Dieting may slow down metabolism-but it doesn’t ruin it
When it comes to dieting, research shows that the vast majority of people will regain some, if not most. Weight they lost..
There are many reasons why this weight recovery happens, but some of the popular claims online are that dieting permanently destroys your metabolism.
However, while it is true that dieting slows down your metabolism, it also improves your metabolism in many positive ways.
When we talk about metabolism, we usually refer to you Metabolic rate.. This is the number of calories your body burns at rest.
Of course, the more activities we do, the more calories we burn. To lose weight on a diet, you need to burn fewer calories than you are using.
This allows the body to use energy stores such as fat to make up for the shortfall. As a result, the metabolic rate also changes.
Loss of adipose tissue (muscle) during a diet – burns 15-25 calories Per kilogram daily – Lowers resting metabolic rateThat means you need less calories than before.However, the body is also intentionally Slows metabolism To maintain energy storage and minimize weight loss.
When the body feels Depleted fat store It causes adaptive heat generation. This is a process that further reduces your resting metabolic rate and can prevent weight loss. Despite a strict diet..
Adaptive heat generation may begin Within 3 days It is suggested to start a diet and last far beyond the diet-preventing weight maintenance, Supports weight recovery..
An example of the effects of adaptive heat generation was found in widely published places. 2016 survey I saw a former contestant of the American reality show “The Biggest Loser”.
Even years after the initial weight loss, participants’ metabolic rates were shown to be significantly reduced.Participants had to eat at most 500 calories less Than expected every day.
Other studies have shown a decrease in metabolism associated with weight loss, but the decrease is much smaller ( About 100 calories less a day To maintain weight).But when people do, there is less certainty that this slowdown will continue. Weight stability..
Studies have shown that most adaptive heat generation actually occurs Diet phase As a temporary reaction to lost weight.
Overall, we don’t have Definitive proof To support the notion that metabolic rate remains slowed for a long time (more than a year after a meal).
Keep in mind that post-diet changes can vary from person to person, as many factors can affect your metabolic rate.
For example, one study of a fasting diet showed that the resulting rate actually decreased, Maximum reduction The change in metabolic rate already had a high metabolic rate in the first place.
Overestimation of metabolic rate At the beginning of the study or Prediction error The metabolic rate after weight loss may also affect the results of the study.
It has been agreed that metabolic rate slows down due to both weight loss, body size loss, and ways to maintain major tissues and fuel reserves. But currently there is no consensus on how slow it will be.
The quantification and prediction of this deceleration is what we are currently studying. At Surrey University..
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However, a decrease in metabolic rate is just one of the changes that occur with weight loss.
When you lose weight, the main change is a loss of body fat. This decrease is actually a reduction in the size of fat cells. It doesn’t actually disappear.
this Adipocyte contraction Indicates that the body’s fuel depot is empty, causing a decrease in hormones Leptin.. Leptin usually suppresses appetite and increases metabolic rate, but spikes in leptin levels slow down metabolic rate and increase hunger.
The intestines also release less Incretin (Hormones that regulate appetite) When you lose weight, Lasting beyond the diet.. With low leptin and incretin, we feel hungry, Overeating..
When fat cells contract, they absorb glucose, store fat more efficiently, and help recover lost fuel.Your body too Create more fat cells In the future, the next time this calorie “crisis” occurs, we will be able to store more fat in order to better deal with it.
But while it sounds inconsistent, all these changes are actually more efficient. Eventually healthier metabolism..
For example, smaller fat cells are better for your health. Excessively swollen “sick” fat cells It doesn’t work well to get rid of excess sugar and fat. This leads to high levels of sugar and fat in the blood, increasing the risk of insulin resistance, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Therefore, the diet does not technically impair metabolism, but it improves it by helping it work better.But don’t worry, this Improvement of metabolism You can plot against you Regain weight and even overshoot Your original weight.
Studies show that exercise (or just physical activity) is one way to prevent weight recovery. Maintain our weight And potentially Minimize reduced metabolism..Exercise is also helpful Coordinates appetite and fuel burning In the short term, and may lose more weight Sustainable In the long run.
Adam collins, Principal Teaching Fellow, Nutrition, Surrey University And Aoife Egan, PhD Researcher, Mathematical Modeling of Weight Loss, Surrey University
This article will be republished from conversation Under a Creative Commons license.Read Original work..
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