What is a gluten-free diet?Here’s everything you need to know
From sandwich shops to local bakeries to supermarket shelves, gluten-free food options are everywhere. But is a higher price tag (often) worth it?
Labels tend to give the product a healthy halo (think of a gorgeous gluten-free dessert in a trendy cafe). Sure, gluten-free pies are a better choice than standard slices, right? Experts say they leave the display case. For people with certain medical conditions Gluten free diet It is medically necessary to control the symptoms. For the rest of us, nutritionists say there is little evidence that limiting gluten has any benefit to your body. Especially if you frequently enjoy labeled baked goods and other processed foods.
If you’re thinking of becoming gluten-free to lose weight or improve your health, here’s everything you need to know.
What is gluten and is it bad for me?
Gluten is the name of a type of protein found in wheat, rye, and rye (a hybrid of wheat and rye) that helps give these foods shape and structure. It is found in many other foods that may not immediately shout wheat or rye, such as sauces, salad dressings, malt, beer, and food coloring.
Explained that for most people, there is no evidence that gluten causes problems for the body-or there is no evidence that you will benefit from cutting it out. Deirdre K. Tobias, ScD, Semi-epidemiologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health.
Research on gluten-free diet
The main exception is people with celiac disease, who are diagnosed with a series of tests performed by a doctor. Often involves an intestinal biopsy. In chronic diseases, eating gluten causes inflammation of the small intestine, causing many unpleasant side effects (diarrhea, malaise, abdominal bloating, gas, pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation, etc.) and long-term damage. .. For complications such as anemia, joint pain, nervous system damage, and mood disorders. “For these people, Avoid gluten altogether It helps repair and prevent further damage, “says Tobias.
Gluten-free diets are considered a cure for celiac disease and are the best option for people with chronic illnesses that help manage symptoms and prevent long-term complications.It is also medically necessary Wheat allergy (This can be diagnosed via a blood prick test).
For people with, the answer is not very clear Gluten hypersensitivity.. People with these conditions report some of the same symptoms as people with celiac disease after eating gluten, but they do not have the same specific genes associated with celiac disease.
People often argue that they feel much better in that they have more energy. Less bloatingBy cutting gluten, Tobias said. However, it is difficult to tell if these benefits are related to gluten reduction or as a result of eating nutritious foods. Known to boost energy And overall health.When you start cutting out gluten products, you will cut out a lot of sophisticated things. carbohydrate (White bread, baked goods) and super-processed foods (crackers, candies, etc.), and Tobias explained that you might replace those foods with more fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes.
There is no standard test for gluten sensitivity, and there are some Evidence that people mistakenly self-diagnose There is no difference in how you feel when you are in that state and actually switch from a gluten-containing diet to a gluten-free diet.
For people without celiac disease, there is no evidence that eating gluten-free is associated with health benefits, Tobias said. According to a survey Differences in heart disease The risk of those who eat less gluten compared to those who eat more gluten, and those who consume less gluten tended to eat less A good diet for the heart..
What do you eat on a gluten-free diet plan?
In the diet, anything that does not contain gluten is a fair game. Here are some foods to eat if you are on a gluten-free diet:
- Fresh fruits and vegetables
- nuts
- seed
- Leguminosae
- egg
- Raw lean meat and chicken
- fish
- Most low-fat dairy products
- potato
You can also eat the following grains that do not contain gluten.
- Amaranthe
- Rice (white and brown)
- corn
- Millet
- Quinoa
- Teff
Avoid gluten-containing products, including those made from wheat, triticale and rye. It is worth noting that there are some gluten-containing wheats that should be avoided in gluten-free diets, such as spelled, barley, durum wheat, kamut, emmer wheat, and khorasan wheat.
Be careful with oats. It is naturally gluten-free, but is often packaged in facilities where gluten products are processed and may contain trace amounts of gluten. If you’re on a gluten-free diet with conditions like celiac disease that can damage even trace amounts of gluten, look for oats that are specially labeled as gluten-free. Celiac Disease Foundation Is recommended.
Nathan Congleton / Today
What does a day look like when you eat on a gluten-free diet?
The daily meal of gluten-free is as follows. Amy Shapiro, RD, Founder and Director of Real Nutrition, New York City:
- breakfast: Perfect yogurt Made with plain Greek yogurt, gluten-free granola (such as Pure Elizabeth), fresh berries and sliced ​​almonds
- lunch: Gluten-free wrap sandwich (sliced ​​turkey, lettuce, tomato, avocado on gluten-free wrap); add mustard and spicy pepper as needed
- snack: High fiber, gluten-free crackers with hummus and carrots (such as Mary’s Gone Crackers)
- Dinner: Glass-fed steak with roasted potatoes and asparagus sprinkled with Parmesan cheese
- dessert: Tea and two squares of dark chocolate
Is a gluten-free diet healthy in the long run?
A gluten-free diet can be a healthy diet in the long run if you focus on all foods rather than processed foods. Keep in mind that you have enough micronutrients and macronutrients you need. “If you want to replace gluten in your diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, that might be a good thing,” Tobias said. “But don’t automatically give your product a” healthy halo “just because it’s gluten-free. “
Fiber is one of the major nutrients associated with many long-term health benefits (heart disease, reduced risk of obesity, etc.). Diabetes And some types of cancer). Whole grains we eat in bread, pasta and cereals are a ready-to-use fiber source, says Shapiro.You can certainly get fiber It’s from other gluten-free foods (non-starch vegetables, fruits, beans, etc.), but you need to pay attention to the amount of these foods to get enough.
Gluten-free snacks, pasta, and frozen meals are readily available, but Shapiro explained that they are not equally made in terms of nutrient quality. Gluten-free breads and snacks like pretzels are often made from highly processed corn, potatoes and rice products. As a result, fiber is significantly reduced and can be higher in sodium and calories compared to traditional versions of products that contain gluten. “lots of people gain weight On a gluten-free diet, “she said.
If you have a medical need for gluten-free, these products can be very helpful when eaten in moderation and balanced with many other healthy whole foods. But for everyone else, they would never improve their health, Shapiro said.
The gluten-free diet looks like this:
- A Low carb diet, This limits not only gluten-containing foods such as grains, bread, pasta and baked goods, but also starchy vegetables, fruits and legumes.
- Paleo diet, This emphasizes many low-carb foods (and says cereals are off limits)
- 30 whole, Excluding grains
Educate yourself and take the time to continue a healthy version of the gluten-free diet for the long term Read food label.. If medically required, following a diet is very important for long-term health. If there is no medical reason to make it gluten-free, cutting out wheat products will be wasted at best. Instead, instead of focusing on reducing gluten, focus on increasing the amount of all foods in your diet. This naturally reduces space for wheat products and processed foods without feeling any restrictions.
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