Breast cancer diagnoses at younger ages are increasing as survival rates improve
Maria Reyes Matos, a postdoctoral fellow specializing in surgical oncology at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, said two things have changed over the past few decades: More people are getting screened, and detection methods have improved. That's what happened.
“Incidence rates are higher in part because we can now detect cancer earlier, earlier, and with better imaging than before,” she says. “In addition to early detection, risk factors are also changing and impacting incidence.”
In 2011, the FDA approved 3D mammograms, also known as digital breast tomosynthesis. Since then, UVA Health has transitioned to using these technologies almost exclusively, resulting in improved diagnosis and fewer false positives, Lockman said.
Additional screening for women with dense breast tissue is also improving, Lockman noted. Women with dense breast tissue have more fibrous glandular tissue instead of fat, which increases their risk of cancer. Dense breast tissue also makes it difficult for doctors to detect cancer using mammograms.
“For women with dense tissue, we offer additional screening tests in addition to mammography,” Rockman said. “It's a full-breast ultrasound, or a new type of mammogram called a contrast-enhanced mammogram or high-speed MRI. All of these tools are helping us find cancer, not just mammograms.”
Rochman said other risk factors researchers are looking at include the fact that women who have children, especially those under 30, have lower risk factors for breast cancer, and that more women are having children later in life. This includes the fact that one chooses to have a baby or not have a baby at all. . Another risk factor is obesity, and “our population has become even more obese over the past few decades,” Rockman said.
Rochman said all women should be able to increase their lifetime risk of breast cancer “by a health care provider who has access to a model that incorporates information such as information about family history and whether they have ever had a biopsy that shows an abnormality.” He said that it is recommended that children be evaluated around the age of 25. “Based on that, we need to create truly individualized screening strategies.”
As a general recommendation, women should get a mammogram every year starting at age 40, she said. As recommended by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.
Dr. Reyes-Matos said demographic data and research also need to be taken into consideration, including studies showing that African American women are typically diagnosed with breast cancer at a later stage.
Recognizing that health care institutions have historically underserved certain populations, Lockman said UVA Health is working to understand where continued health disparities exist and to improve racial and linguistic He said he is working to understand how to increase access to screening knowledge across diverse communities.
Both UVA experts say the increased survival rates are due in part to improved treatments and increased attention to the impact of social determinants such as education, food access, and the built environment on health. I hope so.
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