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COVID Infection CDC Study from Teachers to Students at Marietta School

COVID Infection CDC Study from Teachers to Students at Marietta School


A CDC study found that educators, not students, were most likely the source of infection.

MARIETTA, Ga. — Marietta City School Later made some changes to suppress the COVID-19 virus Research found a teacher He was not a student, but played a central role in the spread of the virus.

For research, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to analyze clusters of COVID-19 cases in partnership with Marietta Municipal School At that elementary school between December and January.

“Our priority was really two parts.” Marietta Superintendent of Education Gran Tribella Described the study. “One is what can be learned about potential school-based infections, and the second is what additional safety protocols can be taken to protect students and staff as a result. . “

During the investigation, Rivera said she roamed the district’s schools in December and January with CDC staff, disease investigators, pediatricians, and doctors.

Marietta, like other school districts, has already taken a number of precautions to control the spread of the coronavirus, including forced masking.

However, these walkthroughs, along with a survey of nine clusters of COVID-19 cases in primary school, Eight, including potential teacher-to-student transmission, A list of changes has been created.

“If we know it well, we’ll do better,” Rivera said. “As part of this study, some major course modifications were made very early in January as we began to notice potential school-based transmissions from adult to adult.”

Relation: A CDC survey at Marietta Elementary School found that educators are the “center” of the spread of COVID.

The change included a teacher who was told to stay home on Friday. Prior to the CDC survey, students were already studying remotely every Friday, but teachers were still in school and sometimes collaborating face-to-face.

Currently, staff are instructed to hold virtually all meetings. Chairs have been removed from the teacher’s work room, copiers have been moved from smaller rooms to more open spaces, and teachers are told to have lunch outside if they are eating with other teachers. I will.

“When an adult eats with his mask down, it’s a potentially dangerous classroom,” Rivera said. “So if you want to dine with a colleague, I advised the staff to dine outdoors 6 feet away, or these types of intimate, especially if the mask may be off. Avoid contact. “

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Marietta schools required masks to be worn inside schools, on school buses, and on outdoor school grounds where people are not socially separated, but a CDC study found that there were moments when masks were inadequate. It turns out that it is likely to have been added to the COVID-19 epidemic. Of a cluster of cases.

“I think masks are always worn, but for some reason they aren’t worn, they are one child in action, or they can pose a risk,” Rivera said. Says. “I think the CDC has properly acknowledged that.”

Changes that affect students. Staff had to revisit the classroom and find a place to place the desks further apart to increase the distance.

Classrooms that use small group learning are instructed to limit the group to a few students, and these sessions last up to 15 minutes compared to the previous 30 minutes. Teachers need to stand further back when instructing the group.

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In the CDC study, Vaccinated school adults, Because studies have shown that infection in most clusters began in adults.

“This CDC report examines the importance of vaccination for adults. If we can reduce the spread of adults and adults to students, we can make the classroom safer,” Rivera said. Says. “I am immediately confident as they wish, as the governor of this country and other leaders are working to improve supply. We have educators vaccinated and thereby classrooms. I hope it will be safer. “

According to Rivera, the district recently sent a survey to 1,400 employees, with 744 responding.

About 75% of the responding employees I want to get the COVID-19 vaccine If available.

13 percent are not interested in vaccination.The remaining 12% of respondents Undecided..

“We need to make sure that educators make informed decisions about their health and provide access to as many resources and professionals as possible to do so.” Rivera said.

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Recently, the district held a virtual meeting for staff associated with Cobb & Douglas Public Health employees.

The goal was to address questions and hesitation among school district employees. The questions included concerns people had about vaccines and existing health problems, and questions people had because they were or wanted to get pregnant.

“It’s about preventing staff from participating in one-way conversations that throw information, but it’s about allowing staff to participate in two-way conversations where you can ask and answer questions with experts. You can get a much better feeling, the heartbeat of our staff, “said Rivera.

Such conversations continued at Marietta City School, and Rivera added that employees could not be vaccinated when offered.

“I think the decision to vaccinate is very personal and I want to respect it for all employees,” he added.

However, the superintendent wants most of his staff to choose to be vaccinated. He said the district would find the best way to help employees who refuse the vaccine.

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