Managing the Immune System: Dr. Nina | Local News
COVID-19 emphasizes the importance of self-responsibility for our own health and self-care, and the impact of our health care behavior on others.
Currently, there is no vaccine that strengthens the immune system to prevent COVID-19, but steps can be taken to keep the system (and mind and body) healthy and strong. This emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet, regular exercise and sleep.
The COVID-19 pandemic brings a wealth of information that provides help and peace of mind. And when planning healthy measures, you may be wondering about some things. Which behavior is science-backed, based on real healthy wisdom, or is based on an untrue old wife’s story or false science?
Your immune system is banding together bacteria, viruses, parasites, and even cancer cells to fight foreign invaders. It is imperative that you understand and follow health guidelines to keep this army strong.
There are scientifically proven measures that can help boost the immune system. On this topic, Harvard Medical School has published research that emphasizes an important fundamental understanding that it is important that we all know. To work well, you need balance and harmony. “
The foods you consume provide the immune system with the vitamins, nutrients, minerals, and building blocks needed to function at their best. Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, lean meats and fish provides the right ingredients to keep your immune system and your whole body in top condition.
Studies wisely treat healthy food intake as follows: A healthy immune system warrior needs regular good nutrition. “
So what can you do? Here are some important insights:
• The mineral zinc found in almost every cell in the body—an estimated 3 trillion cells—is part of hundreds of enzymatic reactions and affects various aspects of the immune system. Still, it is not as well-known as some other vitamins and minerals. However, a lack of zinc can lead to impaired immune function, recurrent infections, and even death.
And since the body does not store it easily, you have to consume some every day.
Good examples include oysters, lobsters, pasture beef, chicken, chickpeas, mushrooms, oatmeal, cashew nuts, almonds and pumpkin seeds.
Meeting daily needs for zinc is important, but exceeding its daily requirements can be toxic.
• Selenium is a trace mineral required in small quantities. It not only plays an important role in the health function of the immune system, but also functions as an antioxidant that removes waste from our bodies and is essential for the thyroid gland.
Good sources include meat and dairy products such as eggs, chicken, oysters, salmon, turkey and cheese. There are several delicious botanical products that boast abundant minerals. Mushrooms; lima beans; seeds (sunflower, sesame, flax); and cabbage.
• Iron is a fundamental element of the immune system and is a bacterium. Our bodies cleverly sequester and / or transport iron from bacteria and viruses, thereby threatening their survival and growth. At the same time, your body uses iron to fight and destroy bacteria.
Sources include beef, clams, oysters, chicken, turkey, tuna, salmon, as well as plant foods such as lentils, tofu, nuts (pecans, walnuts, pistachios), beans, and spinach.
• Vitamin C is essential for some cells of the immune system to work. And since it is not produced by our body and cannot be stored, we need to consume the right amount every day.
Citrus such as oranges, tangerines, lemons, limes and grapefruits are packed. You can drink OJ. Flavored drinks with wedges; squeeze into entrées; or cover baked goods, pasta and other dishes.
Many vegetables and fruits contain more vitamin C than oranges. Red and green peppers; kale; broccoli; papaya; strawberry; pineapple; kiwi; mango; cauliflower; and brussels sprouts
Other useful foods
• Garlic contains a sulfur compound called alliin, which is thought to have a unique aroma and taste as well as antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties. In addition, garlic may boost our body’s response to fighting diseases of the immune system cells.
• Ginger has been used for medicinal purposes for almost 5,000 years. And although not completely understood, research has shown that it is toxic to Escherichia coli, a common bacterium that can cause havoc, and rhinovirus, the most common cold virus. is showing.
• Yogurt contains probiotics (live, viable bacterial cultures) that are thought to fight harmful bacteria in the body. Ingestion of probiotics is thought to interact with intestinal immune cells and affect normal and healthy immune cell development.
Foods to ease or eliminate
• Ingestion of foods high in sugar and fat may reduce the reactivity of immune cells immediately and several hours after ingestion.
• Excessive alcohol consumption deprives the body of necessary protective nutrients. Suppresses the ability of white blood cells to proliferate. Inhibits the action of natural killer cells.
• Smoking weakens the immune system. Smokers have a higher risk of injury and post-surgery infection than non-smokers due to more colds and respiratory infections and impaired wound healing.
Keep in mind
• Beware of commercially packaged tonic-du-jours, which makes a false claim to “strengthen the immune system.”
• It is important to get vitamins, minerals and nutrients from food.
• Don’t be tempted to take large amounts of a single vitamin. Excessive consumption of certain types of vitamins can put your health at risk. Some vitamins are toxic when taken in large quantities.
Does not require a specific diet if the doctor has been diagnosed with a specific nutritional deficiency, such as vitamin D, or is pregnant or has been diagnosed with a condition that may affect nutrient absorption As long as you do not need to take additional vitamins. As cystic fibrosis or bowel disorder.
• There is no conclusive evidence that vitamin C supplements can delay the onset of infections or treat respiratory infections.
•motion. It is a pillar of health and contributes to a strong immune system. Physical activity increases the production of macrophages (cells that attack bacteria). It boosts circulation so that immune cells can move faster, kill both viruses and bacteria, and temporarily raises body temperature, which is thought to inhibit bacterial growth.
In addition, exercise slows the release of stress hormones, which are enemies of the immune system. Note, however, that intense exercise, such as a marathon, is associated with increased susceptibility to infection.
• Don’t try to run a marathon suddenly, thinking you’re regained. Diversion of large amounts of energy into building muscle and fitness makes it more susceptible to infections. In other words, energy that helps the immune system. Take slowly.
• Enough sleep is essential. While you sleep, your body uses energy to recharge and activate your immune system. As a result, lack of sleep increases the likelihood of getting sick. Studies have shown that vaccines that stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies to fight off bacteria and viruses can be less effective if we are sleep deprived.
• Stress management. Your mind has a major impact on our health. It is also well known that chronic stress not only increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer, but also weakens the immune system. It is believed that consistently elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol can be “toxic” to our immune cells.
• It is important not only to regularly use relaxation techniques such as exercise, yoga, meditation and prayer, but also to build a support network for the person you are talking to.
• Consider counseling during life events that are important to you.
All of these measures and the measures communicated by the COVID-19 Task Force, including vaccine maintenance, good hygiene practices, social distance, and surface cleaning, provide a line of defense that helps keep bacteria away Help.
Dr. Nina Radcliffe of Galloway Township is a physician anesthesiologist, a contributor to television medicine, and a textbook author. A question to Dr. Nina was sent to the editor of @, “Dr. Subject” Nina “.
This article is for general information only and should not be used to diagnose or treat a medical condition. It is not a substitute for advice from healthcare professionals.
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