as British reform leader

Nigel Farage runs for parliament as British reform leader


Nigel Farage will run for parliament as leader of Reform UK (Alamy)

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Nigel Farage has announced that he has taken on the role of reform leader and will stand as a candidate in the July 4 general election.

Farage told a news conference in London on Monday that he had agreed to take over the leadership role from Richard Tice, who has been leader of the right-wing party since its formation in 2021.

Farage then announced that he would run as Clacton's candidate, which according to recent polls he is very likely to win. The seat is being defended by Conservative candidate Giles Watling.

Former UKIP leader Farage previously ruled out running in next month's general election after claiming six weeks was not enough for him to campaign and win seats.

But he said today that he felt he would disappoint “millions” of voters if he didn't change his mind and run for the House seat.

“I can't let those millions of people down. I just can't do it. It's wrong. So I decided to change my mind.

“It's not always a sign of weakness. It can potentially be a sign of strength. That's why I'm running in this election. I'll be running in the Essex seaside town of Claxon tomorrow at noon.”

Farage said he was leading a “political revolt” against the Westminster system. “Something is happening out there,” the new reform leader said.

Reform's polls have steadily improved in recent months under Tice's leadership, and Farage's announcement on Monday will further fuel fears that Conservative candidates will suffer a heavy defeat on July 4.

Labor is expected to secure a majority of 194 seats, according to a YouGov poll published on Monday. This is a larger number of seats than former Labor Prime Minister Tony Blair achieved in the 1997 general election. A separate MRP poll conducted by More in Common found Labor headed for a smaller but still significant parliamentary majority of 114 seats. A new poll by Redfield & Wilton shows Labor ahead of the Conservatives by 26 points.

There are concerns among Tory figures that the reforms boosted by Farage's return will rob the Conservatives of votes in seats across the country, making the tough task they face of avoiding defeat to Labor in the general election more difficult.

Farage said today that he believed Reform UK would win more than four million votes in the general election, surpassing the number of votes UKIP received in 2015 when he was leader.

“We will get a lot more than that,” he said, referring to the 4 million votes. “Under the current system, how many seats can we win in parliament? Well, that's another question. It depends on how much momentum we can get here.”

Farage believes the Conservatives will be crushed in an election for Sunak, and has said the election is a fait accompli and that Labor is very likely to win a majority.

He also flatly ruled out striking an electoral deal with the Conservatives, telling reporters “it's not in your nelly”. His decision to expel Brexit Party candidates from some seats in 2019 was instrumental in helping former Tory Prime Minister Boris Johnson win 80 seats.

“Believe me, this Conservative Party, led by Rishi Sunak, whom no one has ever voted for, not even members of the party, doesn’t need my help to fall. It’s already fallen,” Farage said.

“Keir Starmer, yes he will win, but we will make sure his proportion is much smaller than it is now.”

Farage has been elected to the European Parliament five times, although he has stood as a parliamentary candidate seven times and failed to win a seat. The reform British president came closest to winning a parliamentary seat in 2015 when he lost to Conservative candidate Craig McKinlay in South Thanet.

Farage decided to wait four days until the deadline to select each party's parliamentary candidates closed.

UKIP achieved its only victory of the 2015 campaign after winning the Clacton by-election in 2014. Douglas Carswell, a former Tory lawmaker and fierce critic of Farage, supported the bill with more than 3,000 votes.

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