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Bandanas and neck gaiters are not effective as surgical face masks


Ah Recent research from Duke University It suggests that not all face coverings are equally effective at preventing the spread of Covid-19.

While wearing Face mask or cloth cover It’s one of the best ways you can stay safe when you are away from home. Not all masks are good at removing potentially harmful particles such as coronaviruses.

Experiments have included bandanas, handkerchiefs, fleece balaclavas (gear for cold weather that covers the entire face except the eyes), neck gaiters (tubes of performance fabrics commonly used for outdoor running), There was little protection, but even the N95 ventilator, surgical mask, and homemade cloth mask improved performance.

For experiments, researchers at Duke’s Department of Physics placed the laser beam in a dark box. The speaker then spoke to the hole in the box, saying a phrase, and the camera on the other side of the box (the iPhone camera in this case) filmed the droplet video in real time.

The researchers tested a total of 14 common face coverings and analyzed the video frame by frame using a computer algorithm that counts the number of visible particles. Participants said the phrase “Keep healthy” to the laser 5 times, for a total of 10 times per mask.

Neck gaiters made of polyester spandex material (No. 11 in the picture below) showed the worst results in the study, producing more particles than they actually speak with their face uncovered.

“This is because… the fibers break down those large particles into many smaller particles,” said chemist, physicist, and research author Dr. Martin Fisher. Video release.. “This may actually be counterproductive to wearing such a mask, as they tend to hang longer in the air and they can easily be carried away in the air.”

The bandana, tied over the nose and mouth, provided slightly more protection when filtering particles than without a mask.

The researchers tested 14 popular face masks and fabric covers, ranging from bandanas to neck gaiters to even N95 masks.

Photo courtesy of Emma Fischer, Duke University.

In this study, the valveless N95 mask (No. 14 in the photo) was the most effective, but experts say these devices are scarce and need to be booked for healthcare professionals.

The next best option is a disposable surgical mask made of a plastic-derived material called polypropylene (Photo 1), then a mask made of 2 layers of cotton and 1 layer of synthetic material (Photo 5). Continued. ). another Recent research using similar technology Suggests that you need at least a couple of layers of fabric to protect your fabric face mask. CDC recommends using two layers of quilted fabric or cotton sheets for homemade masks.

Masks (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13) made entirely of cotton fabric and knit T-shirts (3 in the photo) worked much the same. other evidence Suggests that wearing cloth may protect the wearer as well as those around you.

Interestingly, the N95 ventilator with the exhalation valve did not rank well. CDC is not recommended Wear these masks. (Valve masks work well to protect you from the air around you, but exhalation valves may allow unfiltered exhalation to harm and escape others. CDC.. )

What does this mean? Considering everything, the best option for the average person is to wear a surgical mask or a multi-layer homemade cotton mask.

“We want to emphasize that we really encourage people to wear masks, but we want them to wear a working mask,” Fisher said. CNN Saturday.

Fisher said more research needs to be done to deal with variations in masks, speakers, and how people wear them.

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