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How to build muscle faster



Build muscle faster with these fitness tips.

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So you want Build muscle.. Because you probably already know it It takes a long time to pack muscle massWell, you’re probably looking for a way to speed up the process-I think it’s the way you found yourself here.

As Fitness trainerI want you to establish realistic expectations. Setting your expectations too high can discourage you and, as a result, force you to stop before you start looking at the muscle growth you are looking for.

building muscle This will take some time. It also requires hard work and consistency. Even if you do everything right, you may add only 1-2 pounds of muscle per month.

However, you can solve some important strategies yourself. If you have any questions about how to build muscle faster, keep these eight tips in mind. Then you will see a consistent increase in muscle size, strength, and overall. Fitness..

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1. Increase the amount of training


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the study Tell us that more volume is usually converted to more muscle.

Volume refers to the overall load that stresses the muscles in a particular workout. To calculate the volume, multiply the set by the person’s weight. For example, if you bench press 3 sets of 10 repeats at 100 pounds, the bench press session has a volume of 3,000 pounds.

There are even certain ones Person in charge range It is known to most promote muscle growth. lift 8 to 15 times Each set has a generally accepted “hypertrophic representative range”. If you are currently lifting a small number of people, try increasing the range of people. You probably need to lose weight. If you’re currently lifting more than 15 people, try reducing the range of your people and gaining weight.

read more: Is it lighter or better to lift weight?

2. Increase the frequency of training


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A few the study Training frequency has been shown to be as important as the amount of workout to build muscle. Frequency refers to how often you train a muscle or group of muscles in a week, the more likely you are to grow, the more likely you are to grow.

This is an effective strategy, but it can be a dangerous strategy if you are not careful. If you use this technique to build more muscle, increase the frequency slowly. DOMS..

read more: A slow workout is just as effective as a fast workout. Here is the reason

3. Lift heavier weight


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Has a stronger power than usual- But not always (Most muscles can be very strong)-Correlate with larger muscles.

Lifting a heavy object increases the synthesis of muscle proteins, the process by which muscles take up proteins to repair and build them, because muscles are more likely to tolerate fiber crevices.

“Heavy” is relative and does not mean you should get the most out of deadlift each week. Choose weights that are heavy enough to fatigue with 8 to 15 sets. You can also focus on the strength of the building by lifting heavy items in a low personnel range, such as 4 to 6 personnel.

Being tired means going to the brink of failure. If there are too many people in charge and the people in charge end up being incomplete, you have gone too far and have failed.

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4. Switch to combined lift


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Compound lifts are the most effective and most efficient type of movement for building muscle easily. Compound movement Includes movements with multiple joints as opposed to movements with single joints. For example, squats are compound lifts, while seated leg extensions are single joint movements.

Complex exercises work on more muscle fibers from the muscle group of interest, but they also tend to work on the whole body rather than a single muscle group.

Let’s use the squat and leg extension example again. When you crouch, Quad, hamstring, glute, Core, back, and even your calf work to complete the move. With the legs extended, only the quad will complete its movement. Based solely on that information, it is clear that combined lifts offer more potential for muscle growth.

read more: The most effective workouts to train your body in the shortest time

5. Eat more protein


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Protein literally builds and rebuilds your muscles. One The main role of dietary protein In your body is to repair cells, including muscle cells that are damaged when you lift weights. Protein supplementation is known to increase Muscle protein synthesis, The process of repairing and building your muscles.

There are a variety of protein intake recommendations, but in general, to promote muscle growth, 2 and 3 grams of protein Per kilogram of body weight. For imperial-minded people, it calculates from 0.9 grams to 1.36 grams per pound of body weight.

For reference, the DRI (Food Intake Standard) established by the Institute of Medicine is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, or 0.36 grams per pound.

PS eating protein before going to bed May maximize your profits..

6. Generally eat more


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“Mass builds mass” is what the bodybuilding community says. Bodybuilders spend the off-season between competitions. Meanwhile, the main goal is to train as many muscles as possible. To do so, they eat with a surplus of calories to increase strength and promote muscle growth.

Eating extra has a good reputation calorie It helps build muscle as long as you keep lifting weights. If you eat extra calories and don’t increase your weight, volume, or frequency to strain your muscles, you may have more body fat than lean muscle.

read more: Want to lose belly fat? It’s already a crunch

7. Increase sleep


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No matter how hard you try, how heavy you lift it, or how much protein you eat, you will not get optimal muscle building results If you are chronically sleep deprived.. Lifting weights not only feels exponentially difficult, but you can lose all your motivation to lift weights. Then obviously, you don’t build muscle.

Sleep too Promotes muscle recovery.. Studies show that most of the muscle repair process occurs during sleep, Sleep affects important hormones Like cortisol, human growth hormone, and insulin growth factor, they all play a role in muscle maintenance and growth. Ah 2018 survey It was even found that if you didn’t sleep for just one night, protein breakdown would increase and your efforts to build muscle would be reduced.

read more: 5 common health problems that interfere with sleep

8. Prioritize recovery


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Training recovery Very important. I can’t stress this enough, but I try: Workout Recovery so important.

If you continue to beat your muscles without giving you the opportunity to rest and rebuild, your muscles will not grow and symptoms of struggle will develop. Overtraining syndrome.. The reason so many bodybuilders use a workout “split” is to allow them to work out multiple times a week without undue strain on a particular muscle group.

For example, a common split is push-pull-legs. It will be as follows.

  • Upper body push movements (focus on chest, shoulders, and triceps)
  • Upper body traction (focus on back muscles and biceps)
  • Legs (focus on quads, hamstrings, calves, gluteus)
  • remaining
  • repeat

read more: How to recover from long runs, CrossFit workouts, HIITs and strength training

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only, not for health or medical advice. If you have any questions about your medical condition or health goals, always consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider.

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