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COVID-19 vaccine successfully attacks Mississippian culture

COVID-19 vaccine successfully attacks Mississippian culture


MCCOMB, Miss (AP) — It’s been a year since Beth Hemeter was able to hug his 87-year-old father despite frequent encounters, but now they’re both on the COVID-19 vaccine. I have been vaccinated for the second time. Subject to change.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released guidelines on Monday detailing what it is safe for fully vaccinated people to do anything.

Hemeter, which owns the bars Imagemaker Photography and Buddy’s on Delaware Avenue, is two companies that are heavily affected by the virus and says the pandemic is now too big for almost everyone.

“It made us miss what was previously very common,” Hemeter said of the coronavirus pandemic that began tomorrow a year ago. “Early people didn’t take this as seriously as I thought, and I think we’ve gone all around now.”

According to the CDC, fully vaccinated people gather indoors without masks or social distance and indoors with unvaccinated single-family people at low risk of COVID-19. You can visit. There is no mask or social distance. Also, if the person in contact is asymptomatic, there is no need to quarantine or obtain COVID-19 after known exposure.

The CDC defines a “fully vaccinated” person as a person who received both Pfizer or Moderna doses or a single dose of Johnson & Johnson vaccine at least two weeks ago.

If you are fully vaccinated, you may experience part of your pre-coronavirus life, but the CDC often recommends that you take precautions.

The CDC states that fully vaccinated people wear masks and social distances around people at high risk of severe COVID symptoms and when visiting unvaccinated people from multiple households. He said he should wear masks, avoid medium to large crowds, take tests and follow guidance if symptoms occur, increase the number of individual employers, and follow the CDC’s previous travel guidelines. I will.

Calvin Phelps, director of the Pike School of Art, meets the bill for fully vaccinated people who received a second dose of the Moderna vaccine more than 14 days ago.

“In fact, I think it’s great,” Phelps said of the new CDC guidelines. “When I took the shot, I felt reassured that things were starting to return to normal.”

Mr Phelps recently said he had worked late with his colleagues, but found that they were both fully vaccinated. He said he was free to remove the mask in front of his colleagues for several months.

“I encourage everyone in my office to be vaccinated so that they can finally get a safe environment without a mask,” he said.

He said that as important as following the guidelines is to ensure that people understand that vaccines are safe and effective.

“Some people hesitated, but I had no problems at all, so I’m thinking about vaccination now. The more people who get vaccinated, the less likely they are to get sick,” Phelps said. He said.

Phelps said he was a little hesitant to vaccinate himself, so he spoke to his doctor and conducted his own investigation.

Not everyone is completely happy with the CDC.

Betis Parlock Johnson, owner of the Bright Mind Learning Center, said he had lost credibility with the agency as he took the first shot and waited for the second shot due to a message conflict during the pandemic.

“I will continue to wear the mask in public after the second dose,” she said. “I’m going to have common sense. I need a mask. I don’t know who got the shot or COVID, so I don’t have to go to the rally.

“The CDC says you can visit indoors with other people who have been vaccinated without a mask or physical distance. How do people know who was vaccinated? I don’t know. I just wear a mask and keep doing what I’ve been doing while staying safe. “

Despite being relaxed, Hemeter will keep his mask on.

“I wear a mask. It doesn’t bother me, and if it helps other people, there’s no reason not to do so,” Hemeter said.

Hemeter has eased her expectations about her hopes of returning to her pre-pandemic life.

“Personally, I don’t think this will go away,” she said. “I don’t think it will return to normal.”

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