Almost 119,000 patients spend Christmas day in hospital with COVID-19
Nearly 119,000 Americans spent Christmas day in the hospital at COVID-19, with an additional 1,541 deaths recorded.
But according to COVID tracking project, Twenty states did not provide an update for their numbers on Friday, which means that the real death toll across the country may be much higher.
After setting a new record of 120,151 the day before, overall hospitalizations on Friday fell to 118,948, but the seven-day average rose again to a high on Christmas day, reaching 117,029.
On Friday, 124,498 new cases were reported, but the COVID tracking project warned that the data was affected by the holiday closure.
Over 18.7 million Americans are infected with the coronavirus nationwide, killing 330,246.
Some states that didn’t provide up-to-date information on new cases and deaths on Friday were in California, where outbreaks had already pushed the healthcare system to the limit after 300,000 new cases were reported last week.
Earlier this week, experts became the first state to exceed 2 million, as they were concerned about the potential further surge caused by Christmas and New Year travelers.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has again warned against vacation trips as Thanksgiving’s impact on the country’s outbreak remained uncertain.
While the number of travelers remained low compared to other years, health experts are concerned that the number of travelers until Christmas remains the highest since the pandemic began.
Transportation Security Administration (TSA) spokesman Lisa Farbstein said 1,191,123 people were screened at airport checkpoints nationwide on Thursday morning and Wednesday.
“This is the largest checkpoint amount since March 16th, when 1,257,823 people were screened,” Farbstein said, adding that anyone traveling this holiday season should “wear a mask.” I did.
In California, where doctors say doctors are currently experiencing a “viral tsunami,” calls for residents to stay home are becoming more urgent.
Cases in the state have skyrocketed 68% in the last two weeks, and ICU capacity remains at 0% as crowded hospitals are forced to even use lobby space to treat patients.
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“In most hospitals, about half of all beds are filled with COVID patients and half of all ICU beds are filled with COVID patients. Two-thirds of these patients are due to inflammation in the lungs. By the virus, “said Dr. Christina Garry, director of the Los Angeles County Health Services Department.
“They are choking so much that they can no longer breathe on their own, and they need someone to put a tube in their throat to oxygenate their organs. Many of these people will not live in 2021. Let’s do it, “she said Thursday.
LA County hospitals bypassed ambulances and left patients unattended for hours.
County health officials have sent notes urging doctors not to send patients to the emergency room unless absolutely necessary.
There is also a significant shortage of nurses and other healthcare professionals, and California leaders are reaching out to Australia and Taiwan to meet the needs of 3,000 temporary healthcare professionals.
Still, officials said the vaccine rollout was despite Friday’s Boston doctor becoming the first person to have a serious publicly related reaction to Modena’s vaccine in the first week of national distribution. I kept expecting the situation to continue to improve.
Dr. Hossein Sadolzade, a Geriatric Oncology Fellow at the Boston Medical Center, reported a serious reaction to dizziness and heartbeat almost immediately after vaccination.
Sadrzadeh knew he had a shellfish allergy.
“I felt allergic and was allowed to self-administer my EpiPen,” Dr. Saddlezade said in a statement on Friday, Boston Medical Center spokesman David Kibbeh.
“He was taken to the emergency department, evaluated, treated, observed and discharged. He is fine today,” Kibe added.
A U.S. Food and Drug Administration official said last week that the FDA was investigating about five allergic reactions that occurred after receiving Pfizer and BioNTech SE’s COVID-19 vaccine in the United States.
Predictions from the Institute for Health Metrics (IHME) at the University of Washington are the leading COVID-19 model and show the potentially fatal impact of stagnation of vaccine distribution on the American population.
According to its latest projections, up to 731,000 Americans could die from COVID-19 by April 1 if the state begins to lift its obligations around the mask and social distance.
However, if the vaccine is distributed as planned, more than 33,000 lives can be saved, and if faster vaccine deployment is achieved, 45,000 Americans can be saved.
The model currently predicts 567,195 deaths by April 1, and obligations and vaccines will continue as planned.
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