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UAB Healthcare Professionals Answer COVID-19 Vaccination Questions

UAB Healthcare Professionals Answer COVID-19 Vaccination Questions


Dr. Seth Landefeld of UAB said researchers followed all important testing protocols when testing the safety and efficacy of vaccines. (UAB)

Many people still have questions about vaccination COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears Because the vaccine is becoming available to the wider community.Medical professionals School of medicine so University of Alabama at Birmingham In a series of blog posts, I answered some of these questions and concerns.

Concern: The vaccine was produced in a hurry. I don’t think it’s safe.

“It’s natural to wonder if the speed of vaccine development suggests that researchers, pharmaceutical companies, or the government may have made some omissions,” he said. Dr. Seth Landefeld, Chairman of the School of Medicine. “There are three scientific facts about the rapid development of the Pfizer and Modana vaccines.”

  • Investigators have rigorously tested safety and efficacy according to all clinical trial protocols. The· Food and Drug Administration Vaccine research requires that strict guidelines be followed to determine if a vaccine works as intended and if people can tolerate the vaccine. Each study is being developed in stages and the number of participants is increasing. Their reaction-both positive and negative-is documented. Throughout each phase, the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine showed that side effects were generally mild to moderate intensity and resolved within 24 hours. And it is 95% effective in preventing COVID-19 infection.
  • The Pfizer-BioNTech survey enrolled more than 40,000 participants on 153 survey sites in six countries. The number of clinical trial participants in the COVID-19 vaccine study is very high due to the widespread nature of this infection and the willingness to find ways to prevent COVID-19. Similarly, the Moderna vaccine trial enrolled 30,000 participants in a study across 99 test sites. In addition, the FDA will continue to evaluate the safety of the vaccine as it is administered nationwide.
  • Vaccines based on messenger RNA have been around for 10 years. This is the first time that many of us have the opportunity to receive a messenger RNA-based vaccine rather than an inactivated form of a protein or virus, but vaccine researchers have been working with mRNA vaccines for 10 years. When mRNA is taken up by muscle cells at the injection site, these cells begin producing surface proteins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The immune system recognizes and reacts to proteins, recognizes the possibility of SARS-CoV-2 infection, and produces antibodies that can prevent COVID.

Dr. Jody Dionne-Odom, Concern: The COVID-19 vaccine may not be safe for pregnant women.

“Decision-making during pregnancy involves weighing the potential risks and benefits of vaccination against the potential risks of the infection itself,” he said. Dr. Jody Dionne-Odom, Associate Professor, Infectious Diseases Department. “Women who are pregnant or may become pregnant are encouraged to discuss these concerns with a trusted healthcare provider. Along with COVID-19 and the latest scientific information on pregnancy, some There are considerations. “

Dr. Latesha Elopre, Concerns: Past and present US health care systems are known to disproportionately harm black and Latin communities.

“I admit I was a little hesitant about the vaccine myself,” he said. Dr. Latte Chaeropre, Assistant Professor, Department of Infectious Diseases. “My family was from Georgia and my grandparents were peasants. I have personal experience dealing with the system of racism, so I have a natural hesitation. But as a doctor and scientist, We must not be upset when people come to us skeptically, to be patient, answer questions, explain science, and set an example for others to follow. You have to do your best.

  • Do you recommend vaccines for people of color? The influence of COVID-19 is mainly on the color community, so we feel we have to act now. This is not the moment we can hesitate with this vaccine. In my family, my mother had a history of stroke and therefore belonged to a high-risk group. I talked with her many times about the vaccine and provided data on why it was important. I am glad she got over the hesitation and was vaccinated.
  • How did the vaccine affect you? I really hate shots! I’m scared every year during the flu season. But after the first dose, I cried with relief and gratitude. I was overwhelmed to see many people suffering alone, not only in the patients but also in my own family. And my side effects from the first dose were acceptable. I was pretty tired, had a headache and had a chill. But it lasted only one day, so I was better. After the second dose, I became more tired and sleepy, but I kept looking at the big picture. I was happy to receive these side effects rather than being infected, experiencing the long-term side effects of a COVID infection, or worse, the death of COVID.

Brittani Edwards DeLoach, Concern: I have an underlying health condition.

“I was diagnosed with asthma at the age of 25 and use an inhaler every day,” said Brittani Edwards DeLoach, Program Manager at the School of Medicine. “There are nebulizers that you can use if you get out of hand. But, like Christmas day, it can get so bad that you have to go to the emergency room.”

Dr. Cima Kumar, Concern: I am worried about possible side effects.

“I received my first dose while working at the Department of Veterans Affairs,” said Dr. Seema Kumar, a senior intern at the School of Medicine. “In the next 24 hours, I noticed a lot of fatigue. I also felt a little nauseous and painful. But I took some Tylenol and was able to get in and work full shift. I returned to normal within 48 hours. Some of my fellow residents felt a little sick than I did. They had similar fatigue and muscle aches, but more severely and. They got feverish. They missed a day or two from work, but now they’re doing well.

  • Some say it gets worse after the second dose. Was it true for you? That’s exactly what clinical trials have shown us-the reaction is more likely after the second shot. But that didn’t apply to me. I took it a second time and have been fine since then. However, the reaction varies slightly from person to person. As a result, some people feel better on the first shot and feel sick on the second dose.
  • Why did you choose to get vaccinated, knowing that you might feel sick later? I am grateful that I got the vaccine and was able to play my part in maintaining the safety and health of my patients, colleagues, friends and communities. When I thought about the many lives lost due to this virus, I wasn’t worried at all about the potential mild side effects of the vaccine. Vaccination is a ray of light, a sign of hope for a brighter path, and vaccination was an easy decision for me.

This story was originally published at the University of Alabama at Birmingham UAB News website..

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