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COVID-19: The Most Complex Vaccine Campaign Ever


If the vaccine is not officially approved by the Food and Drug Administration and is quickly tracked through an emergency license, it can also create a bureaucratic hurdle. For example I don’t do Medicare Covers the cost of emergency medications. Therefore, while the government intends to pay for supplies such as vaccines and syringes, hospitals must pay for storage, schedules, records management, and staff to actually make injections. “The hospital isn’t happy about it — at all,” says Behlim. The fix probably needs to be made by Congress.

Another concern for hospitals is the need to mix multiple incompatible vaccines. “They’re worried about getting the vaccine in November, another manufacturer launching in January, another manufacturer launching in March, and three more in May. That’s what Behlim said. Vaccination registries can record who got which vaccine, but hospitals and clinics need to decide which vaccine to stock in which vaccine and how much. One vaccine may be more effective, while another is easier to store. One-third may be most effective for the elderly, but one-quarter has the advantage of requiring a single dose. The more vaccines on the market, the more difficult it is to manage the vaccine.

In fact, Dozens of vaccines Currently in clinical trials, the United States is very likely to get multiple COVID-19 vaccines from multiple manufacturers next year. The other two vaccines are directly behind the Moderna and Pfizer / BioNTech mRNA vaccines in Phase III clinical trials in the United States. Both insert the genetic code of the coronavirus spike protein into a harmless virus.

These vaccines require a growing virus and will take some time to manufacture. It is also a relatively new technology. However, they do not need to be frozen and Johnson & Johnson can be given in a single dose. Immediately behind these two are more traditional vaccines that use proteins purified from the virus, perhaps with traditional storage requirements. Of course, clinical trials need to be completed before scientists know if any of these vaccines are safe and effective. “Which vaccine will prove to be the safest, most effective, and most deployable? I don’t know yet, so it’s good to have redundancy,” said Damba, a vaccine researcher at Harvard University. Ruche says. (His lab is Johnson & Johnson Vaccine.. )

In the short term, speed is paramount. However, in the long run, other properties such as safety, efficacy, and ease of use determine which vaccines are widely distributed. Julie SwanShe studied the supply chain at North Carolina State University and collaborated with the CDC during the 2009 influenza pandemic. He says he is disappointed with putting that weight behind him and the vaccine provider. Using them in developing countries becomes even more difficult. “There is no way to use this in some countries of the world,” she says.

The good news is More deployable vaccine The pipeline is also moving at high speed.Competition for a Vaccines have dominated hope for the end of the pandemic. However, the first COVID-19 vaccine may not be the most important COVID-19 vaccine in the end.

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Chang Sara I’m a staff writer Atlantic.


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