Imperial Vaccine Technology Targeting COVID Mutations and Booster Dose | Imperial News
Imperial is focusing on RNA vaccine technology targeting SARS-CoV-2 mutations, boosters, and thermostability rather than immediate efficacy testing.
“We want our technology to have the greatest impact: self-adapting to new mutants, fortifying other vaccines, and deploying against future pandemic threats. It means developing amplified RNA technology. “ Professor Robin Chatok Imperial College London
Since other COVID-19 vaccines have been approved and deployed, Professor Robin ChatokTeam is working to maximize the impact of breakthrough self-amplifying RNA technology.
This includes developing the ability to respond quickly in the event of the emergence of vaccine-resistant strains or the need for booster vaccines.
It also offers the potential for a more thermostable RNA vaccine that can be stored in a regular refrigerator.
The· Development of saRNA technology Accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic, clinical trials were conducted in combination with Phase I and Phase II with more than 400 participants. The results of these studies are still pending and will provide information for the next step in development.
Given the number of vaccines already approved and distributed, rather than proceeding with immediate Phase III efficacy trials in the United Kingdom, the group is facing new long-term coronavirus threats such as mutations and mutations, and more. Focus on powerful booster vaccines.
Target a new variant
Imperial saRNA technology has the potential to rapidly adapt and target new variants and viral mutations in SARS-CoV-2 or other viruses and diseases. As they appear. This function plays a central role in the development of COVID-19 second-generation vaccines and in future diseases and epidemics.
Imperial vaccine technology may also provide a decisive boost to first-generation COVID-19 jabs to learn more about the population’s response to these early vaccines.
The team has also developed an approach that allows RNA vaccines to be stored in regular refrigerators for months, rather than the cryogenic temperatures required by current generations of RNA vaccines. Preparing this clinically is also an important next step.
Professor Robin Shattock of the Department of Imperial Infectious Diseases said: “Our first-generation COVID-19 vaccine candidate is promising in early clinical development, but the rapid deployment of approved vaccines has changed the wider picture. The rapid spread of new mutants. Due to the corresponding focus on high-dose vaccination, it is not the right time to start new efficacy trials of further vaccines in the UK.
“We want technology to have the greatest impact. It is self-adapting to new mutants, fortifying other vaccines and deploying against future pandemic threats. It means focusing UK efforts on the development of amplified RNA technology. Imperial technology as a safety net to catch escape mutations, reach mutants not possible with other vaccines, and meet the potential needs of annual booster immunization.
“We also provide the UK with the long-term capabilities of RNA vaccines against COVID-19 and other potential infectious threats. We work with philanthropists, investors, government and industry partners. And we are taking this exciting technology even further. “
Future vaccine production
“This exciting technology accelerates future vaccine production, provides agility to protect against viral mutations, and helps protect current and future generations from pandemics.” Alice Guest President of Imperial College London
Imperial self-amplifying RNA technology has the potential to be central to the UK’s future R & D and manufacturing capabilities for RNA vaccines.
To date, hundreds of donors have helped research and develop imperial RNA vaccines, and millions of pounds of support have enabled rapid progress into clinical trials, along with government and private sector investment. .. Supporting philanthropy is essential to the next stage of technological development.
Government investment also enables research and testing and continues to support future development.
Professor Alice Gast, President of Imperial College London, said: “Imperial self-amplifying RNA vaccines offer much in the fight against coronavirus and other diseases. This exciting technology accelerates future vaccine production, provides agility to protect against viral mutations, and helps protect current and future generations from pandemics.
“Robin Chatok’s team has made great strides in reaching this point. We are proud of their rapid achievements. Charities, governments and industry partners are developing the next technology. We’re driving the phase, so we expect exciting development in the coming months. “
Professor Fiona Watt, Executive Chair of the Medical Research Council, who helped fund the research, said: “The Imperial team has been very enthusiastic about developing a new self-amplifying RNA vaccine for COVID-19 over the past year. It is currently in early human trials. These trials The results are unknown, but the decision was made not to proceed to Phase III trials in the UK, as some COVID-19 vaccines have already been approved. The Imperial team soon Instead of conducting further clinical trials, we can focus our research on how to use exciting new technologies to develop new and improved vaccines. “
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