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Volcano Watch: Innovative observation of Kilauea Peak Lake

Volcano Watch: Innovative observation of Kilauea Peak Lake


Known for its glowing red lava and rising volcanic columns, Halema’uma’u has long inspired poets, painters, and photographers to find meaning in the color and light of this dynamic landscape.

Today, the current phase of Kilauea’s activity has inspired volcanologists to experiment with cutting-edge technologies to understand the dynamic colors and patterns of Halema’uma’u’s latest feature: the flowing hot-water lake.

For 15 months, hot groundwater was seeping into the avalanche crater generated by the 2008-18 evacuation of the Halema’uma’u lava lake and part of the magma chamber at the summit. Since the expanding crater and the rising lake of water inside it is virtually inaccessible, USGS uses remote technologies to monitor this changing, potentially dangerous environment.

HVO uses unmanned aircraft systems (UAS, or “unmanned aircraft”) to collect water samples, for which chemical analyzes are snapshots of the lake’s formation. Visual and thermal cameras constantly monitor the lake’s surface and the hot fumarole surrounding it. LiDAR (Light Detection and Range) helps reveal the growing shape of the lake. The digital elevation model (DEM) was combined with repeated water level measurements to calculate lake depth, volume and flow rate. These quantitative data sets are supplemented with written accounts of HVO scientists, who document their first-hand observations in field records.

The lake gives strong impressions of color, pattern and movement. When it first appeared, it was described as a pool of milky turquoise water. Later, she developed yellow hues and green shoreline margins. Today, the surface of the lake contains lobes of rust-orange water on tracts of dark brown, with patches of light brown and tan. Extending green streams emerge from the rocky shore, along which have recently extended numerous patches of rock.

The water surface is a mosaic in constant motion, a scene that changes by the minute and the hour. Often precisely defined color borders are seen, accompanied by more subtle gradations and mixing. Patchy water may refer to regions of characteristic temperature and dissolved constituents, and its movement is likely to be driven by differences in density, winds, and fresh groundwater flow.

As HVO scientists documented the early growth and development of the lake, they recognized the need to quantify these valuable visual observations of color with quantitative measurements, and to help control the changing effects of lighting, personal impressions, and color aberrations in cameras.

A colorimeter, a handheld optical device that measures chromaticity and brightness, is field tested for this. A similar type of colorimetry was performed at Aso Volcano in Japan in 2010, which inspired the techniques used by HVO. In an experiment to test its effectiveness at Kilauea, HVO scientists used a portable colorimeter to identify visual observations and track color changes over time.

Colorometers are commonly used in industries such as food processing and textile manufacturing. Colorimetry is the measurement of wavelength and intensity of light. Color estimation can be divided into two parts. Brightness, or luminosity, is the amount of light reflected or emitted from or passing through an object. Chromaticity is the measurement of the degree of hue and coloration, regardless of brightness. Colorimetry relates these variables to the human eye’s sense of color, and our judgment of the physical stimulation of light.

In this field, scientists make wide visual observations, and then see the colorimeter at a point of interest. The chromaticity and brightness record relies on hydrological and geological data sets, which contributes to insight that may help connect other observations at a distance. Analyzing colorimetric data from this technique may help scientists interpret the dynamic colors seen in Lake Halema’uma’u.

Lake color changes may indicate volcanic changes below water depths. Changes in water color and appearance have been observed in other active crater lakes around the world. For example, at Aso volcano in Japan in 2003, Lake Yudamari changed from blue-green to solid green before a volcanic eruption at the bottom of the lake.

Although we do not know if the water lake within Halema’uma’u would experience a similar change in color before the eruption, it is a possible indicator that HVO scientists will look for and track as part of their routine monitoring in the post-2018 era of Kilauea’s collapse.

Volcano activity updates

Kilauea volcano does not erupt. The USGS Volcano Alert Level remains at Normal ( Kilauea updates are released monthly.

Kilauea monitoring data for October shows variable but typical rates of earthquakes and ground deformation, low rates of sulfur dioxide emissions and only slight geological changes since the end of volcanic activity in September 2018. The lake of water at the bottom of Halema’uma continues to expand and deepen slowly. For the most recent information about the lake, visit

Mauna Loa does not erupt and is still in the Volcano Alert Level Alert. This alert level does not mean that an eruption is imminent or that an advance towards a rash is certain. Mauna Loa updates are released weekly.

Last week, around 42 small-scale earthquakes were recorded under the upper elevations of Mauna Loa; Most of these occurred at shallow depths of less than 8 km (about 5 miles). GPS measurements show the summit’s slowly increasing magnification over the long term, consistent with the magma supply of the volcano’s shallow storage system. Gas concentrations and fumarol temperatures as measured in the sulfur cone and summit remain stable. Web cameras do not show any changes to the scene. For more information on the current monitoring of Mauna Loa volcano, visit

There were three events with three or more reports in the Hawaiian Islands over the past week: the M2.6 earthquake 6 km (3 mi) north of Wauhino at a depth of 0 km (0 mi) at 6:40 AM Nov. 3, the M3.5 earthquake 9 km (5 mi) ENE from Pahala at a depth of 30 km (18 mi) at 1:47 a.m. Nov.2 and the M2.9 earthquake 1 km (0 mi) west of Pahala at 34 km (21 mi) at 8 : 25 am October 31st.

HVO continues to monitor Kilauea and Mauna Loa closely for any signs of increased activity.

Visit the HVO website for past Volcano Watch articles, Kilauea and Mauna Loa updates, volcano photos, maps, recent earthquake information, and more. Questions emailed to [email protected].

Volcano Watch is a weekly article and activity update written by the scientists and affiliates of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory of the US Geological Survey.

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