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Watching the Volcano: Remembering the eruption on Thanksgiving Eve from 2007

Watching the Volcano: Remembering the eruption on Thanksgiving Eve from 2007


While this scenario describes a highly destructive 2018 eruption in the Lower East Rift Zone (LERZ) of Kilauea, it also relates to a previous event in the East Rift Region: a Thanksgiving Day Lava Flow (TEB) in 2007.

Although the TEB influx was much less devastating than the 2018 LERZ eruption, it threatened homes in Lower Puna for several months. The TEB ring also carried important lessons about lava flow hazards that are worth considering for any eruption in a future rift zone in Hawaii.

By late 2007, the Puu Oo eruption, in the Middle East rift zone of Kilauea volcano, was 24 years old and showing no signs of slowing down. A new ventilation hole was formed in July just east of the Puu Oo cone, as the lava heads north of the rift zone, forming a large lava channel during September through November.

Early on November 21, the day before Thanksgiving, lava erupted from the vent area on the south side of the soaring lava channel, and the slope of the canal dams helped direct the lava south.

The new TEB flow slowly flows down the slope towards the south, where pahoehoe lava forms a lava tube as it moves. The flow cut through the remnants of dividing the royal gardens on their course to the ocean.

The TEB flow reached the coast, just west of Calabana, in March 2008. The lava tube remained active for three years, providing lava to ocean inlets (including the long-lived Waikupanaha entry). The constant supply through the tube allowed the gradual expansion of the flow on the lower slopes of the coastal plain.

In mid-2010 the expansion began to the east to flow threatening the division of the Calabana Gardens. The subdivision was covered by lava flows in 1990, with subsequent rebuilding in later years. Between July 2010 and January 2011, the slow lava flow crisis destroyed three homes while threatening more.

Ultimately, a backup of magma in the system near Puu Oo raised the pressure, which then caused intrusions and new vents to form Western Puu Oo in March 2011. However, within weeks, the activity moved back to Puu Oo, And it continued with its volcanic activity from new vents for another 7 years.

What can we learn from the TEB episode 13 years ago? The main conclusion is that a slight change in the position of the vent in the fault zone can cause a significant change in the direction of the lava flow and the resulting hazard.

When the TEB penetration began, he moved the relief site with just a stone’s throw away, yet he turned the entire direction of flow from north to south. It can determine the exact location of the ventilation hole relative to the axis of the fault zone, which forms a precise ridge, which side of the ridge goes down the flows. This was also a factor in why pyroclastic flows were directed to the northeast during the 2014-2015 Lava Flow Crisis.

TEB flow also demonstrates how an eruption can build new features in the rift region, such as lava channels and lava shields, which can influence the direction of subsequent flow. Most recently, during the LERZ 2018 eruption, lava from early fissures formed new terrain that contributed to the fissured 8-fissure flow focusing on the northeast toward the Kapuho divisions. The early lava kept fissure 8 flow from moving southeast towards less densely populated areas.

These examples demonstrate why the hours or days of the rift zone eruption are a consequence of risk, both for Kilauea and Mauna Loa. When a volcanic eruption begins, geologists must closely monitor the location of the fissures relative to the axis of the fault zone. And they must be aware of the growing features such as lava channels or shields that may divert subsequent lava in a new direction.

The 2007 TEB episode of the Puu Oo eruption, and the rift zone events since then, are a reminder that big changes in risk can hinge on small changes in the aperture.

Volcano activity updates

Kilauea volcano does not erupt. The USGS Volcano Alert Level remains at NORMAL ( Kilauea updates are released monthly.

Kilauea monitoring data shows variable but typical rates of earthquakes and ground deformation, low rates of sulfur dioxide emissions, and only minor geological changes since the end of volcanic activity in September 2018. The lake of water at the bottom of Halemaumau continues to expand and depth slowly. For the most recent information on the lake, see / k-lauea-Summit-water-resources.

Mauna Loa does not erupt and remains at Volcano Alert Level. This alert level does not imply that an outbreak is imminent or that progression to an outbreak from the current level of disturbance is certain. Mauna Loa updates are released weekly.

Last week, about 89 small earthquakes were recorded on the Richter scale below the upper elevations of Mauna Loa; Most of these occurred at shallow depths of less than 5 miles. GPS measurements show a slow rise in long-term summit magnification, consistent with the supply of magma to the volcano’s shallow storage system. The gas concentrations and fumarol temperatures as measured at both the sulfur cone and the summit remain stable. Web cameras do not show any changes to the landscape. For more information on the current monitoring of Mauna Loa volcano, see:

There have been two events with three or more reports on the Hawaiian Islands over the past week: an earthquake measuring 2.3 on the Richter scale 10 miles south of a volcano on November 25 at 7:38 am, and an earthquake measuring 3.1 on the Richter scale 4 miles from Pahala . On Nov 21 at 6:26 am

Visit for past articles on Volcano Watch, Kilauea and Mauna Loa updates, volcano photos, maps, recent earthquake information, and more. Email questions to [email protected]. Volcano Watch is a weekly article and activity update written by the scientists and affiliates of the US Geological Survey’s Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.

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