Traces of an ancient earthquake have been found in the Apollo Sanctuary
Archaeological excavations have uncovered the sacred image of Keys Island in the Gulyazi tourist district of Nilufer district in Bursa, which dates back to the Hellenistic era.
The excavation work, which began in 2022, is taking place on an island about 500 meters from the coast of Gulyazi, which is known as one of the most beautiful villages in Europe and known by its ancient name “Apollonia ad Rendakum”, headed by Bursa Uludag University (BUÜ).
After the waters recede at the end of summer, archaeologists arrive at the island by boat and begin their work once the vegetation is removed.
The island is surrounded by a sacred wall called “Temenos”, built during the Hellenistic period. The island is believed to have included a structural complex comprising a temple, an altar, a colonnade (a colonnaded gallery next to the street or agora) and exedras (semi-circular or rectangular niche-like spaces opening onto a courtyard or square). . Current efforts are focused on determining the complete architectural plan of the temple.
Professor Derya Şahin, a faculty member at BUÜ's Department of Archeology and head of the excavations, said that they only have the opportunity to work from late September to early October because the island remains underwater from winter until June.
Shaheen noted that they removed the plants with the support of the municipality, and pointed out that the Keys Island had been identified as the “Apollon Reserve” and that researchers had conducted studies related to the island’s design and potential architecture.
Sahin said they are working to uncover the sacred image of the island: “It is a beautiful island surrounded by a sacred wall called 'Temenos' that was built during the Hellenistic period. We expect a structural complex containing a possible temple, an altar and a church.” “Stoa and exedrae. In the excavations conducted in the center of the island, we obtained some data related to the temple and determined that the temple was built in the Archaic era and expanded over three different periods.”
“One of the most important findings we have reached is that it is linked to the tectonic movements seen in many ancient cities in Bursa. A major earthquake occurred in 121 AD, causing significant damage, especially to public buildings. With the support of the Roman Emperor Hadrian, it was Hadrian visited the area in 124. There is an important inscription on the walls today. In this inscription, Hadrian is called 'Cteses' and 'Soter', which means 'founder' and 'saviour.' She added: 'This may be because of his important contributions to the city.' “.
Noting that they are trying to fully reveal the architecture and plan of the structure, which they have identified as a temple, including details such as where the entrance begins and where it ends, Sahin shared details about the significant findings in the Keys. She said that in previous years, many arrowheads had been found in one place, which they believe were offerings left by visitors to Apollo.
Sahin explained that they found an inscription depicting Apollo last year: “It depicts Apollo playing the lyre. We know that similar images were found in a place called Akcapinar in the 1990s and were transferred to the museum. We decided that this image was related to these works, and we believe These pieces may also have come from the island because the pictorial features are completely identical. We have determined that sacred reliefs and inscriptions dedicated to Apollo were present here. Another important find is the cult statue found in the Apollo Temple. It was initially Apollo playing the lyre, but it was later changed to Apollo. He plays with a lizard after the earthquake in 121.
Shaheen stated that the architectural structure identified as a temple consisted of three phases (the ancient, Hellenistic, and Roman periods) and documented this with various archaeological records.
Shaheen explained that the structure was expanded by approximately two meters in each period, extending up to 12 metres, and that they also discovered finds from the Byzantine and Ottoman eras. She added: “Among our archaeological discoveries are various pieces of pottery pipes from the Ottoman era, and various ceramic pieces from the Byzantine era.”
“There may have been priests and religious figures here. The sacred areas of Apollon also had prophetic attributes. In other words, people came here expecting little secrets about their future from priests and fortune-tellers and tried to obtain those secrets. In addition, people often came to “The island was for religious purposes, and they made sacrifices and made offerings to the god.”
She stated that they plan to make the excavation area accessible to visitors, and to prepare a project that allows visitors to learn about the archaeological remains on the Island of the Keys by traveling there by boat from Juliazi.
Sources 2/ https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/traces-of-ancient-earthquake-found-at-apollo-sanctuary-201995 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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