Americans can now apply for a UK ETA. When will the visa-free entry system be opened to Europeans?
The Home Office has announced the date for the global rollout of the Electronic Travel Authorization Scheme.
The UK's Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) will soon apply to millions of international visitors.
As part of plans to fully digitalize borders by 2025, tourists will be required to obtain an entry permit.
All eligible non-Europeans can now (as of 27 November) apply for an ETA to enter the UK from 8 January 2025.
This includes 6 million citizens of the United States, Canada, and Australia.
The Ministry of Home Affairs began implementing the scheme in November for citizens of Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
Now it has been announced when it will apply to Europeans as well.
When should EU travelers apply for an ETA to visit the UK?
Visitors to Qatar have been able to apply for the first time under the UK's new ETA scheme from 15 November 2023.
Visitors from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states and Jordan were the next group after February 2024.
Previously, nationals of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates could apply for a one-time electronic visa waiver (EVW) instead of a visa to enter the UK. The cost is 30 (34.30) and is valid for up to 6 months.
According to the UK government, the ETA scheme will now completely replace the EVW scheme, providing a cheaper option with multiple entry validity.
The ETA is now open to all nationalities except Europeans and requires entry from 8 January 2025.
Meanwhile, Europeans will need an ETA for travel from April 2, 2025, with applications opening on March 5.
How do I apply for an ETA to enter the UK?
If the scheme applies to your country, you will need to complete an online application granting permission to enter the UK. According to the government, most visitors will be able to apply using the mobile app with a faster decision on their application.
You will need a valid biometric passport from your country, travel details, email address and credit or debit card. You will also need to answer a series of suitability questions.
Similar to the US Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA), a small fee is charged for the application process. This is set to 10 (11.66).
Travelers must apply at least a few days before their planned trip and be approved within 72 hours.
Do I need a visa to enter the UK?
An ETA is not a visa, but grants entry permission.
All visitors who are not currently required to apply for a visa must obtain an ETA before travelling. This includes people who currently do not need to make any form of application to visit the UK (meaning the US, Canada, Australia and Europe). Citizens need an ETA even for short stays.
Failure to apply prior to travel may result in fines. British and Irish passport holders do not need an ETA.
Travelers from countries that do not have a visa-free entry agreement with the UK will also need to apply for the correct visa and ETA.
Your ETA is valid for up to 6 months or 2 years if you have a valid UK visa. This means that you do not need to apply for a new travel authorization if you visit the UK again within the validity period.
Why is the UK introducing the ETA system?
ETA is part of the UK's plan to digitize border crossings at UK airports by the end of 2025.
Some passengers may enter the country without using the e-Passport gate or without speaking to a Border Patrol agent. Instead, they will have to upload a photo of themselves and submit it to the Home Office before travelling.
The scheme is designed to help speed up legal travel to the UK by reducing queues at the border.
British newspaper The Times reported that facial recognition technology could be used to make such contactless corridors possible. International travelers will be required to submit biometric and biometric information, such as a facial photograph, through the new Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) scheme before flying.
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