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Most COVID-19 hospitals practice “room-in” newborns with their mothers

Most COVID-19 hospitals practice “room-in” newborns with their mothers


Pediatricians say the benefits of breastfeeding far outweigh the potential risks of infection

Following new evidence that mother-to-baby transmission of COVID-19 is extremely rare, most COVID-19 hospitals that initially isolated newborns from infected mothers are now “room-in”. I am practicing.

Pediatricians who claim that the benefits of breastfeeding far outweigh the potential risks of infection believe that COVID-19 antibodies in breast milk protect the baby. Therefore, infected mothers are advised to take appropriate precautions and continue breastfeeding.

WHO recommendations

The World Health Organization (WHO) also recommends encouraging mothers with suspected or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 to start or continue breastfeeding, but a recent study published in JAMA Paediatrics. So, the virus is rarely transmitted to newborns by mothers of COVID-19 who have taken basic precautions. The study examined the outcomes of the first 101 newborns born to infected mothers at the New York Presbyterian Hospital in the United States from March 13 to April 24, 2020. Of these, only two newborns tested positive.

Doctors at COVID-19 Hospital said few babies were infected, even though they began to follow the concept of “room-in” (keeping babies 6 feet away from their mother). Venkat Reddy, a node officer in the COVID-19 ward of the state-owned Hazy Sai Smile Site Gosha Hospital, which is now a dedicated obstetrics facility for COVID-19, has infected 10 of the 182 babies born there so far. Said that.

Similarly, no more than four babies were born to infected mothers at the Trauma and Emergency Care Center on the Victoria Hospital campus. A team of doctors at the adjacent Vani Vilas Maternity Hospital gave birth more than 230 times before Gosha Hospital was identified as a dedicated COVID-19 maternity facility. “Previously, babies were separated from their mothers and isolated in Vani Vilas, but with proper precautions, breastfeeding was permitted. Three to four babies are rarely infected. It was, “said Geeta Shivamurthy of Vani Vilas Medical Superintendent.

Ashabene Kappa, a former director of the Indira Gandhi Institute for Pediatric Health, said breast-fed babies would benefit from additional protection against SARS-CoV-2.

Antibodies to viruses

“Infected mothers produce antibodies to the virus and infect their babies through breastfeeding. The baby’s immature immune system is protected by the first milk (first milk). The first milk is breastfed shortly after birth. It’s the immunological elixir that your baby will take if you do, so you need to encourage breastfeeding, take care of your mother and her baby together, and ensure skin-to-skin contact, “she said. ..

“Even if the mother is sick and unable to breastfeed, she still needs help to breastfeed and the baby needs to be breastfed from a healthy person,” he said. Dr. Benkappa, who currently heads the pediatrics department of the Chandrama Dayananda Sagar Institute of Medical Education, said.

N. Karthik Nagesh, Chairman and HOD of Neonatology and NICU in the Manipal Hospitals Group, said it is important for mothers to wear masks, wash their hands, wipe their breasts and have their baby on the surface in contact with disinfectants or soaps. Said. water.

“Zero separation if both mother and baby are healthy, partial separation if mother is sick or other relatives can take care of the baby, if the mother is very ill and needs ICU care Only complete isolation is recommended. The baby is ill and must be in the neonatal ICU, “Dr. Nagesh said.


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