Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Can women get pregnant after being treated for breast cancer? Doctors explain
Breast cancer, one of the most common cancers affecting women, often involves concerns beyond the disease itself, especially for young women before starting a family. The impact of breast cancer treatment on fertility is a major concern for many people. Treatments such as chemotherapy and hormone therapy are very effective in fighting cancer, but they can also affect a woman's ability to conceive. But advances in fertility preservation are offering hope to women who want to beat cancer and become mothers.
To understand whether women can get pregnant after breast cancer treatment, OnlyMyHealth interacted with the following information: Dr. Safarta Baghmar, Senior Consultant, Medical Oncology, Amrita Hospital, Faridabad.
Impact of breast cancer treatment on reproductive health
Breast cancer treatment, especially chemotherapy, can affect a woman's reproductive system. Certain chemotherapy drugs can damage the ovaries, causing early menopause and ovarian failure, which can make it difficult or impossible to conceive naturally.
According to Dr. Bagmar, “It is certainly possible for a woman to become pregnant after breast cancer treatment. However, some chemotherapy drugs can induce early menopause, which may prevent a woman from having children.” “The risk of infertility depends on a variety of factors, including the type of chemotherapy and the woman's age, but it's always important to discuss future pregnancy plans before starting treatment, she explains.
Also read: What are the chances of getting breast cancer if your mother has it?
fertility preservation
For women who want to keep their motherhood options open, there are proactive steps they can take. Before starting chemotherapy, women have the option of cryopreserving their eggs or embryos. Dr. Bagmar emphasizes the importance of this conversation with patients, saying, “Before starting chemotherapy, we always ask our female patients about their future pregnancy plans. However, for patients who wish to have children, this process requires freezing the eggs or follicles before chemotherapy to prevent possible menopause from treatment. there is.”
Egg preservation, also known as cryopreservation, is a well-established method of harvesting eggs and freezing them for future use. This gives women the chance to have a biological child later on, even if their ovaries stop working after chemotherapy.
Ovarian protection during treatment
In addition to egg preservation, hormonal protection is also an approach used to minimize ovarian damage during chemotherapy. Dr. Bagmar explains that certain hormone therapies can be used to protect the ovaries and maintain their function during cancer treatment. “In addition to egg preservation, we also use hormonal therapy to protect the ovaries and maintain their function during chemotherapy.” This method involves temporarily suppressing ovarian function during chemotherapy, thereby Reduces the risk of long-term damage.
Also read: Why is egg freezing soaring among career-minded young women?
Pregnancy after cancer treatment
Even after a woman completes cancer treatment, there is still a great chance that she will continue on the path to motherhood. “Once cancer treatment is complete, if a patient wishes to become pregnant, they can try to conceive naturally,” Dr. Bagmar says. In some women, ovarian function returns after treatment and pregnancy may occur naturally without the need for medical intervention.
But for people who have difficulty conceiving naturally, assisted reproductive technology (ART) offers a viable path to parenthood. In these cases, in vitro fertilization (IVF), which uses eggs stored before chemotherapy, may be a successful option. “If natural pregnancy is not successful, we proceed with IVF using the eggs stored before treatment,” added Dr. Bagmar.
Thanks to advances in fertility preservation and reproductive technology, breast cancer is no longer an obstacle to motherhood for many women. Dr. Safalta Bagmar's insights offer a hopeful outlook for breast cancer survivors, as she says, “Yes, women have a chance to become pregnant after treatment.” By planning ahead and considering fertility preservation options, women can beat cancer and look forward to a future where they can embrace motherhood.
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