Teenager with a goal on tennis tour earns a place at American university
A Sunshine Coast student and promising tennis player has been awarded a prestigious four-year scholarship to a university in the United States.
Juliet Santitto, who completed Year 12 at Sunshine Coast Grammar School this year, has accepted an offer to study at the University of Oregon.
While other Year 12 graduates let off steam during Schoolies Week, Juliet secured a visa and prepared for a tournament in Melbourne.
The 17-year-old will board a plane two days after Christmas to start university on January 5.
It was quite nerve-wracking at first, but I got used to it. “I know this is what I really wanted and I know what to do,” she said.
Juliet has been Queensland's best player in her age group for two years and has been Tennis Queensland's junior athlete of the year for two years in a row. Juliet sees the fair as a step towards making the international tour.
She was part of the Grammars Tennis Excellence Program under head coach Clint Fyfe, but has been playing tennis since she was three.
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My brothers started playing when they were about ten and I was three and always went to their practices. “I always hit the ball against the wall,” she said.
I have always loved the sport. I played soccer and football for a while, but I never enjoyed it as much as tennis.”
Juliet has been working on a scholarship for the past few years.
At first I wanted to go on tour straight away, but I realized I needed the training, just to mature a little better for two or three years, she said.
A coach from the University of Oregon traveled to Australia to watch Juliet play and offered her a scholarship immediately after the game.
She received offers from seven universities.
“I really wanted to go to a good school and that's the University of Oregon,” she said.
She plans to study psychology.
Originally I wanted to do physiotherapy, but I started studying psychology in my last two years and I thought, I'm really enjoying this,” she said.
“And it helps a bit with my training.
She describes herself as an aggressive player and hopes the Oregon tennis program will help her develop more consistency in her game.
As an aggressive player you go for it a little more and take the risks. But you have to make the right decisions. “I want to improve that a little bit,” she said.
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