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Contraceptive hormones flow into streams, impeding fish fertility

Contraceptive hormones flow into streams, impeding fish fertility


Water contaminated with even small amounts of human hormones can affect marine life, according to a new study that found that freshwater fish exposed to estrogen produce fewer offspring.

Synthetic estrogens from oral contraceptives have been found in waterways near sewage treatment plants.

Biologists investigating whether these hormones affect fish have exposed fish to synthetic versions of trace amounts of ethinyl estradiol used in most contraceptives.

They found that less than one-tenth the concentration of ethinyl estradiol found in some streams was sufficient to result in lower populations and fewer male offspring.

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Estrogen has also been detected in streams, lakes and even drinking water. To determine its effect, researchers exposed medaka to synthetic ethinyl estradiol found on most contraceptives. They found that the number of offspring was reduced and that more women were born than men.

Estrogen has also been detected in streams, lakes and even drinking water. To determine its effect, researchers exposed medaka to synthetic ethinyl estradiol found on most contraceptives. They found that the number of offspring was reduced and that more women were born than men.

According to a journal study Aquatic toxicologyFish exposed to even 5 nanograms per liter of synthetic ethinyl estradiol gave birth to fewer offspring than fish that did not, and gave birth to more females than males.

Ethinyl estradiol has been found in streams with levels of over 60 nanograms per liter.

In addition to contraception, it is also used for menopausal hormone therapy, prevention of osteoporosis, and palliative treatment for breast cancer.

Our bodies generally absorb only the small amount of medicine we take and the rest (up to 90 percent) is flushed to the toilet when we go to the toilet.

“When a woman undergoing contraception or hormone therapy goes to the bathroom, it is flushed to a wastewater treatment facility,” said biologist Latonya Jackson (right).

The lead author, Latonya Jackson, a biologist at the University of Cincinnati, said: “Therefore, when a woman undergoing contraception or hormone therapy goes to the bathroom, it is flushed to a wastewater treatment facility.”

In her experiments, Jackson used the least amount of Guppy’s relative, Kirifish.

Medaka is common, small and easy to catch, so it is easy to study without taking up a lot of space.

They are a popular target for predators and make up for them by giving birth frequently about every 28 days.

The smallest Kirifish produced fewer offspring after being exposed to less than one-tenth of the estrogen levels found in some streams near sewage treatment plants.

The smallest Kirifish produced fewer offspring after being exposed to less than one-tenth of the estrogen levels found in some streams near sewage treatment plants.

They are also unusual for fish in that they have a placenta and give birth to live young.

Jackson’s team found that chronic exposure to ethinyl estradiol reduces the population of women over men and increases the proportion of gender.

She then works with the Environmental Protection Agency to see if the hormone affected the genetics of fish offspring.

About 15 million women in the United States alone take oral contraceptives on a regular basis, most of them using ethinyl estradiol.

“Our wastewater treatment systems are good at getting rid of many things, but they weren’t designed to get rid of medicines,” Jackson said. “Therefore, when a woman undergoing contraception or hormone therapy goes to the bathroom, it is flushed to a wastewater treatment facility.”

A 2010 study found that less than 1% of estrogen in US drinking water was oral contraceptives, but the local water system has not been tested for ethinyl estradiol.

And estrogen enters the waterways from other sources such as livestock and dairy products.

Previous studies have shown that river and lake estrogens develop ovaries and other female features in male fish.

A 2015 study at Washington State University found a link between ethinyl estradiol and an increase in the decline in sperm counts that plummeted. Up to 38 percent in 10 years.

“There are many reasons to believe that the estrogen and pharmaceutical compounds we take in small amounts are working,” said activist Seth Siegel. Business insider..

“Why can newborns, fetuses, or 3-year-old children take irregular doses without any effect on brain function or development?”


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