Who has the most earthquakes? – Times Criterion
What is the most seismic spot in California? The answer depends on your point of view. If you were a regular reader of this column, you might say North Coast and Adjacent Marine District. This is a good answer when you look at size. We have M6s and 7s that are pretty repetitive. About 46% of the total seismic energy released in the state over the past 50 years comes from our necks from the forest.
People in Southern California might wave their arms. They are right if we define “active” in terms of the number of people who feel earthquakes. 4.5 near El Monte last September produced nearly 39,000 Do You Feel It reports. If standards had lost lives, it would be the San Francisco Bay Area. The year 1906 alone is responsible for 85% of the total death toll from an earthquake and tsunami in the United States in historical times.
How about simply relying on numbers, regardless of size or effects? Unless you are closely monitoring earthquake activity, I don’t think you would guess this. The California region with the most earthquakes, and which has continued at a relatively steady rate over the past three decades at least, is the Geysers geothermal region north of Santa Rosa. More than 200 earthquakes were recorded near The Geysers in the past week, 730 in the past month and more than 9,800 in 2020 so far.
Why so little news coverage? Almost all of these earthquakes are very small in size. And by small, I mean tiny. Of the 730 earthquakes in the past month, only 23 were of a magnitude of 2 or greater, the largest of which was M3.2. The largest earthquake last year was 4.1, and over the past 40 years, it was 5.0. No historic earthquakes caused any damage.
Earthquakes in geysers are extraordinary. They are not the typical major tremors – aftershocks where a large earthquake occurs followed by many smaller earthquakes. They are not swarms where earthquakes of roughly equal size occur over days or weeks. Geyser is still active – 216 in the past week, 229 the week before and 237 the week before.
The reason requires an understanding of the geological environment and human activities. Geysers are the largest geothermal field for producing electricity in the world. Steam is drawn from more than 350 wells to power 18 geothermal power plants that produce about 6,500 gigawatt hours of electricity annually. In 2018, renewable energy sources provided 32% of California’s electricity generation. 20% of that came from geysers, the largest contributor to the renewable budget. A Calpine Report in 2008 estimated that geysers meet 60% of the total coastal electrical power demand between Marin County and the Oregon border.
The energy production at The Geysers uses dry natural steam to power turbines and convert heat into electricity. The steam comes from the magma body about 4 miles below the surface. The Pomo, Apo and Mioc people used the area’s hot springs for cooking, bathing, and healing long before European peoples entered. In the mid-nineteenth century resorts, hotels, and spas were developed, a tradition that continues today in Calistoga. Electricity production began in 1921 when The Geysers Resort tapped the first geothermal well in the Western Hemisphere to power the hotel.
The Geysers steam field is fed by a magma body that is part of the Clear Lake Volcanic Field. If you’ve traveled through the Clear Lake region, you can’t help but notice Mount Konocti, which is a cinder cone on the southern shore of Clear Lake. Julie Donnelly Nolan was one of my best friends at graduate school in Berkeley, and her thesis project was to study Konokte and other volcanic centers to analyze the volcanic history of the Clear Lake area. She and others asserted that the volcanic activity began about 2.1 million years ago and that the last eruption phase was 10,000 years ago. The area is fully capable of producing future explosions.
The modern era of power generation began at The Geysers in 1960 with PG&E’s first geothermal power well. Calpine took over management in 1998. There are two advantages to the Geysers area that make it ideal for resource extraction. Firstly, it produces steam and secondly, the steam is clean and contains virtually no salts or pollutants.
The natural flow of steam from The Geysers was in decline by the late 1980s, which reduced power generation capacity. Calpine has partnered with Lake County to use wastewater to recharge the field. In 2004, a 42-mile pipeline from Santa Rosa provided additional fluids for the recharge effort. The treated effluent is injected into deep wells where it is heated to steam by the magma body in the same way that natural groundwater has fed the field for thousands of years.
There have always been earthquakes in the area. The relationship between geothermal activity and earthquakes is difficult to determine before the era of commercial vapor extraction, as the seismic network was not sensitive enough to detect very small earthquakes. The process of clouds of steam and heat causes the rocks to shrink and thus produce small earthquakes. I was definitely aware of Geysers when I was a graduate student in the 1970s.
In the 1980s and 1990s, the seismic network was improved by adding well drilling tools and newer digital equipment. It is able to record earthquakes as small as 0.1. The effect of waste fluid injection is clearly evident in the seismic history records, and it has more than doubled the rate of earthquakes. Despite the increase in the number, the amounts are still modest. Each year, on average, one or two earthquakes hit the low M4 range and most seismologists do not believe that heat extraction or waste fluid injection make larger earthquakes below the geothermal region more likely.
Note: More on The Geysers and Clear Lake Volcanic Field at https://www.usgs.gov/volcanoes/clear-lake-volcanic-field/geysers-geothermal-field.
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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