Air pollutant particles associated with Alzheimer’s disease found in children’s brains
carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the leading causes of global warming. After the gas is released into the atmosphere, it stays there, making it difficult for heat to escape-and in the process warms the planet.
It is mainly released from the combustion of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas, and the production of cement.
As of April 2019, the average monthly concentration of CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere is 413 ppm. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, the concentration was only 280ppm.
CO2 concentrations have fluctuated between 180 and 280 ppm over the last 800,000 years, but have been significantly accelerated by human pollution.
Nitrogen dioxide
Gas Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) results from the burning of fossil fuels, automobile exhaust, and the use of nitrogen-based fertilizers used in agriculture.
NO2 in the atmosphere is much less than CO2, but it is 200-300 times more effective in trapping heat.
Sulfur dioxide
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) also comes primarily from the combustion of fossil fuels, but can also be released from automobile exhaust.
SO2 can react with atmospheric water, oxygen and other chemicals to cause acid rain.
Carbon monoxide
Carbon monoxide (CO) is an indirect greenhouse gas because it reacts with hydroxyl radicals to remove them. Hydroxyl radicals shorten the life of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.
Particulate matter
What is Particulate Matter?
Particulate matter is a small portion of a solid or liquid substance in the air.
Some look like dust, others are invisible to the naked eye.
Substances such as metals, microplastics, soil and chemicals can be included in particulate matter.
Particulate matter (or PM) is expressed in micrometers. The two main ones mentioned in the reports and studies are PM10 (less than 10 micrometers) and PM2.5 (less than 2.5 micrometers).
Air pollution results from fossil fuels, automobiles, cement production, and agricultural combustion
Scientists measure the proportion of particles in the air in cubic meters.
Particulate matter is released into the atmosphere by a variety of processes, including burning fossil fuels, driving cars, and steelmaking.
Why are particulate matter dangerous?
Particles less than 10 micrometers in diameter are dangerous because they can penetrate deep into the lungs and into the bloodstream. Particulate matter is found in high concentrations in urban areas, especially along highways.
Health effects
What health problems can pollution cause?
According to the World Health Organization, one-third of deaths from stroke, lung cancer and heart disease can be associated with air pollution.
Some of the effects of air pollution on the body are not understood, but pollution can increase inflammation, narrow arteries, and cause heart attacks and strokes.
In addition to this, almost one-tenth of lung cancer cases in the UK are caused by air pollution.
The particles enter the lungs and stay there, causing inflammation and damage. In addition to this, some chemicals in the particulate matter that enter the body can cause cancer.
Death due to pollution
About 7 million people die early each year from air pollution. Contamination can cause many problems, including asthma attacks, strokes, various cancers, and cardiovascular problems.
Trigger for asthma
Air pollution can cause problems for asthmatics for several reasons. Pollutants in traffic gases can irritate the airways, and particulate matter can get into the lungs and throat and inflame these areas.
Problems during pregnancy
A study suggested in January 2018 found that women exposed to air pollution before pregnancy were nearly 20% more likely to have a baby with a birth defect.
According to a study by the University of Cincinnati, women can give birth to defective babies such as cleft lip and palate if they live within 3.1 miles (5 km) of a highly contaminated area one month before pregnancy. It will be higher.
Studies add that for every 0.01 mg / m3 increase in fine air particles, birth defects increase by 19%.
Previous studies have suggested that this causes birth defects as a result of women suffering from inflammation and “internal stress.”
What is being done to tackle air pollution?
Paris Agreement on Climate Change
The Paris Agreement, first signed in 2015, is an international agreement to control and limit climate change.
We would like to pursue efforts to limit the rise in global average temperature to less than 2 ° C (3.6ºF) and limit the rise to 1.5 ° C (2.7 ° F).
Carbon neutral by 2050
The British government has announced plans to make the country carbon-neutral by 2050.
They plan to do this by planting more trees and introducing “carbon capture” technology into the source of pollution.
Some critics are worried that this first option may be used by the government to export carbon offsets to other countries.
International carbon credits allow countries to continue to emit carbon and balance emissions while paying for trees planted elsewhere.
No new petrol or diesel cars by 2040
In 2017, the British government announced that it would ban the sale of new gasoline and diesel vehicles by 2040.
Beginning around 2020, City Hall will be allowed to impose additional charges on diesel drivers using the UK’s 81 most polluted routes if air quality does not improve.
However, members of the Climate Change Commission have urged the government to expedite the ban by 2030. By then, they will be in the same range and price.
The Paris Agreement, first signed in 2015, is an international agreement to control and limit climate change. Photo: Air pollution in Paris in 2019.
Norwegian electric vehicle subsidy
The rapid electrification of the Norwegian car fleet is primarily due to generous national subsidies. Electric vehicles are almost completely exempt from the heavy taxes levied on gasoline and diesel vehicles, making them competitively priced.
VW Golf with a standard combustion engine costs about SEK 334,000 (€ 34,500, $ 38,600), while its electric cousin e-Golf costs SEK 326,000 due to the low tax rate.
Criticism of inaction against climate variability
Committee Climate change The (CCC) said there was a “shocking” lack of government preparedness for the risks to the country due to climate change.
The Commission evaluated 33 areas where the risks of climate change must be addressed, from the flood resilience of real estate to the impact on farmland and supply chains, with no real progress.
According to the Commission, the UK is on a 2 ° C warming, a level that countries have promised to curb temperature rise, not to mention the 4 ° C increase that would be possible if greenhouse gases were not reduced globally. Not prepared.
He added that cities need more green space to thwart the city’s “heat island” effect, absorb heavy rains and prevent floods.
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