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Open a window to reduce the spread of the virus, CDC tells the school

Open a window to reduce the spread of the virus, CDC tells the school


The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released new recommendations on Friday regarding the importance of proper ventilation to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in schools and day care. Its number one recommendation: Open a window: This is the first time we have individually emphasized the role that ventilation plays in helping or preventing the spread of viruses that are transmitted through small or large particles called aerosols. The CDC previously mentioned ventilation in its guidance to schools, but is now devoting its entire page to this issue. “If it’s safe, open windows and doors,” the CDC advises. “Simply breaking and opening windows and doors can help increase the flow of outdoor air and reduce the potential concentration of virus particles in the air. If it’s too cold or too hot, adjust the thermostat. Please. ”It is important to make sure that the open windows are not dangerous. , CDC pointed out. “Do not open windows or doors if they pose a safety or health risk (such as falling, exposure to extreme temperatures, or inducing asthma symptoms). The same is true for buses.” Please open the window. ”According to the CDC, the more windows you can open, the better, but you can also split the windows. Using a mask can prevent viruses from entering the air in the first place. The CDC states in a newly posted web page. However, adequate ventilation is also important. “Use a child-safe fan to enhance the effectiveness of open windows. Secure the fan to the window to blow off potentially contaminated air and other open windows and It draws in new air from the door. ” “If circumstances permit, consider taking an outdoor activity, class, or lunch.” The new guidance also supports heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. “Configure the HVAC system to take in as much outside air as the system can safely tolerate,” it suggests. “If possible, increase the total airflow supply of the HVAC system to the occupied space. Increasing airflow promotes air mixing and allows recirculated air to pass through the filter more often. Video: Dr. Hopkins believes the United States can reach swarm immunity by April According to the CDC, filters should not reduce airflow. Certain air filters can also help. “Consider a portable air purifier that uses a highly efficient particulate air (HEPA) filter to enhance air purification as much as possible, especially in high-risk areas. CDC said,” Nurse’s As an office or sickroom / isolation room “. Similarly, properly installed UV light (which must be at a high ceiling level) can be helpful. “Consider the use of UV sterilization irradiation (UVGI) in schools. Non-home child care programs as supplementary treatments to inactivate the virus that causes COVID-19, especially options to increase ventilation and filtration Limited. According to the CDC, qualified professionals to assist in the design and installation of UVGI systems. Inadequate ventilation can cause viral particles to accumulate in the air in classrooms, cafeterias and corridors. Yes. “If you look at all the outbreaks that are in the spotlight, it’s basically the same. Factors — no mask, low ventilation. Spin class, ice hockey, camping, classrooms, choir practice, or restaurants. It doesn’t matter, “said Joseph Allen, who directs the Healthy Building Program at the Faculty of Public Health at Harvard University. Ventilation experts are urging the CDC to say more about the importance of clean air in schools. “Current US schools are terribly inadequately ventilated,” said college dean Richard Corsi. Portland State University’s Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science told a forum hosted by the Johns Hopkins Health and Security Center at Bloomberg School of Public Health this week, but schools fall into gimmick products that claim to clean or disinfect the air. The most important thing that experts have agreed to avoid is fresh air.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Posted new recommendations On Friday, about the importance of proper ventilation to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in schools and day care. Its top recommendation: Opens a window.

This is the first time authorities have individually emphasized the role that ventilation plays in supporting or preventing the spread of viruses that are transmitted through small or large particles called aerosols. CDC had I mentioned earlier Ventilation is provided in the guidance to the school, but now we are devoting all pages to this issue.

“If it’s safe, open windows and doors,” the CDC advises. “Simply breaking and opening windows and doors can help increase the flow of outdoor air and reduce the potential concentration of virus particles in the air. If it’s too cold or too hot, adjust the thermostat. please.”

The CDC states that it is important to make sure that open windows are not dangerous. “Do not open windows or doors if they pose a safety or health risk (such as falling, exposure to extreme temperatures, or inducing asthma symptoms),” he said.

The same is true for buses.

“Open the window of the transport vehicle.” According to the CDC, the more windows you can open, the better, but you can even crack the windows.

The CDC states in a newly posted web page that masks can be used to prevent viruses from entering the air in the first place. However, good ventilation is also important.

“Use a child-safe fan to enhance the effectiveness of open windows. Secure the fan to the window to blow off potentially contaminated air and other open windows and It draws in new air from the door. ” “If circumstances permit, consider outdoor activities, classes, or lunch.”

The new guidance also supports heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. “Configure the HVAC system to take in as much outside air as the system can safely tolerate,” it suggests. “If possible, increase the total airflow supply of the HVAC system to the occupied space. Increased airflow facilitates air mixing and allows recirculated air to pass through the filter more often. I will. “

Video: Hopkins doctors believe the United States could reach herd immunity by April

Filtration is also important, but filters should not reduce airflow.

Certain air filters may also help, according to the CDC.

“Consider a portable air purifier that uses the most efficient particulate air (HEPA) filters possible to enhance air purification, especially in high-risk areas such as nurses’ offices and hospital / isolation rooms. Please. “

Similarly, properly installed UV light (which must be high at the ceiling level) may help, the CDC said.

“Use UV sterilization (UVGI) in non-school and non-home childcare programs as a supplemental treatment to inactivate the virus that causes COVID-19, especially if options for increasing ventilation and filtration are limited. Consider doing this, which will help you design and install your UVGI system, “says CDC.

Poor ventilation can cause viral particles to accumulate in the air in the classroom, cafeteria, or hallway.

“Looking at all the attention-grabbing outbreaks (the same underlying factor), there is no mask and less ventilation. It doesn’t matter if it’s spin class, ice hockey, camping, classroom, choral practice or restaurant () That’s the same underlying factor, “Joseph Allen, who directs the Healthy Building Program at Harvard University’s School of Public Health, told CNN earlier this month.

Ventilation experts are urging the CDC to talk more about the importance of clean air in schools.

“Currently, US schools are terribly inadequately ventilated,” said Richard Corsi, dean of Portland State University’s Faculty of Engineering and School of Computer Science, at a forum hosted by the Johns Hopkins Health and Security Center in Bloomberg. Said. This week’s Faculty of Public Health.

But they said schools should avoid falling into gimmick products that promoters claim to clean and disinfect the air.

The most important thing the experts have agreed on is fresh air.


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