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The resurrection of Agadir Oufla, a Moroccan teacher, is missing


Sixty years after a devastating earthquake that left the remains of the Moroccan national heritage of Agadir-Ovila in ruins, the site is now undergoing restoration as part of the Agadir Urban Development Program 2020-2024.

King Mohammed VI implemented the program in February 2020 as part of his vision for development in Morocco.

The program aims to implement several projects in Agadir that will develop the city, improve the living conditions of the population and enhance the attractiveness of the city as a national and international tourist destination.

During the launch of the Agadir Urban Development Program, Morocco’s Minister of the Interior, Abdelouafi Laftit, made several strong observations that the program aims, including the development of several structural projects.

The Wali of the Souss Massa region, Ahmed Haji, said that one of the main aspects of the program is to protect, promote and enhance the cultural heritage of the city. This is where the Agadir Oufella restoration comes in setting.

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Located along the Atlantic coast, Agadir is one of the main cities in Morocco and an important tourist destination. At the top of Agadir, you will find the Kasbah of Agadir Oufella, a city that is home to a rich history and culture.

The name “Agadir Oufla” is Tachelhit, one of the dialects of the Amazigh (Berber) language. Agadir translates as “fort” and Oufella to “higher”, thus calling it “the castle at the top”. Agadir Ovila is located on top of a mountain that rises 236 meters above sea level near the port of Agadir.

Sultan Muhammad al-Sheikh al-Saadi, founder of the Saadian dynasty, built the Kasbah in 1540 to protect the city from potential invasions, especially from the Portuguese who settled at the foot of the mountain in 1470 while they were searching for India.

The mountain was used by the former rulers of the city as the site of the fort due to its strategic location.

In 1511 the fort supported the first attack on the Portuguese by the Sous tribes.

However, two years later, the King of Portugal, Dom Manuel, bought the fort and named it Santa Cruz de Cape de Gere, a name that the Portuguese still use to describe the Kasbah today.

The tide turned in 1536 when Muhammad Sheikh Saadi seized Agadir after his father, Sultan Moulay Abdullah al-Qayyim, declared war on the Portuguese. Four years later, after Muhammad al-Sheikh became Sultan, he built the Kasbah with dungeons and over 40 guns to protect the city.

Two centuries later, Sultan Moulay Abdullah reinforced the Kasbah in 1752. Two thousand men were deployed to the castle to increase security in Agadir.

In 1755, the Great Lisbon earthquake shook the Casbah, damaging the infrastructure but not enough to leave it in ruins.

However, on February 29, 1960, the Kasbah was tragically one of the victims of the devastating Agadir earthquake. At least 12,000 people died and 25,000 were injured across the city of Agadir. On top of the famous Agadir mountain, only the walls of the Kasbah and the entrance gate remain.

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After the 1960 earthquake, the Kasbah of Agadir left Ovala in ruins, haunted by memories of the victims who died during the natural disaster.

In the past, visitors would drive to Agadir-Ovala in hopes of seeing what’s left of the city. However, due to the numerous accidents that occurred due to the dangerous driving conditions, the road was closed to cars. Currently, the only way to get to Agadir Oufella is by walking or taking the bus.

All this is set to change thanks to the restoration project.

Salama Nagy, one of Morocco’s most skilled architects and anthropologists, is tasked with restoring Agadir Ouvla. She has worked on many complex restoration projects, including Assa Palace, Kasbah Agnaj Alahi from Tiznit, and many more.

Before the start of the archaeological phase of the site’s restoration, experts and local officials held a study day on December 20, 2018.

The school day, entitled “History and Memory of Agadir Ovla”, brought together authorities, officials and regional experts who had similar experiences with the project, particularly in southern Morocco.

The gathering set out the restoration project and honor those who died in the 1960 earthquake that caused the site to collapse.

Participants also learned during the school day how to rehabilitate the site, taking into account its history, and how to make it an important attraction for locals and those who want to learn more about Agadir’s heritage.

Read also: Agadir reflects the Moroccan-Amazigh heritage and the importance of archeology in the restoration of Agadir Oufla

Archeology is the study of ancient history. It is the science that allows us to understand history, as well as how human behavior has changed over millions of years to the present day and why. Archaeologists are working on ancient sites, restoring data and analyzing biological, geological and environmental aspects of these areas.

The study is based on interdisciplinary research rooted in data from the study of artifacts, architecture, bio-artefacts, or cultural landscapes.

Before starting the restoration and rebuilding of Agadir Ovila, the site requires a major archaeological study to learn more about the ancient Agadir people and culture during the pre-Islamic and Islamic periods.

According to Agadir Premiere Magazine, the archaeological study includes three important stages under the supervision of the best experts in this field.

The first stage is documentation led by archaeologists, researchers and professors Youssef Boukaboot and Mabrouk Saghir.

The second stage includes discussion of document discoveries and recommendations for mediation of the site by Professor Jorge Unrubia Pintado.

The third and final stage is scientific mediation led by Professor Pintado with specialist Miguel Angel Hervas Herrera, in cooperation with researchers and doctoral students.

The ongoing archaeological study will allow the restoration team to develop a better understanding of an important historical site in Morocco, how and why natural changes are occurring, and help them predict changes that may occur in the future.

The aim of the archaeological study is to enable the restoration team to use the correct methods to ensure the successful and sustainable rehabilitation of the site.

The restoration of the Kasbah of Agadir-Ovala will be an important event for all Moroccans, Agadir in particular. It is an event that will not only restore the site’s ancient culture and heritage, but also revive the city’s recognition of this piece of its history.

With the restoration of Agadir Ovila, the city will not only share its history with locals and visitors alike, but it will also honor and properly remember those who lost their lives in the tragic earthquake of 1960.

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