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Researchers develop new antibody that may treat several types of cancer

Researchers develop new antibody that may treat several types of cancer


Researchers at Uppsala University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology have developed antibodies, a new form of precision medicine that could potentially treat several types of cancer. The researchers were able to combine three different functions of antibodies, which together powerfully amplify their effects. T cells About cancer tumors. The study was published in the journal Nature Communications.

Researchers have developed a unique type of antibody that targets and delivers the drug package through the antibody itself while simultaneously activating the immune system (a “3-in-1 design”). immunotherapy Treatment.

“For nearly 15 years, we have been researching how antibodies can be used to influence a key protein in the immune system (CD40) and precision medicine. Now, our new antibody method “We can show that precision medicine works in cancer,” explains Sarah Mangusbo, professor at Uppsala University's School of Pharmacy, who is lead author of the study along with KTH Royal Institute of Technology professor Johan Rockberg. .

This drug redirects the immune system to find and target specific mutations or genetic changes found only in cancer cells, known as neoantigens. This is achieved by the new antibody delivering its own tumor-specific substance directly to a specific type of immune cell and simultaneously stimulating this cell, giving it the ability to significantly enhance the T-cell response against the tumor. We are prepared.

The results show that this method works in several ways. In addition to activating the right types of immune cells in human blood samples, animal models have shown that treated mice survive longer, and higher doses can save mice from cancer. The method has been shown to be safer than previous cancer treatments. Treatments studied by researchers.

Developing customized precision medicines can be expensive and time-consuming.

The advantage of our drug is that it is easy to produce on a large scale, yet easily tailored to a patient's disease or specific tumor. The drug combines two parts: a targeted bispecific antibody that can be produced in advance in large quantities, and a custom peptide moiety that is synthetically produced on a small scale and rapidly for the type of cancer of interest. It consists of This should increase availability, both in terms of production costs and reducing the time it takes to tailor a peptide to a new tumor, reducing the time it takes for patients to go from diagnosis to treatment. ”

Johan Rockberg, Professor, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

The aim of this study was to establish a more flexible, faster and safer cancer treatment than currently available. This study has already shown that this method can be customized for each patient, thereby strengthening the immune system against cancer. The next step is to use a fully optimized manufacturing process to manufacture drug candidates for further safety studies and then begin human clinical trials.


Reference magazines:

Mebratu, A. others. (2024). Bispecific CD40 agonist antibodies enable antibody-peptide complex formation and cancer-specific peptide delivery, improving T proliferation and antitumor immunity in mice. nature communications.




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