COVID-19 hospitalization rises more slowly than during the first virus outbreak in Maine
The number of Mainers admitted to hospitals with COVID-19 is increasing more slowly than it was during the first surge of coronavirus last spring. New cases of viruses in the state have arrived Recording level.
This is partly due to the younger and smaller number of new cases in the state. Occurrence in a nursing home And there are many of them among people in their teens, 20s, 30s and 40s who are less vulnerable to the worst health effects of the virus.
It has also learned a lot about how to treat the virus since last spring, medicines that help patients leave the hospital sooner, and other advances that allow more people to recover from their homes. Because there is.
The 7-day moving average of new daily COVID-19 hospitalizations in Maine has more than doubled in the last two weeks, from 0.9 on October 18 to 2.3 on Sunday. According to state data..
But so far, this is a milder rise than the state has seen since the first case of coronavirus was discovered on March 12, with an average of seven days of new hospitalization over the next two weeks. It increased more than 5 times. Eventually, it peaked in early April and late May with six new hospitalizations per day — In both cases, after the nursing home I was suffering from a terrible outbreak.
Currently, 29 people are hospitalized with COVID-19 in Maine, The height of the previous one spike.
So far, the proliferation of cases has not resulted in a noticeable increase in COVID-19 deaths throughout the state. Moving average of new daily deaths It has not exceeded 1 since early June. But things can start to change as more people get sick and need to go to the hospital, according to Nirav Shah, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Maine.
“We are deeply concerned about that,” Shah said on Monday. “Of course, I hope that the number of people who died in COVID-19 will not return to what they saw every day in March and April. That is, unfortunately, it is possible.”
Maine recorded one of the lowest mortality rates in the country during the pandemic, after two states, Vermont and Alaska. According to the New York Times..
Many of Maine’s early COVID-19 cases, and the resulting hospitalizations, were concentrated in southern Maine, but new hospitalizations now appear to be more widespread.
For example, from early September to late October, Augusta’s Maine General Medical Center did not have more than one COVID-19 inpatient at a time, spokesman Joy McKenna said. However, hospitalizations began to increase a week and a half ago, and the facility currently has nine COVID-19 inpatients, including one in need of intensive care.
According to clinical leader Dr. James Jarvis, the Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center in Bangor was hospitalized with four COVID-19 patients after doing nothing for about a month, and was small in Waterville and Pittsfield. Each affiliated hospital has one and two inpatients. Coronavirus incident command in the parent organization. Until recently, there was at least one inpatient in Northern Light AR Gould, far north of Presque Isle.
Jarvis said many of Northern Light’s early hospitalizations took place at Northern Light Mercy Hospital in Portland, the most devastating section of Maine throughout the pandemic.
The more rural spread of hospitalization is, at least in part, related to the type of case the system is currently looking at. People who may need respiratory assistance but are not ill enough to require mechanical ventilation or other advanced care.
“It’s not common for us to be in a small hospital, but I think we’ll talk more to patients who don’t need intensive care and don’t need to be transferred to a larger facility,” Jarvis said.
Northern Light Health providers were able to get people out of the hospital more quickly by giving them antiviral treatments such as remdesivir. This means reducing the number of people occupying the bed at the same time. With proper protective equipment, home healthcare providers can safely see patients at home.
It’s unclear how many Mainers could be infected in the coming weeks or months, but Northern Light Hospital has learned enough about how to control the spread of COVID-19 and is currently planning to cancel or delay it. We have enough protective equipment in stock. Other non-essential services, such as those that had to be done last spring, according to Jarvis.
Even if the hospital is proficient in treating COVID-19, health professionals can prevent the disease from spreading to more vulnerable individuals, such as wearing face masks, increasing social distance, and avoiding meetings. We are renewing the call for strict adherence to. Indoor space with poor ventilation.they again Encourage people to get a flu shotTo limit the number of people who have to seek treatment for coronavirus-like symptoms this winter.
Deadly nursing home outbreaks have become less common in Maine, according to Shah, but if COVID-19 is widespread throughout the surrounding community, it is now occurring in the entire state community.
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