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Pandemic-related stress leads to reduced employee involvement

Pandemic-related stress leads to reduced employee involvement



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Due to the surge in COVID-19 cases this spring, the pandemic has caused some people to ponder their mortality more than others. New studies in China and the United States suggest that these people were those who showed the highest levels of stress and the least involvement in work.

However, the survey also revealed some bright spots. The right kind of boss helped reduce stress on workers who were worried about COVID-19 and increase engagement and prosocial behavior.

“The global epidemic can cause some people to think about their mortality rates, which, of course, increases stress and reduces work involvement,” he said. Lead author of the study, Fisher College of Business at Ohio State University.

“But Attention to the emotional needs of employees and uniting them behind a common purpose made a positive difference and helped workers stay on the job and contribute to the community. .. “

This study was recently published online Journal of Applied Psychology..

The researchers conducted three studies.

In one survey, 163 workers from an information technology company in eastern China responded to the survey twice a day for three weeks while the number of cases of COVID-19 surged in the country.

The results show that the more employees think about COVID-19-related deaths, the more anxious they are and the less involved they are in their work.

However, employee anxiety and involvement was influenced by the type of boss they had. Employee performance improved when bosses demonstrated so-called “servant leadership”. As the name implies, servant leaders prioritize meeting the needs of others, pay attention to the emotional suffering of employees, work to empower them, and emphasize service to the community. To do.

Employees surveyed are “bosses” on a scale of 1 to 7. Other statements that measure “priority” and servant leadership.

Those who valued their bosses for servant leadership were less anxious and engaged in their work than other employees.

“Servant leaders care about employee well-being and prioritize personal growth and well-being at work,” she said.

“These types of leaders have made it easier for employees to deal with pandemic-related anxieties.”

But the servant leader did more than that. They helped employees turn stress into positive behavior.

The findings show that employees who rate their bosses for servant leadership are more likely to report engaging in prosocial behavior, such as volunteering for community charities.

“Servant leaders encouraged their employees to find the meaning of a pandemic by directing their anxieties to helping the underprivileged in their community,” Hu said.

These results were confirmed in two US studies that were told to imagine participants as consultants advising retailers on how to increase sales. Researchers have recruited Americans online who say they have a full-time job.

In both studies, researchers first asked participants to read about COVID-19. I read half of the information designed to make them think about how dangerous and deadly the disease is. The other half read less stressful information about COVID-19, including how to prevent infection.

Half of the participants read the scenario exhibited by their boss And half read a scenario where the boss wasn’t very supportive.

In one of the two studies, researchers specifically asked how worried participants were about their death.

The results were similar to the survey conducted by a Chinese company.

Those who read the more disturbing news about COVID-19 reported more anxiety (generalized anxiety in Study 2 and anxiety related to their own death in Study 3) than those who read neutral news. did.

But again, both American studies showed that fewer people had servant leaders in their scenarios. Even after reading about how deadly the illness was.

And, like Chinese employees, the type of leadership influenced prosocial behavior.

Participants received a small payment to participate in the study. Finally, they were given the opportunity to donate some or all of their payments to a charity that fights hunger.

Participants with a servant leader in the scenario were more tolerant of charity than participants whose scenario bosses were less supportive.

Overall, three studies have shown that they play an important role in helping companies cope with the stress of the COVID-19 pandemic. This benefits both the company and its community.

“We found it Maintaining employee well-being as a primary concern can help uneasy workers stay on the job and encourage them to contribute to a wider community, “she said. ..

Servant leadership is good for business — and women are good at it

For more information:
Jia Hu et al. Mind, Mind, and Leader in Crisis: When and how is the mortality prominence caused by COVID-19 related to national anxiety, work involvement, and prosocial behavior? Journal of Applied Psychology (2020). DOI: 10.1037 / apl0000620

Quote: Pandemic-related stress leads to reduced employee involvement (October 12, 2020) October 12, 2020 Obtained from -employee-engagement.html

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