State withdraws flu vaccination obligations | Local news
Boston — The state has withdrawn the new requirement to vaccinate school-aged children with the flu because of the mild flu season and the need to focus on fighting the coronavirus.
Ann Scales, a spokeswoman for the Public Health Service, has been delegated by a state agency to “reduce the burden” of getting flu shots and instead focus on COVID-19 vaccination efforts. He said he had decided to abolish.
“According to preliminary data, this has been a mild flu season so far, probably because people are vaccinated against seasonal flu and are sticking to wearing masks and increasing social distance with COVID-19. That’s what Scales says.
An agency that publishes weekly updates on its website lists the severity of influenza as “low” in Massachusetts and across the country last week.
According to the latest report, the Ministry of Health conducted 13 clinical tests for influenza from December 13th to January 9th, but none tested positive for influenza.
State officials imposed an influenza vaccine obligation in August. It was intended for students attending childcare, kindergarten, kindergarten to high school, and college. This rule allowed students to opt out of requirements for medical or religious objections.
At the time, Governor Charlie Baker and other officials said the hospital needed to be prevented from being overwhelmed by influenza cases this winter during a pandemic.
Opponents of the requirement protested outside the State Capitol and urged Baker to revoke the order. In November, several families sued the state, claiming that influenza vaccination rules violated parents’ right to make health care decisions for their children.
Massachusetts, like most states, requires students in public schools to be vaccinated against measles, mumps, rubella and other infectious diseases.
The flu season was mild, but the 2018-19 season was one of the longest and most deadly seasons of the decade. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were approximately 49,000 influenza-related deaths and 590,000 hospitalizations.
Influenza is a contagious respiratory disease. It can cause relatively mild illness in many people, but it can cause more severe illness in others. Toddlers and the elderly are at greatest risk. Symptoms usually include fever, sore throat, body aches, and headaches.
State health officials continue to recommend influenza vaccines annually to everyone over the age of six months, especially pregnant women, the elderly, and children.
Vaccines may not prevent the flu, but the CDC says it can reduce the severity of symptoms and the length of the disease.
Despite the education campaign, many are not vaccinated against the flu. Nationally, only about 45% of adults are shot each year.
Christian M. Wade covers Salem News and its sister newspapers and websites on the Massachusetts General Assembly.Email him [email protected]..
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