New powers to crack down on anti-social behavior
Hooligans causing great harm to local communities will face tough restrictions under new powers announced by the Home Secretary today.
In line with manifesto pledges to crack down on anti-social behaviour, the new Respect Order gives police and local councils the power to ban persistent offenders from town centers or ban them from drinking alcohol in public places such as town centers and local parks. It brings misfortune to local residents. This will be piloted ahead of a national rollout to ensure it is as effective as possible.
Additionally, the offender may be required to address the root cause of the behavior by ordering him or her to undertake active rehabilitation, such as participating in drug or alcohol treatment services or taking an anger management course.
Failure to comply with a respect order is a criminal offence. Police will have the ability to immediately arrest anyone who violates respect orders.
Police will also be given greater powers to seize vehicles involved in anti-social behavior, and officers will no longer have to issue warnings before impounding vehicles that are causing misery to the community.
This will allow police to respond more quickly to the scourge of off-road bikes in public parks and dangerous e-scooters on pavements, street racing and cruising. It will also support police in tackling car gatherings, which can see hundreds of cars congregating in public spaces with loud, aggressive engine revs and threatening music playing.
Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said:
Too many town centers and neighborhoods across our country are struggling with anti-social behavior, including street drinking, bullying, vandalism on high streets and loud and threatening off-road bicycles threatening our private properties.
Anti-social behavior can undermine community confidence and pride, undermine local businesses and have a devastating impact on victims.
This cannot be allowed to continue. Respect orders give police and councils the powers they need to crack down on repeat anti-social behavior, keep communities safe and ensure repeat offenders face the consequences of their actions. We will also make it easier to confiscate vehicles that are causing misery in too many areas, including off-road bikes that cause hearing impairment or electric scooters that ride dangerously on the roads.
These new powers, along with thousands of local police officers and PCSOs, will help this Government deliver on our mission to take back our streets.
In addition to sentences of up to two years in prison, criminal courts can also impose unlimited fines and community orders, including unpaid work and curfews, as punishment for breaching respect orders. This allows us to deal with the most serious offenders before their behavior escalates and causes further damage.
The new powers will be introduced as part of the upcoming Crime and Police Bill and will partly replace existing civil restraining order powers for adults, ensuring a wider range of penalties when offenses are dealt with in the criminal courts, along with new arrest powers. I will do it. Existing laws will be amended to allow police to confiscate nuisance off-road bicycles and other vehicles used in an anti-social manner without first warning offenders.
The enhanced powers will complement the Government’s commitment to restoring local policing in England and Wales. The Neighborhood Policing Guarantee will return police patrols to city centres, recruit thousands of additional officers to neighborhood roles and ensure every community has a nominated local police officer.
Deputy Chief Constable Andy Prophet, National Police Chiefs Council for Anti-Social Behavior, said:
I welcome the introduction of respect orders and stronger powers to crack down on vehicles driving in an anti-social manner.
Respect orders will give police and councils the ability to crack down on people who continue to make our streets and public spaces unsafe. I want the ability to ban criminals from our high streets and parks, the ability to arrest those who ignore those instructions, and the ability to require individuals to seek help for the root causes of bad behavior, such as drugs. I'm glad to see it. or alcohol abuse.
Likewise, giving police officers the option to immediately impound vehicles from people using them in an anti-social manner is a welcome addition to the powers police officers have to crack down on ASB and make our streets safer.
Harvinder Saimbhi, CEO of ASB Help, said:
As a national charity supporting ASB victims, we regularly hear from victims who share with us the impact and harm they experience as a result of repeated ASB incidents.
We welcome approaches that address the root causes of anti-social behavior, reducing re-offending rates and providing respite for victims and communities. We are interested in how the respect order will be implemented.
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