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Exercise by Daniel Lieberman Review – Explosion of Fitness Myths | Science and Nature Books


MArk Twain once said that he got all the exercise he needed to act as a Paul Bearer at the funeral of his regularly exercising friend. Similarly, Donald Trump reportedly considers the human body to be like a battery with limited storage of energy, so he chooses not to use it up in exercise. This may be the only thing the two men have in common.

But as evolutionary biologist Daniel Lieberman points out in this entertaining and informative book, the suspicion of movement is entirely natural. In interviews, modern day hunter-gatherers are wondering why Westerners are obsessed with running long distances and lifting heavy things when they don’t need them.

Of course, the difference is that on a normal day you will not automatically get enough physical activity. But what we have learned from modern hunter-gatherers and the facts about the evolution of the human skeleton do so in a healthy, and perhaps enjoyable way. Lieberman himself is, for example, an expert on the evolution of running, and his work gives solid evidence that he hits the ground with the ball of the sole of the foot (as opposed to the heel, as highly cushioned shoes encourage). Based on that, it influenced the movement to run barefoot. It is ergonomically efficient and can reduce injuries.

However, if not, even if you do it “normally”, you will eventually kneel down. This is one of many “myths” about the movement that Lieberman effectively drills by carefully assessing all the evidence from the study. (Inactive elderly are far more likely to develop osteoarthritis of the joints than lifelong exercisers.)

Nor is it true that simply walking is not enough. That means you need to do much more than most people (walk vigorously for at least 5 weeks). Recently, it’s often heard that exercise doesn’t help people lose weight. After all, Lieberman argues that’s not the case, and for the same reason: most people don’t do it well.

This book is packed with useful tips. You can build muscle faster by stretching it under load rather than contracting it. It doesn’t matter what chair you sit on, as long as you strengthen your lower back muscles and move regularly. It is conveyed in a humorous and sympathetic style. Lieberman is a concept of repetitive movement, modern, strange and offensive. So the best way to do even more is to find what you really enjoy, and perhaps to incorporate social motivation by doing it with others. By the end of the book, I was completely tired of the idea, but tomorrow is always.

Exercise: The science of physical activity, rest and health by Daniel Lieberman is published by Allen Lane (RRP £25). To order a copy, Shipping charges may apply.

What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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