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Donald Trump is not the only agent of chaos

Donald Trump is not the only agent of chaos


Eight years ago, the results of the November U.S. election deeply shocked the small staff at Backchannel, the tech trade publication I ran. The next morning, an editor posted on our Slack that working on a tech story seemed dull, even futile. On a plane from New York to San Francisco, I wrote a column to respond to this impulse, addressed as much to myself and my colleagues as to readers. I argued that, regardless of the enormity of this event, one thing had not changed; The biggest story of our time remains the technological revolution we are experiencing. Disruptive, even destructive, politicians may show up or refuse to leave. But the chip, the network, the mobile device and everything they entail have changed humanity, and perhaps what it will mean to be human. Our job was to chronicle this epic transformation, regardless of who was politically responsible for it. The title of my column was The iPhone is bigger than Donald Trump.

This week, Trump was elected president again despite, oh boy, I won't go through the litany of what appear to be slam-dunk disqualifications. You've heard it all, and for the majority of voters, it doesn't matter. It's an incredible story, and the next few years will undoubtedly be history. Maybe not in a good way. Perhaps in a very bad way for a country where many expected to celebrate its values ​​on America's 250th birthday. (In the spirit of unity, I'll use the qualifier “maybe”, because losers must be humble and who knows what awaits them.)

Still, I don’t change the thinking I had in 2016. As Stewart Brand once said, “Human nature doesn’t change much; science does, and change increases, altering the world irreversibly. What happens in technology and science remains the activity that will ultimately have the greatest impact on our species. Hundreds of years later, future generations (and perhaps Ray Kurzweil) will look back on this era and identify it as the period when microchips and neural network software changed everything. And who was this strong man with the funny hair who destroyed the country that once occupied real estate in the Western Hemisphere? I no longer run a publication and represent just one voice on a much larger team. (For WIRED's institutional perspective, please note my boss's comments, which I agree with.) So, speaking for myself, I emphatically repeat my 2016 statement of intent, with a slight modification: intelligence artificial is bigger than Donald Trump.

Of course, journalists must vigorously cover Trump's second presidency, relentlessly demanding accountability. In the short term, for some of us, it may be the rest of our mandate! What happens in our community and in our country will have a greater influence on our daily lives than the latest version of Claude, ChatGPT or even Apple Intelligence. (Sorry, Tim Apple.) If you lose your health care or reproductive rights, or end up in a deportation camp or prison cell because of our president's return policy, the knowledge that AI, mixed reality and quantum computers could one day redefine us, it won't ease the pain.

Additionally, those of us who deal with technology will almost certainly end up reporting on the Trump presidency; politics affects, as always, the course of technology. (Remember, the U.S. government created something called the Internet.) Right now, a debate rages over how we should regulate or restrict AI, a technology that some consider the latest invention . I'm already hearing talk of the new administration rescinding the elaborate AI executive order mandated by Joe Biden. Some fear that the new president's mega-adviser, Elon Musk, who owns his own AI company and integrates AI into his other companies, such as Tesla and Neuralink, has outsized, even inappropriate, influence over policies and decisions. government contracts. I've also heard speculation that the move to regulate AI could be thwarted by the threat of China's strenuous efforts in this area. This is important because the ground rules of today's AI and the whims of its inventors can impact whether the worst fears about the technology are realized.

That’s why, the day after Donald Trump’s re-election, I visited an AI company and interviewed one of its executives and a top engineer. Yes, on the way back to the office, I thought about the election results and became depressed again. But I'm going to finish the article on this company, then do another, staying in the technological groove for as long as my broken heart keeps beating. AI, after all, remains the biggest story in town.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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