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As Britain faces the threat from Russia, the absence of a shield will set off very loud alarm bells | world news

As Britain faces the threat from Russia, the absence of a shield will set off very loud alarm bells | world news


Facing the threat of a Russian attack, Sir Keir Starmer finally said he would “pave the way” to increase defense spending to 2.5% of national income in the spring.

But simply providing a time frame to identify future dates when spending will increase to levels most analysts agree still falls short of what is needed and is not the most convincing demonstration of deterrence and overwhelming force. .

Perhaps what the Prime Minister should do is to make it clear to Vladimir Putin, through new military exercises across NATO and an immediate strengthening of Britain's defenses, that his government is prepared for a Russian attack that will cause massive damage to Moscow. It's so astronomical that it makes even the idea of ​​hitting a target in the UK completely crazy.

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2:44 Russian missile 'ready for use'

Failure to deliver a truly resilient and tough message to the Kremlin increases the risk that the Russian president will increasingly view the UK as a vulnerable country, despite it being a nuclear power and a NATO ally.

It will come as no surprise to anyone that President Putin has stepped up his rhetoric against Britain and the United States over the past few days after the two countries allowed Ukraine to launch missiles inside Russia.

In a series of blunt messages, he first lowered the threshold for using nuclear weapons, then launched a new class of intermediate-range, “unstoppable” missiles, and finally warned that he had more nuclear weapons. British and American military bases could be targeted.

The warning clearly means British military bases and warships at home and abroad are at greater risk.

But there is little evidence that anything is being done to increase protection around them or to publicly signal to Russia in any meaningful way that such measures would be unwise.

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3:32 Sky News military analyst Sean Bell details how ballistic missiles are used in conflict.

Read more on Sky News. What are Storm Shadow Missiles? How are bionic cripples helping the Ukrainian army?

Asked whether there had been any changes to put the UK military on higher alert, a MoD spokesman said: “There have been no recent changes to our general security posture across our bases in the UK or overseas.”

“We are constantly monitoring the threats we face and our forces stand ready to protect British interests at home and abroad.”

There is also the inescapable and well-known fact that Britain lacks the ability to defend itself against large-scale missile attacks after decades of defense cuts.

This is a problem for all European NATO countries, but since the UK is a country under direct threat from Moscow, the lack of any kind of shield would indeed be a very big wake-up call.

The Russian leader has put his country on a war footing after launching a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Russia's defense spending is expected to increase by a quarter to 6.3% of GDP next year, reaching its highest level since the Cold War.

British military chiefs and defense ministers have pointed to the cost to Russia in terms of the number of soldiers killed and wounded in Ukraine and the strain the war is having on the economy as a sign of the Kremlin's difficulties.

But this is about data through a peacetime lens, not a reflection of the fact that Russia appears willing and able to absorb the costs and continue to fight.

Unless the UK and its NATO allies realize the need to put their countries on some kind of war footing, their ability to respond to Russian aggression and contain the threat may be lost.




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