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New coronavirus variants continue to emerge.This is what we know about them

New coronavirus variants continue to emerge.This is what we know about them


Scientists aren’t surprised to see the coronavirus changing and evolving-after all, that’s what the virus does. And with so many unchecked spreads in the United States and other parts of the world, the virus has plenty of opportunities to do just that.

Four of the new variants are of particular concern.

“Recently identified variants appear to spread more easily. They are more contagious, can lead to increased cases, and increase stress on systems that are already overloaded. “We will,” the newly appointed director, Dr. Rochelle Warrensky, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said in a briefing Wednesday.

Scientists are most afraid to mutate until it causes a more serious illness, bypass the ability of tests to detect it, or circumvent the protection provided by vaccination. Some of the new variants appear to have changes that appear to affect the immune response, but that’s a matter of degree.

The government is already reacting. Colombia has banned flights from Brazil and Brazil has banned flights from South Africa. It’s almost certainly too late to stop the spread. There are some signs that mutations in these variants occur independently and in multiple locations.

This is what is known about the top four.


At the top of the list of US researchers is the first B.1.1.7 variant found in the United Kingdom. The CDC warns that it can exacerbate the pandemic epidemic. More than 300 cases have been reported in 28 states, but these are only those detected by genomic sequencing, with hits and mistakes in the United States.

Listening to new mutated viruses can scare people, but scientists say they are relieved of what they find: the human immune system is mutated so far, especially B.1.1. Can handle 7.

“As far as we know, it’s transmitted in exactly the same way,” Gregory Armstrong, head of the CDC’s Advanced Molecular Detection Bureau, told CNN.

Studies show that vaccinated people are protected from the new Covid-19 mutant

That is, the same measures already known to reduce spread will also stop new varieties. Use of masks, social distance, avoidance of large groups and crowds, frequent hand washing.

However, variant mutations make it easier to invade cells. That is, if someone inhales a full lung of air that contains viral particles, those particles are more likely to infect some cells in the sinuses. Or the lungs instead of bounce harmlessly. Anxious changes strengthen the peaplomers that the virus uses to attach to cells. That is, people are more likely to get infected by exposure.

So, until vaccination speeds up, people need to work harder to prevent the spread.

“In order to interrupt the transmission, we will need a higher rate of what we do to slow down the transmission,” Armstrong said. “We will need to pay more attention to wearing masks, and we will need to increase the coverage of the vaccine.”

There were some misleading reports as to whether B.1.1.7 caused a more serious illness in the UK.

“The latest data show from the UK that it looks a bit more toxic in the sense that it can cause more serious illnesses.” Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told a webcast hosted by the National Education Association on Thursday.


The first variant found in South Africa, called B.1.351 or 501Y.V2, was first reported in South Carolina on Thursday in the United States.

The two live in different parts of the state and neither has traveled recently, but Dr. Brian Traxler, Interim Public Health Director of the Department of Health, must have spread the variant to the community. I didn’t say if it showed no.

According to the World Health Organization, it is found in more than 30 other countries.

“The first subspecies detected in South Africa spread rapidly across Africa, so what is awakening me tonight is very likely to be endemic in many African countries. That’s what Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, WHO Director of Africa, said. I said on Thursday.

It has a different pattern of mutations that causes more physical changes in the structure of peplomers than B.1.1.7. One important mutation, called E484K, appears to affect the receptor binding domain. This is the most important part of the peplomer for cell attachment.

Fauci: Vaccination helps the emergence of coronavirus variants

It may help the virus partially escape the effects of the vaccine. “There are more concerns about immune escape,” Armstrong said. Vaccine makers and academic researchers are testing samples of this variant along with other variants to see if the immune response caused by vaccination can be avoided.

Fauci says that even so, there is an extra cushion of immunity caused by vaccination. It gives room for some wiggles. “Fortunately, the vaccines that currently exist are still effective against mutants. Calm news … As replication increases, more and more mutants can evolve. That is, always one step ahead. I’m going. “

“Sure, there are different types of antibodies that can neutralize the virus. These types of things in plasma may be resistant to new mutations,” he said. Dr. Michel Nussenzweig of Rockefeller University, who is testing, said. For the blood of vaccinated people.

Manaus is collapsing again. Is it due to a new coronavirus variant?

Teams such as Columbia University and Columbia University’s Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center are also testing laboratory-made versions of viral mutations in the blood of vaccinated people, with slightly reduced effectiveness of vaccination. It seems, but it’s still not enough to weaken the protection.

To be on the safe side, Pfizer and Moderna are working on a booster vaccine for the variant. Vaccine design aims to enable a fast and easy process. All you have to do is plug in a new version of the genetic code used to generate the vaccine.

There is also evidence that this change may help escape from monoclonal antibody treatment with Eli Lilly and Company and Regeneron.


A variant suspected of helping the revival of virus spread in Brazil appeared for the first time this week in Minnesota. Since it was a traveler from Brazil, there are no signs of community expansion yet.

This variant, called P.1, was found in 42% of the specimens in a single survey in Manaus, Brazil, and Japanese officials found an atypia in four travelers from Brazil. ..

“The emergence of this variant raises concerns about a potential increase in the transmission or prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 reinfection in individuals,” said the CDC. There is also an E484K mutation in P.1.


Finally, there are new variants found not only in California, but also in 12 other states. “I still don’t know what that means,” Armstrong said. There are also mutations in the receptor binding domain of peplomer. It is called L425R and is commonly seen, but it is not yet clear if it is more contagious.

Any virus strain can become more common because of what is known as the founder effect. “The founder effect is a matter of having the virus in the right place and at the right time,” Armstrong said. If a particular strain is circulating when transmission is increased by human behavior, the strain becomes more common to ride, not because it is easy to spread, but simply because it was there.

Further research is needed to show whether these variants can already increase the spread of astronomical viruses. There are more than 25 million diagnosed cases and more than 430,000 deaths in the United States.

“The emergence of variants underscores the need for public health activities,” Warensky advised.

“First, get vaccinated when it’s your turn. Also, some people need help getting vaccinated. Schedule or go to your neighbors and loved ones. Consider helping. Then wear a mask. Practice social distance, wash your hands. And finally, it’s not time to travel. “


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