High asymptomatic COVID-19 infection rate in grocery store workers: study
Grocery employees are more likely to be at increased risk of COVID-19 infection, and employees in the customer service role are five times more likely to test positive than colleagues in other positions. The first study of the species was published in the journal. Occupational medicine and environmental medicine..
In addition, of those who tested positive, 3 in 4 were asymptomatic and these major workers infection, Researchers say.
Published studies focusing on essential / key workers are primarily Health care workers..To fill this knowledge gap and see how COVID-19 affected the health and well-being of other major workers, researchers surveyed 104 employees per employee. grocery store In Boston, Massachusetts.
each Employee SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19 infection, was tested in May of this year as part of a mandatory testing policy across Boston.
But before doing so, they answered a detailed questionnaire on: Medical historyEmployment history; Work patterns and roles in the store. Commuting and commuting. And the protective measures they could take against infections in the workplace.
They were also asked to provide information about COVID-19, including symptoms and exposure to people with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 in the last 14 days.information mental health Collected from two questionnaires, PHQ-9 and GAD-7, examined for depression and anxiety.
One in five workers (21 out of 104) test positive for SARS-CoV-2, indicating a prevalence of 20% at that time.This was significantly higher than the prevalence of infection Local community At that time: 0.9-1.3%.
Three of the four (76%) who tested positive were asymptomatic. And while these tests were positive, most (91%) were responsible for facing customers, while 59% were negative.
Workers who take on the role of customer service are five times more likely test After considering potentially influential factors, such as the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in which they lived, they were more positive than their colleagues in other types of roles. Those in the role of director were six times more likely to do so.
99 employees who completed a mental health questionnaire: 24 workers reported at least mild anxiety. Only half (46%) said they were able to consistently increase their social distance in the workplace, but most (76%) who did not feel anxious were able to do so.
Eight employees were considered slightly depressed from the survey responses. They were less likely to practice social distance consistently in the workplace than those who were not depressed, and were more likely to enter and exit the workplace by public transport or carpooling.
People who can commute on foot, by bicycle, or by private car are 90% less likely to report depressive symptoms.
This is a small observational study of workers in one store in one city at any given time, and warns researchers that the cause cannot be determined because it relies on subjective reporting.
Nonetheless, they say: “This is the first study to demonstrate significant asymptomatic infection rates, exposure risks, and associated psychological distress in key workers in grocery retail during a pandemic.”
“When an essential worker becomes infected with SARS-CoV-2, it can be an important source of infection for the communities in which they serve,” they point out.
They believe their findings support the following: “Employers and government officials ensure health and essential worker safety.”
And they add:
SARS-CoV-2 infection, exposure risk, mental health link in a cohort of key retail workers in the United States, DOI: 10.1136 / oemed-2020-106774
Provided by
British Medical Journal
Quote: High asymptomatic COVID-19 infection rate among grocery store workers: Survey (October 29, 2020) https: // Obtained from -infection-grocery on October 29, 2020. html
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