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Is Obesity Dangerous? Does the risk of Covid-19 increase with obesity? Can you control obesity? -health

Is Obesity Dangerous?  Does the risk of Covid-19 increase with obesity? Can you control obesity? -health


Risk of obesity:

Did you know that obesity is second only to smoking as the main cause of preventable death? How dangerous and serious obesity it is! Obesity is a chronic, progressive disease that affects all organs of the body and affects almost every aspect of a person’s physical, psychological, and social well-being. Most people who suffer from obesity do not consider overweight a problem. They seek professional help only if they develop any medical problems related to overweight.

Obesity includes type 2 diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, heart disease, stroke, certain types of cancer, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, gout, infertility, lung disease, obstructive sleep aspiration, sexual dysfunction, psychiatry. It is a precursor to some other illnesses such as mental health. Problems such as depression, to name a few. These comorbidities can be prevented if obesity is addressed at the right time, that is, before the onset of these problems.

Regarding Covid-19 risk, UK Public Health Services estimates that obesity can increase Covid-19-related mortality risk by 40% to 90%, depending on the severity of obesity.

In addition, the social stigma, prejudice, and discrimination faced by individuals suffering from obesity can hesitate to seek medical assistance not only for obesity but also for related health problems. Obesity has been declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), and the number of individuals suffering from obesity in India in the total population is growing rapidly.

Shame doesn’t help:

Societies around the world, among other things, label individuals suffering from obesity as “laziness” and “lack of self-control.” However, obesity is often caused by multiple factors beyond the control of these individuals, including genetic predisposition, metabolic disorders, hormonal imbalances, and side effects of certain drugs.

Most people with obesity benefit from seeking professional medical assistance, regardless of what caused the weight gain. Before exploring why you need medical help for obesity, let’s understand how obesity is defined.

Definition of obesity

The most commonly used parameter to define obesity is BMI (Body Mass Index). BMI is a measure of weight against height.

The World Health Organization (WHO) considers BMI> = 30 kg / m2 to be Class I obesity. BMI> = 35 kg / m2 is class II-severe obesity and BMI> = 40 is class III-severe obesity. The BMI cutoff limit for defining obesity is lower in Indians than in Westerners. In Indians, BMI> = 25 is considered class 1 obesity and> = 30 is considered class II-severe obesity.

Why can diet and exercise not control severe obesity?

A low-calorie diet and exercise are the most popular ways to control obesity around the world. Healthy eating and exercise can reduce the weight burden on overweight and mildly obese people, but these methods allow the body to adapt to higher weight levels in severely obese people. As a result, he cannot cope with severe obesity in the long run. In these individuals, even with the initial weight loss from a diet, weight bounces, leading to further weight gain and the development of obesity. Calorie restriction is countered by physical mechanisms that reduce metabolic rate, increase hunger, and ensure weight recovery.

Similarly, a review of 80 studies found that exercise alone resulted in minimal weight loss. People tend to overeat after exercising unnoticed because their bodies try to make up for the lost energy.

Most people with severe obesity who try to diet or exercise will succeed at first, but eventually lose weight. This is due to the effects of hormones that control body fat and energy balance, rather than due to lack of willpower or incorrect diet.

For individuals with a BMI greater than 35 kg / m2, there is a documented observation that lifestyle changes alone are less than 1% likely to achieve long-term weight loss.

What is the solution?

The first step is to recognize that obesity, like other illnesses such as type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, is a serious illness that requires professional medical assistance. The second step is to contact an obesity specialist to find the appropriate treatment option. Patients with severe osteoarthritis require treatment by a joint replacement surgeon. Similarly, people with severe obesity require obesity and metabolic surgery.

Minimally invasive obesity (weight loss) surgery is indicated for Indians with a BMI of 32.5 kg / m2 or higher and diabetes or other comorbidities related to obesity. Or, if the BMI is 37.5 kg / m2 or higher, even without comorbidities associated with obesity.

Obesity and metabolic surgery result in long-term weight loss and long-term remission from type 2 diabetes. Doing so also reduces the risk of Covid-19-related morbidity and mortality.

These surgeries can prevent the development of some comorbidities and, if you already have these problems, solve the same disease in multiple individuals.

Thanks to Covid-19, many doctors today offer online consultation. It’s easy to make an appointment at the obesity center of your choice and discuss your obesity issues with a professional doctor at your convenience.

Obesity can be treated with long-term consequences. Don’t ignore overweight, even if you’re not suffering from other medical illnesses. Seek expert help before it’s too late. Now is the time to act on it!

(This story is published from the news agency feed without changing the text.)

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