Drake Files Lawsuit Against Kendrick Lamars Not Like Us
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A rap feud between Drake (pictured) and Kendrick Lamar began earlier this year
Drake has launched a lawsuit against Universal Music, accusing the label of artificially boosting streams of Kendrick Lamar's diss track against him, Not Like Us.
In documents filed in New York, Drake's company, Frozen Moments LLC, accused Universal and streaming giant Spotify of engaging in an illegal scheme involving bots, payola and other methods to promote the song by Lamar.
Universal Music did not rely on chance, Drake's lawyers say. Instead, he launched a campaign to manipulate and saturate streaming services and the airwaves.
A Universal spokesperson called the claims offensive and false, adding that fans choose the music they want to hear.
Spotify and Lamar have not yet responded.
The motion is not a full legal action but a so-called pre-action motion, under which Drake's lawyers can ask the court to order Universal and Spotify to preserve all relevant documents and information, before future legal actions.
The BBC understands the action is primarily aimed at Universal, with Spotify cited in the belief it may hold information that could be relevant to a trial.
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Kendrick Lamar released a surprise new album last week called GNX.
Not Like Us was widely seen as the decisive blow in the escalating conflict between Drake and Lamar earlier this year.
Drake's court filing highlights the song's meteoric success – 96 million streams in seven days, number one on the US charts and a top 10 radio hit – but suggests those achievements were artificially inflated.
Its lawyers claim Universal conspired and paid currently unknown parties to artificially increase Not Like Us' notoriety.
They claim the label reduced its royalty rates on the song by 30%, in exchange for recommending Spotify to users.
The filing also cites alleged allegations from a podcast whistleblower, who said he was paid $2,500 to set up software bots that would play the song on loop, turning it into a runaway hit.
The effort has spread to other streaming services, Drake's lawyers say, referencing online reports that fans who asked Apple's voice assistant to play Drake's album Certified Loverboy received Not Like Us instead.
Drake loyalists fired
The filing is a surprising coda to the musicians' feud, but it also represents a rift between Drake and Universal — the label that has represented him throughout his career.
In court documents, the star's lawyers say he has attempted to respond to the allegations privately, but that the brand has no interest in taking responsibility for his misconduct.
Additionally, they claim Universal made an apparent effort to conceal its plans, including firing staff perceived to be loyal to Drake.
Streaming is a zero-sum game, they argue. Every time a song breaks through, it means another artist doesn't. As a result, they claim, Drake suffered economic harm at Lamar's expense.
A Universal spokesperson rejected the claims.
The idea that UMG would do anything to harm one of its artists is offensive and false, they said in a statement.
We employ the highest ethical practices in our marketing and promotional campaigns. No contrived and absurd legal arguments in this pre-action presentation can obscure the fact that fans choose the music they want to hear.
The legal filing came days after Lamar released a surprise album, GNX, which is widely considered a follow-up to Not Like Us.
His breakaway track was recently nominated for four Grammy Awards, including song of the year, and he was booked to perform at the Super Bowl halftime show next year.
However, he lags behind Drake in terms of popularity. On Spotify, the rapper is the 23rd most listened to artist in the world, while Drake ranks 13th.
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