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The Indonesian people vote again and choose their governor on November 27

The Indonesian people vote again and choose their governor on November 27


PHOTO: Reuters

JAKARTA: Indonesians will go to the polls again on Nov 27, this time to elect local leaders, including the Jakarta governorship, The Straits Times reported.

With three candidates vying for the position, two of them emerged as favorites.

The race is particularly intense because the position is seen as a stepping stone to the presidency, with the winner typically benefiting from national media attention and high visibility among key political elites.

Former President Joko Widodo is one of the famous politicians who served as governor of Jakarta, where the current number of voters is around 8.3 million people.

According to the latest opinion poll carried out at the end of October by the Indonesian newspaper Kompas, the two most popular candidates are the twice elected leader Ridwan Kamil, 53, and the former minister Pramono Anung, 61.

These two experienced politicians are leading the poll: Ridwan with 38.3 percent and Pramono (34.6 percent).

In a separate interview with The Straits Times, they said they planned to increase foreign investment to boost Jakarta's economy and hoped to resolve persistent problems such as traffic jams and flooding.

The third candidate, retired former police general Dharma Pongrekun, 58, is far behind both candidates, with 3.3 percent support.

However, he did not respond to interview requests.

The remaining 23.8 percent of the 1,200 respondents said they had not yet made up their minds.

The former governor of West Java, Ridwan, is a cadre of Golkar, Indonesia's oldest political party, which former President Suharto previously joined.

Ridwan is the gubernatorial candidate chosen by the 13-party coalition, including the Gerindra Party led by President Prabowo Subianto.

Pramono, a former cabinet secretary in Widodo's last government, is supported by the opposition Parti Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDI-P), which holds the most seats in the national parliament.

Pramono is a member of the PDI-P, while Dharma is an independent candidate without a party.

Even though Jakarta has lost its status as the capital of the world's largest archipelago, the metropolis will still retain its role as Indonesia's economic center.

The archipelago's new capital has been officially designated as the center of government, but it is still under construction.
This is the first time that local elections have been held simultaneously in all 37 provinces and more than 500 districts and cities in Indonesia.

The November 27 elections will elect 37 provincial governors, including Jakarta which is designated as a province, for a period of five years.

Only Jogjakarta, Indonesia's 38th province, will not hold a vote because it is ruled by the sultan.

In total, 415 regions, which are areas grouped into regions, will each elect a regional manager.

Each of the country's 93 major cities will elect a mayor.

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