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How to care for people with dementia during hot weather • Spotlight PA

How to care for people with dementia during hot weather • Spotlight PA


People with dementia are vulnerable to the summer heat. Research shows that as temperatures rise, people more Possibility to die or Hospitalized To hospital If you have Alzheimer's disease or another neurological disease that causes cognitive decline.

Sometimes the signs that a dementia patient needs help are obvious, says Sarah Murphy, vice president of programs and services for the Pennsylvania chapter of the Alzheimer's Association. For example, a senior might be wearing a fur coat in 90-degree weather. Other times, the signs are subtle, and caregivers must remain vigilant to ensure the patient's comfort and safety.

Additionally, because diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Lewy body dementia are progressive, the physical and mental abilities of those with these diagnoses are constantly subject to change, requiring constant vigilance from caregivers.

In the interview, which has been condensed for clarity and length, Murphy told Spotlight PA that during hot weather, carers of people with dementia should pay close attention to their patients' emotional and physical state and think like detectives.

Spotlight PA: Is there a physiological reason why Alzheimer's patients might be more vulnerable to heat?

Sarah Murphy: A normal person without cognitive impairment can regulate their body temperature, recognize when they're very hot, and dress appropriately.

However, any type of dementia can affect a person's ability to regulate their body temperature and sense changes in temperature, making them more sensitive to hot and cold and less able to act appropriately.

They may feel uncomfortable but may not be able to express that they are hot. Instead, you may see behavioral changes, such as becoming irritable because it is too hot, but may not be able to express it.

You mentioned earlier that people who are experiencing heat discomfort can become a bit irritable, but are there any other signs that caregivers should look out for?

This can cause physical symptoms like dizziness, lightheadedness, and trouble walking. If you're dehydrated, your mouth may dry out, and people with Alzheimer's or dementia may have trouble sleeping because they don't know how to adjust the air conditioner or blankets. Not getting enough sleep because of the heat can make you more irritable, agitated, and confused.

But going back to the signs of dehydration, darker urine is another obvious sign. You may also be going to the bathroom less often, which is another sign that you're not drinking enough water. Also, some medications can reduce sweating, which can cause muscle cramps.

Sounds like caregivers really need to keep a close eye on them.

Absolutely. They're like detectives. They're problem solvers. They're trying to figure out, “Okay, what's triggering this new behavior?” For example, someone might have a fall in their house. It might be because they're feeling dizzy from overheating and not being in an air-conditioned room.

As the disease progresses, Alzheimer's and dementia actually cause the loss of brain cells that give the average person the ability to make good decisions, think, plan, reason, and act.

We also want to talk about the dangers of wandering. Wandering is when a person becomes lost or confused and leaves their place. Wandering is a common symptom of dementia, and during dangerous weather wandering becomes even more dangerous. So what can caregivers do to prevent wandering?

I think it's important to have people who live nearby to keep an eye on you.

And if you're worried someone might get lost, some people use GPS devices to keep an eye on them.Safety measures near exit doors and child-proofing door handles is another strategy.

We often see wandering or increased confusion or agitation as the day draws to a close, so we need to be aware that a change in someone's environment may be what makes them want to leave.

Also, if a caregiver starts to hear someone with any type of dementia say things like, “I want to go home” or “I want to see the person who's passed away,” it lets them know that there is loneliness and isolation, and that could be another trigger.

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