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What activities are safe if I have been vaccinated with COVID-19?The doctor explains what is dangerous

What activities are safe if I have been vaccinated with COVID-19?The doctor explains what is dangerous


You have jumped over the administrative hurdle of getting a COVID vaccine appointment, Bravely confronted both shots, And patiently (in quarantine) waiting for your immunity to you More Than you are ready to start returning to normal. However, because vaccines are not only about herd immunity, but also about individual immunity. what it can Once you have been vaccinated against COVID, you can do it safely??

“”Vaccines are the path to herd immunity The fastest way to reach a post-pandemic life. ” Dr. Natasha Buyan, MD, Director of Community Healthcare at One Medical. But, Vaccines are very effective in protecting you from COVID, They have not yet made up a card without a pandemic.

“Rather than returning the lamp switch to its normal state, it returns to its normal state very slowly,” he said. Dr. Purvi parikh, MD, NYU Langone Health Allergist and Immunologist.

Whatever you do, keep in mind that there is a minimum waiting period of two weeks after the second vaccination. “I was completely vaccinated only after 14 days. Second dose of mRNA vaccine“If you’re completely vaccinated, you’re unlikely to get sick with COVID,” explains Dr. Bhuyan.But still not sure if we can get Asymptomatic COVID and disseminating it to others — That’s unlikely New evidence.. After being vaccinated, the chances of getting the virus on your own are less than 5%, but community safety remains a major factor as it can still spread.

In other words, vaccination will help us return to a world where we can hang out again in the living room of our friends. But when you’re thinking about eating out, planning your next trip to meet your parents, or planning with your best friend, you still have some things to consider. I have a serious factor. Choosing your activity is a risk management exercise, as the case is happening throughout the pandemic.

To protect others, activities are safer if you are outdoors, have a low infection rate near or wherever you go, or wear a mask and stay away. This is a rough guide to the types of activities you most want to perform after vax and the risks after vaccination.

How dangerous is it to visit your parents if you are vaccinated?

When you finally want to see your companion again, consider everyone’s vaccination status before you go. “If your Parents themselves are vaccinated, This is certainly much safer than it would otherwise be, “Dr. Bhuyan tells Bustle.

Still, caution is important when there is a potential for asymptomatic spread. “It is important to wear a mask when you are outside the family. Ventilation is another important factor in minimizing spread“Dr. Buyan says.If everyone involved is completely vaccinated, unmasking, previously unthinkable Give your people a hug.. If everyone gets vaccinated, Everyone is very unlikely to get sick..

Still, there is a risk of weighing.In all cases your People are vaccinated, you can theoretically still give them the virus. Even if they don’t get sick, the virus can spread to others in the community who haven’t been vaccinated yet if they don’t wear masks and stay away from home. Therefore, regardless of the vaccination status of all involved, Dr. Bhuyan explains that meeting people outdoors for the foreseeable future is the least risky.

How dangerous is it to visit a friend after vaccination?

Have friends It may be what you want to do first, but it probably isn’t what you want to do first actually Do. Take into account who has been vaccinated, who has not been vaccinated, and who’s risk factors are what, Dr. Bhuyan advises. “It’s a reasonable option to hang out with friends and keep a physical distance from the mask, especially if the group has a mix of vaccinated and unvaccinated people,” she said. Says. She says that with everyone who has been vaccinated, ensuring her own safety without the use of masks makes her feel much better. The level of risk depends on who is there and what they are doing. Also, the outdoors are better than not.

How dangerous is eating indoors after vaccination?

According to Dr. Parik, eating indoors is still quite dangerous. But there are some things you can do to make it a little less. “Wait two weeks after the second dose of all people involved, eat near the open window, and stay inside to reduce the risk. Restaurant at the right distance“Dr. Parik advises. “Wear a mask when you are not eating.”

Nevertheless, doctors are advised to carefully consider their decisions. “According to the transmitted data, indoor dining in poorly ventilated restaurants and bars High-risk activities to spread COVID“Dr. Buyan says. “Of course, this evidence is relevant to unvaccinated people, but Areas with a large number of cases, Takeaway or eating outdoors is still the safest option until the number of cases is reduced. “

How dangerous is a trip after vaccination?

the same as Travel the entire pandemicAt first glance, small things make a big difference in terms of risk of infection. “The risk of travel depends on the means of transportation, Regional case rate, And that Relax the strategy of the place you are visiting“Dr. Buyan says. Road trips by car with your spouse or roommate are one thing, but bus trips with lots of pit stops and all your best you certainly don’t live in are completely different. Regions with a high proportion of various COVID variants It may not be the best plan — vaccines prevent you from getting sick, but you can get asymptomatic when you get home. Still, if you pack your meals in advance, put on a mask, and hang out when you arrive in the backyard, you can get to your parents’ house by a scenic route.

What is the safest activity after vaccination?

As more people get vaccinated, some things haven’t changed. “It’s still safest to have something outside where you can keep your mask all the time,” says Dr. Parik. Even after being vaccinated, changes in the diet indoors (with the mask removed) pose a much greater risk. If the infection rate is still high, especially in your area, keep a distance outdoors and continue to wear a mask. However, Dr. Bhuyan points out that at least you can rest assured that it is safer than pre-vaccination activities.

“Interacting with others who are fully vaccinated is one of the low-risk activities you can do,” says Dr. Bhuyan. But you have to be careful for those who haven’t taken a shot yet — anyway, because herd immunity is really the goal.


Dr. Natasha Buyan, MD, Director of Community Healthcare at One Medical

Dr. Purvi parikh, MD, NYU Langone Health Allergist and Immunologist

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