Nutritionists say you may be consuming too much protein and not enough of another important nutrient.
What if social media algorithms showed you the direction of your diet? weight lossor even general nutritional information, you've probably come across influencers who advocate “high protein” recipes or high-protein keto or carnivore diets. Where did this obsession go? protein Is it worth all the energy given?
Protein is a little more complicated than social media makes it seem, says nutritionist luckAnd that obsession distracts people from meeting other important nutritional needs.
“We don't even have to think [grams of] “Protein per day” means: Federica AmatiRegistered Dietitian and Chief Nutritionist at a UK-based nutritional science company. zoeknown for its personalized blood sugar monitoring and gut health tests.
Here's what nutritionists want you to know about protein and overall nutrition.
Why do we need protein?
Protein is a macronutrient composed of amino acids. It is an important structural element of our cells, tissues, hormones, enzymes, and many other bodily functions. A continuous supply of amino acids through the proteins we eat is critical for cell and tissue growth.
Dietitian says protein is beneficial for overall health abby sharp. “Protein has tremendous benefits. weight managementfeeling full, immunityhair, nails, muscle growth, and maintaining metabolism,” she says.
Why are we so particular about protein?
Evidence of the protein obsession can be seen on grocery store shelves, with shakes, cereals, powders, and even toasted pastries claiming to be rich in protein. Meanwhile, social media is full of ways to get more protein in your diet. People are mixing protein shakes with shakes. diet cokemake high protein ice cream and post what you eat throughout the day to reach your high protein goals. There are over 2.7 million Instagram Posts with hashtags #High protein.
@michaelkory Creami's Cookies & Cream Protein Ice Cream 🔥 💪 Macros per pint: 340 calories, 7g fat, 29g carbs, 38g protein. 1. Add skim milk, almond milk, whey protein, pudding mix, and sweetener to the creamy base. Freeze for 24 hours. 2. Use the Light Ice Cream setting in Creami. 3. Cut out the center of the ice cream with a butter knife and add a thin layer of sandwich cookies. Use Creami's mixin settings. ✅ Ingredients: 1 cup (240ml) skim milk 1 cup (240ml) almond milk 1 tablespoon (30g) vanilla whey protein 1 tablespoon (10g) cookies and cream pudding mix 1 tablespoon zero calorie sweetener 2 sandwich cookie slices (15g) #Oreo #Oreo #Protein ice cream #Ice cream #Cream Me #ninjacreamy #low calorie #local #healthy dessert #Dessert #healthy ice cream ♬ Original song – Michael Colley
According to Amati, with the boom in the fitness, nutrition and weight loss industry, the obsession with protein is growing. Protein is important for building muscle and can also help support weight loss, but influencers often encourage people to eat more protein than they need or should. Amati says. Additionally, when protein is the main daily goal, there is a lack of consideration for other important nutrients.
The message that people aren't getting enough protein isn't actually true, Amati and Sharpe say.
“If you're meeting your calorie needs, you're also meeting your protein needs,” Sharp says.
Sharp said the only people who are deficient in protein are usually people who are malnourished or older adults who have a decreased appetite and struggle to eat enough calories. People who eat enough during the day are more likely to meet or exceed their protein needs, she says. This includes vegans and vegetarians, she says, as long as you eat a variety of nutrient-dense plant-based foods, such as edamame, lentils, and whole grains.
How much protein do you need per day?
High protein diets on social media often feature people consuming as much as 140 grams of protein per day, but the amount you actually need is much less.
@meg_squats Lazy girls unite… #macro #macronutrients #iifym #High protein #high protein diet ♬ Original song – Meg Gallagher
US Department of Agriculture Dietary guidelines for Americans recommends getting 10% to 35% of your daily calories from protein sources. The more common scale used by Amati and Sharp is: Recommended daily intake For adults, 0.8-1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. To find your weight in kilograms, divide your weight in pounds by 2.2. Then multiply that number by 0.8 and 1.2 to find the protein range. For example, a person who weighs 150 pounds should aim for 54 to 82 grams of protein per day.
Amati says even the most active people are already eating more to satisfy increased hunger and are therefore more likely to meet or exceed their protein goals.
However, older adults require more important protein to maintain muscle and bone mass, which means consuming up to 1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. Increasing your protein intake is especially helpful for menopausal women. belly fat and body composition.
It's important to remember that protein needs vary from person to person, especially as we age. However, Amati believes that the cult-like obsession with protein has gone beyond basic nutritional advice and has likely led to people consuming too much protein, which could have negative health effects. There is.
What happens if you eat too much protein?
“Most of the potential risks associated with high-protein diets are related to the source of the protein, namely excessive amounts of animal protein, which is also high in saturated fat,” Sharp says.
High protein, high meat intake is associated with:
- Kidney function problems
- high risk of kidney stones
- Increased risk of colon cancer
- Increased risk of heart disease
However, Sharp says it's not easy to consume too much protein when most of it comes from fiber-rich plants. The real harm from our obsession with protein comes when we consume too much animal protein and when it starts to replace important nutrients like healthy fats and fiber, she says.
Focus on getting enough fiber in your diet
The obsession with protein distracts people from what they are actually deficient in. fiber.
of Dietary guidelines for Americans It is recommended that women consume 22 to 28 grams of fiber per day, while men should aim to consume 28 to 34 grams of fiber per day. Nutritionists say most people don't reach that point.
On average, Americans consume about 10 to 15 grams of food. fiber According to per day Harvard Medical School.
“My toddler needs more than that,” Sharp says.
“Dietary fiber is very important for a regular lifestyle, gut health, and heart health because it helps reduce cholesterol.[and] It’s a feeling of fullness,” she says. Dietary fiber is especially helpful when: weight lossAccording to Sharp, this is because high-fiber foods are lower in calories and tend to make you feel fuller and more satisfied with your meal.
Fiber feeds the bacteria in your gut microbiome, Amati said. when you intestine Consume the right amount of dietary fiber and fiber combination Prebiotics and probioticsIt signals your brain that you're full and gives you an energy boost, she says.
“People underestimate the importance of fiber,” Sharp says.
How to achieve your fiber goals
To ensure you're getting enough fiber, Amati recommends focusing on: plant Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and more. Sharp says it's better to choose whole foods over fiber supplements.
Here are some fiber-rich foods that you can include in your diet.
- beans
- lentils
- Fresh fruit with skin, such as raspberries, blueberries, apples, and pears
- Fresh vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, green peas, and potatoes with skins
- Popcorn
- avocado
- oatmeal
- faro
- split peas
- chia seeds, flaxseed
If you don't know where to start, Amati suggests this trick for making fiber-rich, filling meals. Fill half your plate with a plant sauce, such as a salad, sautéed broccoli, or zucchini. Then fill a quarter of your plate with your favorite lean protein, like salmon, chicken breast, edamame, or tofu. The last quarter is fiber-rich and complex carbohydrates, such as brown rice, barley, and sweet potatoes.
Once you've mastered the plate, Amati recommends making fiber-rich snacks. Keep apples and almonds on hand for when your energy dips in the afternoon.
Nutrition details:
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