Paris 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony Outfits: USA's Jeans, Mongolia's Deels, and Canada's Red on Red
Paris is one of the fashion capitals of the world, and things are about to pick up speed this week.
On Friday night, the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics will take place along the Seine River. It will be the first opening ceremony to take place outside a stadium, and a flotilla of 100 boats carrying around 10,500 athletes from 206 national Olympic committees will sail through the centre of the French capital.
As they sail from the Pont d'Austerlitz toward the Eiffel Tower, taking in views of Notre Dame and the Louvre along the six-kilometer (nearly four-mile) route, the whole world will be watching.
Paris is about to sparkle in the same way the Eiffel Tower sparkles every hour of the evening. And we've picked out some of the nations whose summer styles you'll want to keep an eye on.
In April, Berluti, a fashion house founded in 1895 and headquartered in Paris, unveiled its ceremonial outfits for French Olympic and Paralympic athletes competing in their national games this summer.
Artisans of all victories, these words are embroidered in gold letters on the labels sewn on each piece of the collection. All athletes will wear the essential white Berluti shirt alongside sleeveless midnight blue suit jackets for women, who also have the option of wearing a skirt. The lapel of each blazer features the French tricolor flag in a minimalist mix of red, white and tie-dye blue.
Former French Vogue editor Carine Roitfeld tapped Berluti to lead the design process. The goal was elegance, and it was achieved, even if some may have felt a little disappointed by a lack of boldness.
Then, we to have to go to Mongolia, because the internet can't get enough of their opening and closing ceremonies.
Sisters Michel and Amazonka Choigaalaa’s traditional Mongolian creations are detailed and stunning. They created four intricate looks (two for women, two for men) based on traditional Mongolian clothing known as deels. Each piece took approximately 20 hours to complete.
The sisters have revolutionized the fashion world with their modern and artistic approach. The embroidered blue and white vests are loaded with meaning. Among the gold symbols are nods to Nadaam, Mongolia's mid-summer festival, as well as the Olympic torch to connect the two events.
Mongolia has 32 athletes competing at these Olympics, and they are poised to steal the show.
Team USA loves to make a grand entrance and they'll do so in Paris wearing items from a 14-piece custom collection by American fashion stalwart Ralph Lauren.
For the opening ceremony, the team wore blue wool blazers with red and white trim. The United States Olympic crest sat opposite the instantly recognizable polo horse logo. A classic Ralph Lauren striped shirt was worn under the suit jacket, while blue jeans brought an Americana touch to what initially seemed like a country club. Cream suede shoes completed the overall preppy look.
And Ralph Lauren didn't stop there. Be on the lookout for the biker jacket on display at the closing ceremony. It might be the most Team USA jacket the U.S. team will ever wear. Never look.
Czech Republic
Jan Cerny, the creator of the Czech Republic's fearless uniforms, excelled.
Cerny, who interned at Louis Vuitton in Paris, pushed the envelope with this collection. The oversized coat, which is a fusion of a Czech raincoat and a French trench coat, offers a runway on the river. The leaked pen motif is inspired by Vladimir Boudnik, a Czech artist and painter born 100 years ago (the last time Paris hosted the Olympics).
The unisex collection of the Cernys Jan Societe brand in collaboration with Alpine Pro offers a unique play around the traditional colours of the Czech flag. White is closer to cream, red to orange and blue to navy blue.
The polo shirt is another standout piece and blossoms from one color to another through a polka dot pattern.
Every Czech Olympic and Paralympic athlete receives a glass amulet in the shape of a linden leaf, the symbol of the country. Made by Lasvit and designed by Cerny, they are said to give strength to anyone who wears them.
There are 15 Haitian athletes competing at the 2024 Games, and even in a crowd of more than 10,000, you'll spot them on Friday.
And when you do, it will all be thanks to the work of the incredibly talented Stella Jean. The Haitian-Italian fashion designer has infused a Caribbean touch into her collection.
Pants and skirts feature artwork by Haitian painter Philippe Dodard. For women, the vibrant panels of color on the skirt are paired with a chambray shirt and sleeveless blazer. Men will wear jackets inspired by Guayabera shirts, a tribute not only to the iconic Haitian look, but also to Jeans’ grandfather.
The cloudy blue cotton shirts worn by both men and women are spun in a traditional Haitian manner, highlighting the level of detail the designer put into.
