Video game industry players go on strike after contract talks on AI terms fail
Video game industry players are on strike for the second time in ten years.
Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, national executive director and chief negotiator for the performers union SAG-AFTRA, called the strike Thursday on behalf of the thousands of video game actors covered by the Interactive Media Agreement. The strike will go into effect Friday at 12:01 a.m.
The announcement came days after SAG-AFTRA's national board granted Crabtree-Ireland the authority to initiate a walkout and nearly a year after union members voted overwhelmingly to authorize a strike.
On Saturday, the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists warned that a work stoppage was imminent if the union and video game producers fail to resolve contract terms related to artificial intelligence.
“We will not accept a contract that allows companies to abuse AI to the detriment of our members. Enough is enough. When these companies get serious about proposing a deal that our members can live and work in, we will be there, ready to negotiate,” SAG-AFTRA President Fran Drescher said in a statement.
The Interactive Media Agreement, a contract covering approximately 2,600 artists performing voiceover and motion capture work in the video game industry, expired in November 2022.
We are disappointed that the union has chosen to walk away when we are so close to an agreement, and we remain ready to resume negotiations, said Audrey Cooling, a spokesperson for the video game producers, in a statement.
We have already reached common ground on 24 of the 25 proposals, including historic wage increases and additional safety provisions. Our offer directly addresses SAG-AFTRA’s concerns and expands meaningful IA protections, including requiring consent and fair compensation for all performers working under the IMA. These terms are among the strictest in the entertainment industry.
Video game actors want a new deal that would require producers to get their consent before reproducing their voices or likenesses with AI. They have also demanded compensation when AI is used to replicate their performances, as well as pay increases, more rest time and the designation of doctors for dangerous tasks.
Video game industry artists say they are particularly vulnerable to AI because of the invisible nature of voiceover work.
Our resolve is unwavering and must not be tested, Crabtree-Ireland said in a statement released Saturday.
We are unwavering in our commitment to our members who work on this contract and whose extraordinary performances are the heart and soul of the world's most popular video games. Time is running out for the companies to reach an agreement.
Cooling responded that the companies were negotiating in good faith and stressed that the two sides had reached tentative agreements on the vast majority of the proposals.
“Based on this progress, we remain optimistic that an agreement can be reached,” she said.
The last strike by video game players was in October 2016, before AI became a major concern.
At the time, actors sought to collect residual payments based on the number of physical and digital copies of games sold, similar to how film and television actors are paid for their work.
Residue and AI emerged as sticking points during last year’s Hollywood actors’ strike, which lasted 118 days and resulted in a deal that included pay raises, AI protections and streaming bonuses, among other gains.
Sources 2/ https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/business/story/2024-07-25/video-game-performers-sag-aftra The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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