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Here’s how calorie reduction extends lifespan and reduces the chances of cancer-Alzheimer’s disease-fitness


Calorie reduction is associated with many health benefits, but these days, from longer lifespans, the likelihood of developing neurodegenerative conditions such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease is very low. Various benefits are highlighted.

A new study by a team led by Scripps researchers Dr. Bruno Conti (PhD) and Dr. Gary Siuzdak (PhD) highlights the important role body temperature plays in realizing these diet-induced health benefits. doing. Through its discovery, scientists pave the way for creating medicinal compounds that mimic the valuable effects of lowering body temperature.

Studies are displayed in Science Signaling.

Conti has been studying for many years how and why calorie restriction improves health. The ultimate goal is to transform the result into a drug that can mimic what happens naturally when a person eats less.

One of the consistent observations is that when mammals eat less food, their body temperature drops. Conti explains that it’s an evolutionary way to help save energy until food is available again. That makes sense, considering that up to half of what we eat every day is converted into energy just to maintain core body temperature.

Conti’s previous studies have shown that lowering temperatures can prolong lifespan independent of calorie restriction, and that these effects are associated with activation of certain cellular processes.

On the other hand, studies have shown that keeping your body temperature cool can actually counteract the positive effects of calorie restriction. In particular, in experiments involving calorie-restricted mice, the anticancer effect was reduced when core body temperature remained the same.

“It’s not easy to identify what is causing the beneficial changes in calorie restriction,” says Conti. “Did that alone reduce calories, or is it a common change in body temperature when calories are low, or is it a combination of both?”

* Metabolites hold the answer

In a new study, Conti and his team designed an experiment that could independently assess the effects of nutrient loss and body temperature. They compared one group of calorie-restricted mice stored at room temperature to a group stored at about 68 degrees Fahrenheit (22 degrees Celsius) and another group at 86 degrees Celsius (30 degrees Celsius). The warm environment evoked “heat stroke,” a condition in which most animals cannot easily lower their body temperature.

The Siuzdak team evaluated mice by measuring metabolites, or chemicals released by animal metabolism, using a technique they developed called technology metabolomics. This allowed us to search for molecules in the bloodstream and brain that change as nutrients and body temperature decrease. The data we collect show that temperature affects metabolism in calories as much as or better than nutrients, says Conti.

In particular, the team provided the first comprehensive profiling of metabolites that change with temperature.

Through computational analysis of the results from both groups of mice, scientists were able to prioritize which metabolites were most responsible for causing changes in core body temperature. Another experiment also showed that it is possible to administer certain metabolites as drugs that affect body temperature.

Conti’s further work to verify the changes caused by temperature during calorie restriction is new to future drugs, which he calls “temperature mimetics” that “can provide health-promoting effects without the need to lower body temperature.” Say it should provide a goal.

(This article is published from the telegraph agency feed without any changes to the text. Only the headline has changed.)

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