Parenting: Repeated anger and screaming at a child can affect the brain
Repeated anger, beatings, tremors, or screams can affect adolescent brain structure, new studies warn.
Researchers have found that children raised in “severe parenting” have developed smaller prefrontal cortex and amygdala. These are two brain structures that play important roles in emotional regulation and the emergence of anxiety. depression..
Worryingly, according to the team, these rigorous parenting practices are common and generally considered socially acceptable around the world.
Researchers hope that the findings will encourage parents to take less stringent measures when interacting with their children.
Repeated anger, beatings, tremors, or screams can affect adolescent brain structure, a new study warns (stock image)
Which area of the brain is affected?
The team used data from children who have been monitored since they were born at CHU San Justin Hospital in the early 2000s.
Parenting practices, child anxiety levels, and brain scans were assessed annually between the ages of 2 and 9 for the child.
Worriedly, the results revealed that children who received higher levels of rigorous parenting developed smaller prefrontal cortex and amygdala.
In this study, researchers at the University of Montreal and Stanford University aimed to investigate the effects of severe parenting on a child’s brain.
Dr. Sabrina Saffren, who led the study, said:
“I think it’s important for parents and society to understand that frequent use of strict childcare practices can harm a child’s development.
“We are talking about their social and emotional development, and their brain development.”
The team used data from children who have been monitored since they were born at CHU San Justin Hospital in the early 2000s.
Parenting practices, child anxiety levels, and brain scans were assessed annually between the ages of 2 and 9 for the child.
Worriedly, the results revealed that children who received higher levels of rigorous parenting developed smaller prefrontal cortex and amygdala.
Dr. Safren explained: ‘These discoveries are important and new.
Worriedly, the results revealed that children who received higher levels of rigorous parenting developed smaller prefrontal cortex and amygdala – important in emotional regulation and the appearance of anxiety and depression. Two brain structures known to play a role
“It is the first time that severe childcare practices that are less than serious abuse are associated with a reduction in the size of brain structures, as seen in victims of serious abuse.”
Researchers hope that their findings will encourage parents to implement less stringent parenting strategies in the future.
In the UK, it is illegal for a parent or guardian to slap a child unless this corresponds to a “reasonable punishment.”
The child law advice explains: ‘Whether a’smack’is a reasonable punishment depends on the circumstances of each case, taking into account factors such as the age of the child and the nature of the smack.
“There are strict guidelines that cover the use of reasonable punishment, and rely on defense when using severe corporal punishment on a child that corresponds to injury, actual physical harm, serious physical harm, or atrocities of the child. I can not do it.”
However, according to statistics released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), family psychological abuse is still very prevalent in the United Kingdom.
ONS description:’ Criminal investigation in England and Wales (CSEW) estimates that 1 in 11 adults between the ages of 18 and 74 experienced psychological abuse before the age of 16 (3.8 million). This includes only perpetrators over the age of 16.
“Abuse was most commonly done by parents of children. About 5 out of 10 were abused by their mothers and 4 out of 10 were abused by their fathers.
Helicopter Parent: A Form of Overprotective Parenting
Overprotective parents are sometimes referred to as “helicopter parents.”
They acquired this stereotype because they were perceived to be relentlessly hovering over their children in an attempt to fine-tune their work.
The first use of this term is widely attributed to Dr. Heim Zinott’s 1969 book “Parents & Teenagers”.
In it, teens said their parents hovered over them like a helicopter.
The term was so popular that it became a dictionary entry in 2011.
Helicopter parents pay close attention to their children and try to protect them from failure, rejection and injury.
They want “happy” children and often believe that teachers should pay attention to them in the same overprotective way.
This approach is controversial and some experts argue that children need to experience all emotions in order to adapt well.
In this view, parents who want their children to be happy at all times are at a disadvantage to their children.
Parents of “helicopters” rush to help rather than allow their children to manage difficult situations themselves.
Some experts say this can lead to children who can’t even deal with small problems because they never get the chance to fail and learn from their mistakes.
However, some experts suggest that such “pussy” parenting may benefit children in later life.
Among them is Dr. Matthias Doepke, a professor of economics at Northwestern University’s Weinberg University of Arts and Sciences.
He argues that the intensity of parenting is increasing in many countries as inequality grows.
Aggressive “helicopter” parents usually come from a more economically favorable background and generally raise higher-performing offspring.
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