If you're looking for bold patterns, Vancouver-based brand Lululemon has Team Canada covered.
Jacquard bomber jackets will be worn at the opening ceremony on Friday. The red-on-red pattern features symbols referencing Canadian art, architecture and nature.
If it rains on the Seine, Team Canada will be ready, they even have ponchos.
Republic of Ireland
Who doesn't love an embroidered shamrock pin?
Irish designer Laura Weber was walking through Bryant Park in New York, the city she moved to in 2013, when she received an email telling her she would be designing the Republic of Ireland's 2024 look.
And it's safe to say that after three years of work, she's succeeded. Under her LW Pearl brand, Weber has made all-white outfits that athletes wear as they race down the Seine. are Subtle touches of green were added to the shamrock-shaped brooch, but Weber wanted to move away from the cliché of green to represent her homeland. Instead, she took inspiration from the Greeks, who wore white during the original Olympic ceremonies.
This summer marks 100 years of Irish participation in the Olympic Games, and Weber has ensured that each athlete stands out in their sustainably made outfits, each customised in their studio in Manhattan’s Garment District.
Each athlete has the county in Ireland they are from embroidered on the side of their jacket to bring not only a unique element but also an even more meaningful focus to each design.
Did someone say Egyptian cotton? Team Egypt will be crisp in their textured suits and airy in their breathable cotton.
With a white cotton shirt (yes, you guessed it) adorned with a stripe in the country's colours and white sneakers to match, the Egyptians will sail with confidence.
The belt clip with the red, white and black of the national flag adds an accessory where it is needed and does not make the mistake of overdoing it.
British brand Ben Sherman is once again responsible for dressing Team GB on the opening night, and again for the closing night in just over two weeks. This is the third consecutive Games that the company has been responsible for dressing the athletes.
In a two-year process, Ben Sherman opted for a bomber-style jacket with navy sleeves and a white heart. The central jacket is paired with an open-neck polo shirt in a funky geometric design.
On the back of the jacket, the letters GB sit alongside the flowers of each of the four British nations, which have been woven together. For England there is a rose, for Scotland a thistle, for Wales a daffodil and for Northern Ireland a shamrock. The UK bouquet is also continued in the Hawaiian shirts at the closing ceremonies. That evening, 11 August, the blue Oxford trousers worn on the Seine will be replaced by shorts.
Ben Sherman also teamed up with Happy Socks to create custom designs for his capsule collection.
Chinese Taipei
Justin Chou has done it again.
Just In XX's chief designer brought Parisian elegance to every athlete from Chinese Taipei (the official name of Taiwan's Olympic team).
The wavy blue suits are full of details. Chou assembled a team of Taiwanese artists and designers to bring this look to life and make it a part of it. From the art-inspired overlay fabric to the handcrafted flowers on the lapel, it’s not only a team effort, but another victory before a single medal is awarded.
The Sinag barong, designed by Filipino fashion designer Francis Libiran, has a removable strap. But which Filipino athlete will actually want to take it off to greet spectators on the riverbank on Friday?
The sling itself combines the rays of the Philippine flag with the colors of the French tricolor, the host country. In the deep red and blue, we find a warrior motif inspired by Pintados that symbolizes bravery and ferocity.
South Korea
It's all about calming blue here. South Korea delivered one of the Opening Ceremony looks with this two-piece suit paired with a white tee and matching sneakers.
Musinsa Standard is the South Korean brand behind this sleek design, which features a watercolor pattern that borders the blazer. A silver chain completes this impeccably elegant yet casual style.
The Netherlands
The Oranje are in town and you won't miss them.
The Netherlands will not only wear bright orange tracksuits during the Games, but they will also look like skaters and scouts on opening night.
Designed by Denham The Jeanmaker, a brand founded in Amsterdam by Englishman Jason Denham in 2008, the Dutch team will sport a clean yet avant-garde look in Paris.
Long live Mexico. This jacket alone is worth the price of admission, which for Olympic and Paralympic athletes usually involves a lot of blood, sweat and tears.
The pink and white effort was designed by Mens Fashion and features black sketches on the sleeve and back that celebrate the country's cultural richness.
The 2034 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City and 2030 in the French Alps: Why now and what it means
(Top photo: Team Canada's Felix Dolci; Vaughn Ridley via Getty Images)
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