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The most promising treatment for long-term coronavirus infections

The most promising treatment for long-term coronavirus infections


Long-term COVID-19 is a symptom-driven disease and there is no cure, so doctors primarily treat the symptoms patients are experiencing. Effective treatments for the long-term coronavirus remain elusive, as what works for one patient may not work at all for another. But as 2024 draws to a close, researchers are beginning to identify a number of treatments to alleviate symptoms. 17 million Americans He was diagnosed with a long-term novel coronavirus infection.

Here we take a look at what research has currently identified as some of the most promising treatments.

low dose naltrexone

Low-dose naltrexone may help patients suffering from brain fog, pain, sleep disturbances and fatigue, says Dr. Ziyad Al Ali, a long-time global expert on coronavirus and director of research and development at the Department of Veterans Affairs. He said that there is some research that suggests that there is. St. Louis Health System.

Low-dose naltrexone is an anti-inflammatory drug currently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of alcohol and opioid dependence.

“We don't know the mechanism of how the drug works, and for that matter, we don't really understand what causes brain fog. But perhaps its anti-inflammatory properties seem to help, and For some patients, low-dose naltrexone has been helpful,” Al Ali said.

March 2024 study They found that both fatigue and pain improved in patients taking low doses of naltrexone. In another study published in the June 2024 issue, medical frontierresearchers found that low-dose naltrexone improved several clinical symptoms associated with long-term COVID-19 infection, including fatigue, poor sleep quality, brain fog, post-exertional malaise, and headaches. I discovered that it is related to.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and antidepressants

Last year, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia discovered a link between the long-lasting coronavirus and infectious disease. Decreased serotonin levels in the body. This helped demonstrate the therapeutic potential of using SSRIs to treat this condition.

For patients with concurrent psychiatric problems that accompany brain fog, SSRIs and the antidepressant Wellbutrin, which are prescribed to treat depression and other mental health conditions, can help with concentration problems, brain fog, and the antidepressant Wellbutrin. It has been shown to be effective in treating depression, Nisha said. Viswanathan, MD, Director, Long Term COVID-19 Program at UCLA Health, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

Research published in the November 2023 issue of the journal scientific report They found that SSRIs led to “significant reductions in symptoms,” particularly brain fog, fatigue, sensory overload, and improved overall functioning. Low-dose Abilify, which contains the antipsychotic drug aripiprazole, was also found to be effective against cognitive problems caused by the long-term coronavirus.

“Abilify has traditionally been used to treat schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, but in low doses it has anti-inflammatory properties and may also help with cognitive issues like brain fog. There is some data that suggests that,” Viswanathan said.


Modafinila drug previously used to manage narcolepsy, has also been shown to be effective in treating fatigue and neurocognitive disorders caused by long-term coronavirus, Viswanathan said. She said this is another drug that has been found to be helpful for many patients.

These are possible cognitive symptoms It is caused by the release of inflammatory cytokines, which overstimulate neurotransmitters in the body. According to a June 2024 article in American Journal of Psychiatry“Modafinil can act therapeutically on these pathways, which may have contributed to symptom improvement.” However, the drug has not been extensively studied in people with long-term COVID-19 infections. It has been shown to interact with other drugs.


Some studies have shown that metformin, a well-known diabetes drug, reduced long-term morbidity from COVID-19 when taken during the acute phase of the disease. It appears to enhance metabolic function in patients.

“It seems to have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, so it makes sense that it would be effective,” said Dr. said Dr. Grace McComsey, who heads one of the long-standing coronavirus centers. Efforts in Cleveland. McComsey added that this could reduce the persistence of the virus, which causes some types of coronavirus to last longer.

Research published in the October 2023 issue of the journal of lancet infection Researchers found that metformin appeared to reduce symptoms of long-term COVID-19 infection in patients who took metformin after being diagnosed with acute COVID-19. It appears to be less effective for patients who have already had a long history of coronavirus infection.


other data suggests Some long-term coronavirus patients have shown improvement after taking antihistamines. Studies show improvement in long-term coronavirus symptoms. 29% of patients Long COVID-19 infection.

Researchers don't know why antihistamines are so effective at relieving long-term coronavirus infections, but they suggest mast cells, white blood cells that are part of the immune system, shed granules. It is thought to release large amounts of histamine when triggering an inflammatory response. Antihistamines such as famotidine It blocks histamine receptors in the body, improving symptoms such as brain fog, difficulty breathing, and increased heart rate in patients.

“For some patients, these can be a lifesaver,” said Nash Family Director of the Cohen Center for Recovery from Complex Chronic Diseases, a national leader in treating the lingering coronavirus. David Putrino said.

Putrino cautions against taking these and other drugs haphazardly without fully understanding that all treatments come with risks, especially if you are taking multiple medications. I am calling.

“Patients are often told there is no risk in trying something, but doctors need to counsel patients and remind them of the risks, including drug sensitivities and drug interactions.” said Putrino.

The good news is that doctors are starting to identify treatments that seem to work for their patients, but large-scale research is needed to determine which treatments work for specific patients and why. No clinical trials have been conducted yet.

There's still a lot we don't know, and for doctors on the front lines of treating long-term COVID-19 infections, it remains largely speculation. “This is a set of symptoms. It's not just one thing,” Al-Aly said. Also, a treatment may be very effective for one patient, but may not be effective or cause additional problems for another patient.




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